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"You only know that we only have 5 minutes to meet back up with everyone right?!" Kinsley just looked at me and just shrugged her shoulders and continued looking at clothes.

"You need more clothes we've only been to 5 stores and we have your dad's credit card so we need to use it." I shook my head laughing at her looking at some more clothes but then I thought of something.

"What do you mean we have my dad's credit card?!" She laughed and showed me but then groaned while I pulled her out of the store." Come on we can come back another day we literally have so many bags."

"Well since we are talking about going to meet up with your people you know that your party was huge and people have been asking me to see if you are going to throw another one." I looked at her and smirked "hell yeah we're have another party!"

"I love that my influence is rubbing off on you my little dit!" I furrowed my eyebrows at her "what is a dit?" She looked at me "oh it's my little nickname for you and it stands for devil in training."

We made it back to where everyone was supposed to meet but no one was there. "You see we made back and we are 10 minutes late we could've gone to another store." I rolled my eyes as we sat down and I was looking at my phone when someone texted me and I smiled when I saw who it was.

"Oh now you're smiling at lover boy's text messages!" I smiled at looked at what he sent. "I heard that you are throwing another party this weekend. Am I invited?" I looked at Kinsley and she looked at me innocently. "You posted that I was throwing a party!"

"Yes we need to get the word out somewhere why is lover boy texting you about it?" I nodded and looked back the message and typed "I don't know too many people were saying that you're hot and cute." I smirked after I sent that message but he sent back 'I wouldn't know because I only had my eyes on you.' I was about to type something but I heard my dad talking so I put my phone down.

"Sorry that we are late we lost track of time." I looked at my dad and nodded and turned around muttering 'of course you did.' "So how about we drop Kinsley off and go out to eat." I stood up and looked at Stephanie. "Why would we need to drop her off if we are going out to eat?"

"It's a family dinner so family only." I scoffed at her "well if it's a family dinner then we need to drop you all off and for my grandparents, dad, Kinsley, and I to go out to eat since it's family only." I was about to walk away but Kinsley grabbed my arm and gave me the look that she was about to go off on Stephanie luckily there was no one by us.

"You know that I don't like you at all and you can hate all you want I don't give two fucks but what you're not going to do is say who is family and who is not. I've been apart of this family since I was 3 years old and you've only been here for what 5 years." My dad and Stephanie glared at Kinsley but she wasn't done talking. "The only reason that me and my mom still stay around you is because of Camila not you. With that being said I'm leaving and we'll see you at the house."

Everyone had a shocked face when Kinsley started leaving and my grandpa high-fived her on the way out. Once we got in the car she turned to me. "I don't know how you do it if I were in your shoes I would've been killed them and happily went to jail."

I laughed at her as she pulled out of the parking lot. "You and I are going to my house and you're going to try on those outfits before you see lover boy." I nodded and looked out the window until we got to her house.

"Oh birthmother and little troll I'm home and I have a guest with me!" Kinsley screamed and I saw Oliver running down the stairs and when he took one look at me he smirked. "I know that you couldn't resist me baby." I flicked him in the forehead and walked up to Kinsey's room.

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