They Say Love Will Never Mean A Thing

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They Say Love Will Never Mean A Thing.

Vic's POV

"So what do you want to do?" I asked Holly, a smile never leaving my face. Holly shrugged, still acting slightly shy around me. I grabbed her hand and took her through to the living room; I can tell she's not going to choose what we're going to do, so it looks like I have to make her feel comfortable. I walked her over to my film collection, that filled various shelves and smiled at her. "You choose a film, I'll be back in a minute" I smiled and winked at her before pulling my hand out of hers and running upstairs.

When I came back down she was sat on the sofa playing with the few DVD cases in her hands; guess she couldn't choose just one. I walked over towards the sofa she was sat on with a pile of blankets and pillows with the plan to build a blanket fort and stay downstairs tonight and watch movies. "Seeing as you don't have any of your things yet do you want something to stay in?" I asked her and she looked at me awkwardly before shrugging. I ran back up the stairs and to my room, pulling out a random shirt and some old sweatpants. I ran back down and chucked them at her before beginning on the blanket fort.

By the time she was back downstairs I had already built the exterior of the fort, all that was left was to fill the inside with pillows and a duvet. She came over to me awkwardly so I pulled her into a large hug that felt like it lasted forever. I stepped back smiling at her before she looked over at the fort I put a lot of effort into. "Nice one Vic" she laughing slightly. "Well, I haven't built a blanket fort in ages and I thought it would be fun. Anyway, what film do you want to watch first?" I asked her, gesturing towards the few films she had chosen. "I don't mind, you pick" she said, smiling a contagious smile at me. She had chosen such good films that I didn't know which one to pick. We ended up watching Coraline. It's a surprisingly good film, and its my favourite animated one. The whole way through we were making conversation about each other. She told me about how she grew up which almost made me want to cry at times, and I told her about growing up wanting to be in a band, and how Mike looked up to me. It was good to get to know her a bit better. By the sounds of things she's never been close to anyone apart from her brother, so I hope I can change that by being here for her, and I know the rest of the guys will be, and Sleeping with Sirens, I know they like Holly.

We got through all of the movies and at the end of the last one Holly had fallen asleep curled up beside me, so I pulled her closer which caused her to stir slightly. She looked so beautiful in her sleep. The handprint on her face was barely visible now and you couldn't see any other of the marks that were spread across her small pale body. I'm not going to let another bad thing happen to her, she's safer now.

Holly's POV

I woke up, opening my eyes slowly and looked up to see a blanket. I had completely forgotten where I was which scared me slightly, until I looked beside me and saw a sleeping Vic. I remember now, blanket fort and movies. I reached over for my phone which was left charging over night and saw I had a few text messages.

-Hey it's Kellin. Vic gave me your number, I'm getting the apartment sorted in a few hours so I will ring you when it's ready :)

Now Kellin Quinn has my number, not sure whether I should be happy or worried, but I trust Kellin, he's one of the few that I do trust alongside the guys from Pierce the Veil and Austin.

-Mum and Dad are at work and won't be back until 3pm. I want to drive you back to Vics so I know where he lives if I need you. Text me before you come round. love you always. A

I might go round now, I can leave Vic a note saying i'll be back shortly and I have my phone on me.

-Austin, I'm leaving in a second to come and get my stuff if that's alright?

-Sure, I'll be waiting for you :) not in a creepy way...

Great that's sorted now to leave Vic a note. I quietly looked around before finding some paper and a pen and wrote the note for Vic to find when he wakes up;


I won't be too long, I've gone to collect my stuff and then Austin is going to bring me back here. I have my phone on me if you need me so yeah.

Love you


-Im on my way Austin.

I left the note outside the blanket fort for Vic to read when he wakes up. I quietly walked out of his house after grabbing my hoodie, closing the door behind me and walked slowly up the path leading to the gate. I pulled out my earphones which I had picked up and plugged them into my phone; music always makes a journey feel shorter. I decided I would listen to Tangled In The Great Escape by none other than Pierce the Veil. It wasn't long before my phone went off again.

-Instead of coming straight to the house, meet me at the park? A

-uh okay?

-Dont worry its nothing bad haha, just want to spend some extra time with you :)

-Oh okay, don't take too long to get here then

-I won't, I already started walking haha.

I put my phone back in my pocket and changed course towards the park where I first met Pierce the Veil with Austin at my side. That's probably my best memory so far. It wasn't long before I reached the park and saw Austin on a bench looking down at his hands. "Hey" I said as I walked up behind him. "Holly!" he replied a little too excitedly. "How've you been?" I asked him and he stepped back slightly and shrugged. "Rays been mad and asking me where you were. Obviously I didn't tell him, I'm just glad you're out of his way" he replied, pulling me back into a hug. "You will be too" I said, smiling at him with a big grin. "What do you mean?" "Kellin Quinn from Sleeping with Sirens happens to have a spare apartment across town and he's getting it sorted for you. He's going to give me a ring when it's ready. I was panicking a lot about you so Vic asked Kellin for that apartment for you" I smiled, watching as a smile made its way onto his face. It's very rare to see Austin smile. "Really? Wow I'm going to be thanking them later... So Kellin Quinn knows who I am?" he asked, I forgot he was a Sleeping with Sirens fan. I nodded whilst laughing to myself and he pretended to faint; my brother is such a drama queen.

We were almost to the house when I felt my phone go off again.

-Hey, just checking you're okay. I found your note haha, please be careful! Vic x

- Im with Austin so I'm perfectly safe, I'll be back shortly x

-Okay :) I've planned something for you when you get back x

Oh god I hate surprises.

-What have you planned Fuentes? x

-You'll see ;)

-If it's something that makes me jump I'm not going to be impressed with you...

-I honestly think you'll like it. I'll leave you to talk to your brother haha. love you x

-Okay haha love you too x

"Vic?" Austin asked and I smiled and nodded at him, was it really that obvious? "You seem happy for the first time in ages. I'm liking Vic more" he laughed, which only caused me to join in and blush a little. "Your stuff is already in my car, I made sure you wouldn't have to go in" he said as he pulled me closer to him. We arrived outside the house to see our sisters stood outside the house; if they see me they'll tell dad I was here. "Wait here" Austin whispered before walking round the corner. "Where are you going!" they asked in sync. "None of your bloody business!" he yelled back before pulling out of the driveway and driving up the road a little bit before stopping, allowing me to climb in. "So what way to Vic's house?"


Title Credit; She Sings In The Morning by Pierce the Veil
Listening to; Someone, Somewhere by Asking Alexandria

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