I'm Gonna Buy A Cheap Bouquet

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I'm Gonna Buy A Cheap Bouquet.

Holly's POV

Later that night, Vic had asked me to wait upstairs whilst he got something ready. What it was, I wasn't sure, but I knew it was the 'surprise'. It was kind of nice knowing that Vic was going through the trouble of doing something nice for me, but then why wouldn't he? He's a wonderful person who likes to make others happy. That's one of the things I like most about Vic. He was caring, considerate, the list was endless! And I wouldn't have made it this far without him.

"Okay, it's ready" he smiled as he peered around the door frame, a wide grin on his face. It had taken him around an hour to get whatever it was ready, and he seemed excited for this. He stretched his arm out, wanting me to take his hand, so I done just that. His fingers locked perfectly with mine as we slowly walked down the stairs, heading straight for the living room once we reached the bottom.

As we turned the corner, I instantly recognized Vic's handy work. In the center of the room were a bunch of cushions and candles, along with some well prepared food. "What is all of this?" I beamed, taking in everything he had done. "Surprise" he replied, leaning towards me to place a kiss on my cheek. "It's perfect" I replied, turning to meet his gaze. "Just like you" he winked. "Stop being a cheesy fuck" I laughed, pushing his shoulder gently. "Stop being the perfect girlfriend then." "Vic, I'm not perfect" I replied in a way that was meant to keep the mood light, although it didn't seem to work. "Holly, no ones perfect, I'm not perfect myself. But you're perfect to me, okay? Don't forget it. I couldn't ask for a better person in my life than you. To me, you're perfect. You should start believing it too" he smiled, taking both my hands in his. "I'll try. But for the record, you're also perfect to me" I added, placing a quick kiss on his lips that made his smile grow.

We walked over to the large pile of cushions and fell onto them - literally fell. The flames from the few scattered candles waved slightly, but they were a reasonable distance away from us. "So, what is the plan here?" I asked, tilting my head enough for me to see the man I loved. "Well, food which I ordered specially, movies of your choosing, and a night of relaxation" he grinned, looking proud of himself; he should be proud to be honest. "Thank you" I whispered. He didn't reply with words, instead he shifted his body so he was beside me before he placed a hand on my cheek, smiling slightly before bringing his lips to mine. My hand found its way to the back of his neck, my fingers lightly latching onto his hair. Our lips moved together, not once missing a beat. The kiss was somewhat innocent, but at the same time was nowhere near it. It wasn't until I could barely breathe that I pulled away, keeping my forehead pressed against his. "Your lungs really aren't that strong, are they?" he laughed lightly. "That's no fair, you sing on a regular basis so, you can't compare my lungs to yours" I pouted. "You're right. My apologies ma'am" he winked. I rolled my eyes before he sat up, pulling me with him. "We should probably eat before it gets cold" he chuckled, gesturing towards what looked like Chinese food. "Of course." "Wanna pick a movie?" I nodded in response and stood up, heading straight for the stack of DVDs. Instantly I spotted a personal favourite of mine and opted for that; The Dark Knight. "Batman. Of course" he laughed, propping some of the cushions up against the sofa. "It's a great film, okay?" I whined. I put it on and went and sat beside Vic before he handed me my food, and that's how we were for most of the evening; watching films whilst spread out across the floor. It was nice; perfect in fact. And no one else but Vic would have done this for me. I didn't need anyone else to though. Not anymore. I was certain Vic was the only man I would ever love more than just a friend, or like I loved Austin, and I was perfectly okay with that.

It was late, really late, when I finally started to drift off. I was side by side with Vic, one of his arms wrapped around my shoulders while the other was draped lightly on my stomach, idly tracing small, soothing patterns. "You tired?" Vic asked, turning his attention to me. "A little" I replied, doing my best to suppress a yawn. "Come on sleepy head, lets get you upstairs and into bed" he murmured softly, sitting up slowly. "That rhymed" I laughed, carefully rubbing at my eyes. "I know. I'm just that good." I shook my head playfully before I found myself being lifted off the ground. "Vic, I can walk you know" I protested, staring at the mess on the floor; thankfully the candles had blown out by now, so that wasn't an issue. "I know. But I can carry you" he replied, smiling at me before climbing the stairs. "What about tidying up?" I questioned. "I can do it tomorrow, it's fine."

