She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty.
Vic's POV
It hadn't taken Hime and Tony long to get to where we were, but it wasn't long until the six of us left, separating into the two cars to go to separate places. To be honest, I was just excited to get back home with Holly. I also wanted to know what they were hiding, but that wasn't too important to me, I was just really curious.
Austin dropped us off and I thanked him a whole bunch before Holly and I climbed out of his car, waving him off before heading inside. The second the door was closed I spun Holly around, placing my lips onto hers swiftly, savouring the moment. Her hands instantly went for my neck, and mine went for her back and face. Everything was getting heated, until there was a knock at the door; talk about terrible timing! I stepped apart from Holly, a small sigh escaping my lips before flashing her a smile. I turned on my heels and opened the door, only to see that Austin's car had barely moved and that he was standing in front of me. "Oh, hey again Vic. Holly, uh... she left this in the car" he smiled, handing me a small and thin folder. "Oh, okay. Thanks! I'll give this to her" I smiled, gesticulating with the folder in my hand. "Okay, cool. Thanks, I'll see you around" he laughed before jogging back to his car. I smiled more to myself than anything in particular, and turned back to face Holly. "You left this in the car" I grinned toothily, handing her the folder. "Oh than- shit!" she cursed, accidentally dropping the folder, small pieces of paper scattering over the floor. "Hey, it's no big- oh my god." I looked down in shock, and she looked back up at me with horror and worry on her pale face. "What is all this?" I asked, kneeling down to match her height. "Nothing" she replied a little too quickly. I tore my gaze away from her painfully slowly and down at the many photographs that littered the floor, each one bringing a pang of guilt to my gut. She sighed, brushing them all towards her and scruffily placing them back in the folder. "Holly, it's okay" I spoke quietly, tilting her chin up slightly. "I know, sorry. I panicked a little" she smiled meekly.
We picked up everything and set the folder down before sitting on the sofa. "So, you want to talk about it? And maybe explain how you guys got me out so quickly?" I asked, soothingly tracing patterns on Holly's leg that was draped loosely over mine. "Sure. We're okay, aren't we?" she asked, catching my gaze as she shifted slightly. "Of course we are, we're more than okay" I smiled, leaning into her a little more. "Okay, good. Well, anyway, for years I collected photographs of my dad's dirty work, so we figured we could use it to help you get out of there quicker. We told them that you done what you did in defence which is pretty much the truth, and we said he provoked you. We showed them the photos and now they're looking into it, about him being an abusive parent. God, I hope they can do something." She looked troubled, and that hurt. "Of course they'll do something, they have to. You've shown all the right evidence, and you've got a lot of it at that. Don't worry about him, you're safe, you always will be. I love you Holly, you didn't have to do that for me, but thank you" I smiled, pulling her into my chest.
Holly had long fallen asleep, but for some reason I couldn't join her; no matter how hard I tried, I just wasn't tired and I just couldn't sleep. However, I didn't want to wake her; this was probably the only time we would get without drama for a while, so why not cherish that? I smiled down at the girl curled into my side before ever so slowly shifting out of her grip, heading straight for the bathroom. I sighed a little, splashing some water on my face. Everything had been so dramatic lately it was hard to keep up with it all, but I was prepared to go through it all if it meant I would have Holly by my side. I still couldn't believe that she had actually taken everything her father had done to the police... for me. She didn't have to do that, but she did anyway, and I couldn't be happier! He would finally get what he deserved. No more having to worry that we would run into him anymore.

Picking Up The Pieces {COMPLETED} (A Vic Fuentes Fanfiction)
FanfictionHolly was just your average band obsessed girl. The only thing was, her family didn't like the way she acted, the way she dressed, and the music she listened to. When she runs into Pierce the Veil one night with her brother, what will be the effect...