You Are My Getaway.
Vic's POV
I went downstairs to wait for Holly to finish in the bathroom, so I took a seat beside Jaime. "So. We actually leave for tour tomorrow" Jaime sighed contently, a smile pulling at his lips. "I know, I'm so excited" I grinned back. "Do you know how ready Tony and Mike are?" He just shook his head with a light shrug before I pulled my phone out;
-just checking you guys are ready :)
It was followed simultaneously by a text from Mike
-I am, I'm going round turtles to help him out a bit
-okay, I've got Jaime round here, shall we all meet up for a meal later?
-sounds good, ill let turtle know :)
"Later, we're all going for a meal" I laughed to Jaime. He threw his arms in the air and looked down at his feet in a celebratory gesture before he rolled over onto my lap. This just caused my laughing to grow as I attempted to push him off me, but it was to no avail. "What the fuck did I just walk into" Holly giggled from the doorway. Jaime and I both stopped what we were doing and just flashed her blank stares. "You know what, I don't even want to know" she laughed, propping herself on the doorframe. "Now you're ready, we're all going for a meal later" I grinned as Jaime got off of my lap. "Are we?" she questioned as I gently tapped my thighs, indicating for her to come and sit down. She smiled, pushing herself up from her arm before she came and sat on my lap awkwardly. "Now, we need you guys to finish packing! What's left?" Jaime rushed out; he was probably right, we leave at a ridiculous time in the morning and we're not even ready. "Well the clothes are practically all packed" she smiled proudly; I'll admit, she had managed to pack a lot in our absence. "Cool! So there shouldn't be much more, right? We could probably finish within an hour or two?" I nodded at his comment before standing up, causing Holly to stumble to her feet. "Thanks for the warning asshole" she pouted. "Oh I'm sorry. Am I forgiven?" I asked as I walked up behind her and snaked my arms around her waist before placing my chin on her shoulder. "I guess so" she smirked. At that moment Jaime came up behind the both of us and mimicked my actions. "What're we talking about" he whispered between our faces, causing Holly to burst out with laughter, and I couldn't help but find myself doing the same. Holly fell to the floor in hysterics, and I was propping myself up with my hands on my knees because for some reason, we were finding this funnier than we should.
After about an hour and a half, we had managed to finish almost everything; the only things that weren't packed were things we would need tonight or in the morning. "Okay, I'll go outside and call Mike and Tony, I'll be back in a second?" Jaime said and we nodded and watched as he ran towards the stairs, almost tripping at the top. "If I hear you laugh, I won't be a happy Jaime!" he yelled as he glared at us playfully before running down. I grabbed Holly's hand and pulled her into my chest, where I released her hand and wrapped my arms around her small figure, and she didn't hesitate to mimic my actions. "Are you okay?" I asked out of habit; that, and she sounded slightly sad when she was in the shower. "I'm fine Vic, are you okay?" she replied; the tone in her voice told me she knew I was onto her, but I wasn't going to push the topic. "Of course I'm fine, I got one of my best friends and my girlfriend with me. Plus we start touring tomorrow, I couldn't be happier" I grinned, burying my face into her neck which meant slouching down slightly. There was silence for a while, the two of us just enjoying each others company before Holly sighed and whispered to me three words I've heard a lot from her lately; "Thank you Vic." A smile pulled at my lips, because no matter how much I've told her not to say thank you for unnecessary reasons, its still nice to know she has trust in me, and it feels like I've helped her through something she could have survived on her own. "Please Holly, don't keep saying thank you, you have nothing to thank me for" I laughed lightly, stepping back from her slightly. "I do though, if you guys hadn't found me and Austin that night, god knows what would have happened to me" she smiled, clearly trying to hold back tears. "You would have been strong, you are strong and you know that we would still have been there for you through our music" I replied, pulling her back into an embrace. "I know, I just... I dread to think what state I'd be in if you hadn't been there" she laughed humourlessly. "You need to forget about all of that, I'll never let anything like that happen to you ever again for as long as I live" I replied sincerely, clutching onto her like my entire life depended on it, because in that moment, I felt like my life did depend on it, and I had no clue why. "Okay so, oh sorry, shall I come back in a minute?" Jaime's voice asked softly from the doorframe. "No, it's fine. Continue" I smiled, releasing Holly but keeping her to my side at the same time with an arm snaked around her waist. "Right, well Tony and Mike are almost ready, if Kevin still has the small minibus then I'll drive us to collect them" he smiled. "He should still have it, it's parked down the road, do you have the keys?" He nodded and pulled the keys out of his pocket, twirling them round on his fingers with a smile. "Lets go then" I smiled, reattaching Holly's hand to mine before I walked towards the stairs, following close behind Jaime.
