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Once we walked in the shop I looked back and saw that the boys eyes widened once we walked in. "What are you people waiting on let's go!" Kinlsey yanked on Lucas while I pulled Tristan and I heard him groan. "What do you think that I should get?" I looked up at Tristan while he just pointed to handcuffs and my eyes widened.

"I think you should these for later." I looked at me and I turned my head to hide my blushes. All of a sudden Tristan reached for my jaw and turned it so I was facing him. He leaned in and we were centimeters away from each other but Lucas came over and pulled us apart.

"What was that for?!" I glared at him and he wrapped his arms around me and Tristan. "What I did was stopped you from becoming teen parents." I shrugged his arm off of me while Tristan slapped him in the chest. "Where's Kinsley at?" I looked around and I didn't see her around and he told me that she was trying something on so I left them to find her.

I knocked on the dressing room and she opened the door and pulled me in. "Have you found anything yet?" I shook my head and she rolled her eyes and she got dressed and we walked out and went over to some lingerie. "Pick something out for later tonight because you know that he's going to be all over you."

"How would you know?" He smirked and pointed to someone and when I turned around and saw a couple people looking at us and I quickly turned around and looked at her. "See go find something because once he sees that someone is staring at you he's going to want to have some later." I nodded my head and started looking.

"Can I help you with anything?" I turned around to see one of the people who were looking at Kinsley and I. I looked over at Tristan who was talking to Lucas while Kinsley was smirking at me. "Uhh sure, I'm looking for something nice." He started walking and I followed him and he stopped at some really revealing clothing and I started looking through some things while he was just standing there.

"Hey, my shift is over at 6 if you want to hangout later." I was about to say something but Tristan beat me to it "no she can't she'll be busy!" His eyes widened once he saw Tristan wrap his arm around me and gave the guy a glare as he walked away and once he was gone he went up to my ear. "Get the stuff that you were going to get and let's go!" I went up to the register and I quickly paid and got out.

Lucas and Kinlsey were in the front while we were following them and he had his arm wrapped around while I looked up and smirked and he looked down. "Why are you smirking?" I laughed and said "you're jealous of that guy?!" He just rolled his eyes and looked forward. "Now you know how I feel whenever we go places and people are always eye fucking you!"

He stopped walking and turned towards him so we were facing each other. "People may be eye fucking me but you're the only one is allowed to touch me." I bit my lip and wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss and he kissed back immediately. "You definitely not walking when we get back to the hotel." He smirked and I started walking and felt a hard smack on my ass and when I turned around he was laughing while I glared at him.

Once we finally caught up to the other love birds we made it back into the hotel. "How about we go out for dinner and explore for a little bit?" We shook our head yes and they walked out and Kinlsey looked back and whispered 'good luck' and she winked and as soon as the elevator door closed I was pushed up against the wall and he started kissing my neck and once he let go I bit my lip and looked up at him.

"I knew you were jealous!" I smirked at him as he tapped my thigh signaling me to jump. I was about to jumped but I looked around and that we were still in the elevator so I pushed him away. "We can't have sex in an elevator!" He went up to my ear "who says." I glared and crossed my arms and he sighed and pressed a button and we started moving again.

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