I removed my makeup and stripped down to just my underwear and Vic's shirt before walking back through to the bedroom, instantly spotting a shirtless Vic sat up on the bed, his attention lost in his phone. Although that didn't last long; the second I started walking towards him, he looked up at me and smiled, locking his phone before placing it beside him. "Even in only one of my shirts you look beautiful" he grinned. I felt a little self conscious, but that was something I was trying to overcome. "Thank you. Even without a shirt on, you look alright" I winked, waiting for his reaction. "Alright? I'll have you know I look fucking fantastic" he retorted playfully. I couldn't help but laugh, and then it hit me. We were back to normal again. Vic and I were playful again, there was no awkwardness. Things were okay again. Thank god. "What is it?" he asked, smiling up at me as I sat beside him. "Things feel okay again" I smiled, turning to face him. "Good. That's good, right?" he questioned, and I replied with a nod. He nodded back at me and wrapped his arms around me as he begun to lay down, pulling me with him. "I love you Holly. Forever and always" he sighed contently. "I love you too Vic. Unconditionally" I replied. He looked down at me and smiled before placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Get some sleep" he whispered, before turning on his side to turn the light off. He faced me and kissed my cheek before I fell into a comfortable sleep.

Vic's POV

Things were great again. Holly was curled into my side after a perfect night, and it was almost as if nothing had happened. Almost. I still wasn't very happy with the fact that her family were still out there, walking around happily after all the pain they had caused Austin and Holly. In fact, it was rather unsettling, but there wasn't really anything I could do about it. Not legally anyway; the only thing that could be done would be if Holly reported them, but she had told me before that she wasn't prepared to do that, and I respected that. I glanced at Holly and smiled before resting my head on the pillow, facing Holly before I fell asleep myself.

"Vic, get the fuck up!" was all I heard before I jolted awake. In front of me was the person to blame for rudely waking me up; Jaime and Mike. "How did you two even get in here?" I asked, rubbing my eyes lazily. "Well, Holly's up, which you should be too. We're all going out. So get your lazy ass in there, get dressed and come downstairs" Mike demanded playfully before turning on his heel, shortly followed by Jaime. That was probably the worst wake up call ever! I stood up and went to go towards the bathroom when Holly appeared in the doorway. "Hey, sorry about them" she smiled a little awkwardly. "Its fine. How long've you been up?" I asked, changing my direction to walk over to her. "Not long" she smiled, wrapping her arms around my waist as I reached her. "So we're going into town, huh?" I questioned, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Yeah, we have no decision, or at least it seems that way" she laughed. "Holly, leave the man alone, come and party with us, we're cooler" Jaime called. "I'd better go. Don't be too long" she smiled before turning around, heading to the guys downstairs.

It turned out that Tony had also shown up at mine; he just wasn't in an annoying mood like the others. Jaime was driving us into town, Tony sat in the front with him whilst Holly sat between myself and Mike. We were all listening to whatever came onto the radio, casually singing along with it, and it was nice. We were all our carefree selves, and I hadn't wanted anything but this since I started acting like a jerk. But that was all in the past.

"Lets go in this one!" Jaime yelled excitedly, pointing towards a Taco Bell that happened to be almost in the centre of town. "Go on then, we'll follow" Mike laughed, pushing him towards the building. I reached out and grabbed Holly's hand, lacing our fingers together before we walked peacefully in the direction of the other idiots.

It wasn't until we were sat down that something started to feel... off. I couldn't tell what it was, but clearly the others weren't feeling it; they were still going on with their shenanigans. Whatever the feeling was, I shrugged it off, wanting to enjoy this moment. "So Vic, Kevin's been brainstorming ideas for another tour? We wanted to know what you're opinion was on this, and there's also the opportunity for Reading and Leeds. What do you say?" Tony smiled, grabbing his drink in one hand whilst removing his hat with the other. Touring was fun, it always had been until recently, but I was determined I get back on the road and actually enjoy it this time, and give Holly an idea of what it's really like. Plus, Reading and Leeds festival was a great opportunity for us to expand our fan base, and it was always great to play festivals. "I'm in, for both. But no funny business this time. I won't be like how I was last time. We'll have fun, the works" I smiled, letting them know I was genuinely happy with the idea. It was then that something completely unexpected happened. "So this is where you went."


Title Credit: The Cheap Bouquet by Pierce the Veil
Listening to: Kids in the Dark by All Time Low (I actually love this song so much omg)

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