Jaime's POV
I was currently carrying Vic on my back to the minibus, with Holly walking beside me. The minibus wasn't too far down anyway, but why Vic needed carrying I'll never know. We reached the minibus and I put Vic down before unlocking it, noticing instantly that some of Kevin's stuff was already in there. "Should we let him know we're borrowing the bus? It would probably be a wise idea" I laughed lightly. "I'll text him, I'll also text Mike and let him know we're on our way to Tony's place" Vic grinned back as he climbed in after Holly. Once they were sat down I put the key in the ignition and began driving us to Tony's place that wasn't too far. We stopped outside his and all jumped out. "Tony lives here?" Holly laughed lightly. Vic hummed a response before linking their hands. I rushed up to the door and knocked before I was met by Mike, who looked rather happy. "Hey Hime, you're just in time! Tony is officially ready for the road" he grinned as Tony stepped into view. "That's good! That means we're all ready" Vic grinned as he stepped beside me with Holly. "Now, can we go and get some food?" I whined like a child, only to have the others laugh at me. I pouted before turning back to the minibus. Once they were all in the back I began the drive to a small Italian place.
Holly's POV
Jaime parked the van and we all jumped out like little kids going to their favourite amusement park or something ridiculous like that. "Hello, table for five?" the waitress asked with a fake smile covering her face. "Yes please" Tony smiled. She nodded before leading us over to a table at the back of the small, non formal restaurant. The second Jaime's ass touched the seat, he was scanning through one of the the laminated menus that had been placed on the table. "Woah Hime, calm down" Mike laughed from where he was sat opposite him. "Michael, I am hungry. This menu holds a list of different kinds of food that I could choose from, so it's only logical that I will react this way" he replied, a serious expression never leaving his face. Mike just stared at him, a confused and shocked expression remaining on his face. I looked over to Tony who was giving me a quizzical yet humoured look. "So. We start tour tomorrow" Mike grinned. "I know, I'm so excited. Do you know if the other two bands are ready?" Vic replied, slight nervousness lacing his words. "I know the Sleeping with Sirens guys are" Tony added in. "Thats good."
It wasn't long until someone had collected our order, and we were sat in silence eating, or in my case, playing Rock Paper Scissors with Jaime. None of them seemed to have noticed I wasn't eating, and if they had then they hadn't mentioned it. We made our way back out to the minibus before Jaime drove Mike and Tony to their places, and began the drive to take the minibus back to its rightful parking space. "So Holly, are you looking forward to tomorrow?" Jaime called back as we turned down a street. "Of course I am, it will be a whole new experience, and I'll be far away from... uh, people" I smiled anxiously; Jaime knew about my past, they all did from that night we came back from the cinema, but I didn't really want to talk about it. I could tell he understood when he gave me a sad smile with a quick glance in the rear-view mirror. Vic somehow managed to pull me closer to him, causing me to rest my head where his collarbone was as he snaked his arms around my small body. We remained that way until we turned onto the street that had Vic's house in the middle. Jaime parked the bus where we found it before we all climbed out. We walked in silence before we arrived outside the large house. "Well, I'd better get going. But I'll definitely see you guys tomorrow" Jaime beamed as he pulled me into a bone crushing hug, which was followed by his farewells to Vic. We waved him off before making our way back into Vic's.
Title Credit; Yeah Boy, and Doll Face by Pierce the Veil .
Listening to; Sarcasm by Get Scared

Picking Up The Pieces {COMPLETED} (A Vic Fuentes Fanfiction)
FanficHolly was just your average band obsessed girl. The only thing was, her family didn't like the way she acted, the way she dressed, and the music she listened to. When she runs into Pierce the Veil one night with her brother, what will be the effect...