Make Me A Promise Here Tonight.
Holly's POV
Unfortunately it was the weekend, which meant no real reason to get out of this hell hole. Thankfully, I was old enough to no longer need to attend school which I was more than happy about. The events from last night were still swimming around in my head. Vic gave me his number, amazing part of the night, come home to a drunken and angry dad, worst part of the night.
I slowly climber out of bed and walked over to the mirror that was roughly my height from the floor. As I looked up I couldn't help but notice that my face had a handprint fully visible on my cheek; that asshole. I just wanted to get out and never return. I could have called Vic? No, I didn't want to be a pain, after all, he was probably busy. I started picking up my make up, attempting to hide the mark that was now evidently on my face, when my phone indicated I had a text. I finished what I was doing and walked over to my phone, and saw that I had a text from... Vic?
- Hey, how are you today? Sorry if I woke you. Vic
He wanted to know how I was? This was unbelievable! I couldn't tell him though, I didn't want to ruin his mood or make him pity me. Perhaps I could lie? I should lie.
- Hey, yeah I'm alright thanks and don't worry you didn't, I've been up for a while haha.
I felt bad for lying, but it's not like he would care that this happened, no one cared, except for Austin. He was the only one who cared about me and I reckon he hadn't even seen the mark yet. I started to do my eyeliner when my phone went off again.
- Oh okay that's good then, listen, do you want to maybe meet up with me and the guys later? We're all going out, not sure where yet, but I just thought you might want to get out again?
This was an opportunity of a life time! What if he saw the marks though? I didn't want to have to explain how I lived with my abusive family that hate my guts and would rather have me dead than as a daughter of theirs. I could cover them up the best I could I guess. I would have to hide it with make up.
-uh sure thing, where shall I meet you guys and what time?
-You don't sound so sure?
-I'm sorry, I love you guys as a band and to have you want me to hang out is just, shocking I guess haha
-Okay well, if you text me your address I can pick you up with the guys?
-My dad wouldn't be happy if he saw someone picking me up.
-Is there anywhere close to your house I could pick you up from?
-That park we met at last night?
-Okay, meet us there at, 11?
-Okay see you then :)
Okay, so I had two hours to get ready and get to the park. Simple.Vic's POV
I was glad she agreed, all I had to do now was tell the guys. "Hey guys, you know we're going out somewhere?" I asked, causing them all to nod excitedly. "Well I invited Holly along. I can tell she has issues at home from the conversation I had with her last night and she said she doesn't like being in the house so I invited her, is that alright with you guys? Sorry I didn't ask before, it was an 'in the moment' thing" I continued, just hoping they wouldn't be the slightest bit annoyed at me asking her before consulting them. "Yeah, that's fine. Do you know what's happening at home with her?" Mike asked with worry and I shook my head. "I might try to find out though, I just feel we should get to know her first" I replied with the concern evident in my voice.
It was 11am and we had pulled up outside the park and there was still no sign of Holly. "Vic, I want to play in the park!" Jaime screamed in my ear, dragging out my name in a childish tone. "Alright, alright, we'll go and wait in the park, for Jaime's sake" I sighed playfully, chuckling to myself. We all climbed out of the car and went and sat in the park, taking up a swing each. It was at that moment I saw Holly walking around the corner with her earphones in, her phone in her hand and her head down low. She looked up and I waved, causing her to smile and walk over, slowly reaching the park. "Hey" she smiled; up until this point Jaime hadn't even noticed Holly arrive, and when he saw her he fell off the swing, getting a crowd of laughter from all around the park. "Holly!" he screamed, picking her up after stumbling to his feet from the ground. "Hey Jaime" she said clinging onto him incase he dropped her, which we all knew wouldn't happen. "So where are we going?" she asked, quickly hugging Mike and Tony before coming over to me. "I'm not sure, where does everyone else want to go?" I replied, pulling Holly into a hug, causing her to flinch slightly. "You okay?" I asked quietly, my voice full of worry. "Yeah I'm fine" she replied, pulling an evidently fake half smile before she looked away from me; what was she hiding?
After playing in the park for a short while we all decided we would go and get something to eat. "Guys can you go on to the car? I need to speak to Holly quickly. It'll only take a second" I asked, which was followed by Tony, Jaime and Mike nodding simultaneously before they walked off in the direction of the car. I stopped Holly and looked straight into her eyes. "Are you going to tell me the truth? I'm really worried about you and I can tell something's up" I asked softly. "I have" she replied rather meekly, which just made me disbelieve her more. "Holly please-" I reached up to wipe some tears away from her cheek when she pulled away, making a quiet noise of pain. At that moment, she looked at me, an apology evident in her eyes as they filled with a few more tears. "Oh my god Holly, I'm so sorry! What happened" I asked in panic. She moved her hand away from her cheek, revealing the slight outline of a handprint, causing me to stand in shock with anger. "Who. When?" I asked, almost tearing up myself. Obviously the guys saw what happened and came rushing over. "Is everything alright?" Mike asked rushing in between Holly and I. Tony had obviously seen the handprint and looked at me with worry and sympathy in his eyes. "Vic, please tell me you didn't..." Tony muttered, accusing me of the horrible mark on Holly's beautiful face. "It wasn't him" she rushed out, placing her hand back over her face. "Can you guys please go back to the car? We'll be there in a minute" I sighed, light tears still forming in my eyes. They stood there silently for a moment, debating whether they should or not and nodded before walking off again.
Holly's POV
I didn't want him to see; why did I let him see? I'm such an idiot sometimes, now he was going to want to know what happened, I couldn't tell him, I just couldn't. He had just managed to get the other guys from Pierce the Veil to go back to the car; I still couldn't believe Tony thought Vic had done this; why would he think that? "Please Holly, I'm begging you, please tell me the truth" he pleaded; he looked so, broken? I think that was the best way to describe the look before me. "You wouldn't like the truth Vic, I don't even like the truth" I replied, tears still falling from my eyes. "I don't care, I'm not happy with, this" he muttered, gesturing towards my cheek. He stepped forward, carefully pulling me into hug where I let the tears just fall. After a while I finally muttered the words "my dad." "Sorry what?" Vic asked, confused at my random choice of words. "My dad. He's the one that done this" I repeated, allowing the tears to fall again but with less force. "Are you being serious!" he more than yelled, causing a lot of parents and children to look at us. I just nodded and he continued with his outburst. "How long has he been doing this!" he yelled. "Vic please calm down" I said, "You're scaring me." "I'm sorry it's just-" he sighed before continuing, "How long has he been doing this Holly" he repeated. "My whole life" I cried and he closed the space between us and picked me up. "Come on, I'm taking you back to my place, we're sorting this out. How many other current injuries do you have?" he asked as he carried me out of the park. I shook my head, refusing to say; as long as he didn't look at my arms, I guess it didn't matter too much.
We pulled up outside Vics; he had already taken Mike to his parents and dropped Jaime at his, but Tony insisted he came with us. "Let's get you inside and sort this mess out."
Title Credit; A Match Into Water by Pierce the Veil
Listening to; Shadow Moses by Bring Me The Horizon

Picking Up The Pieces {COMPLETED} (A Vic Fuentes Fanfiction)
FanfictionHolly was just your average band obsessed girl. The only thing was, her family didn't like the way she acted, the way she dressed, and the music she listened to. When she runs into Pierce the Veil one night with her brother, what will be the effect...