Kissing in Cars
Tony's POV
We pulled up outside the restaurant and of course Jaime was the first one in. "Hime! Get back here!" Vic yelled as he pushed Holly out of the car. "But Victor... food!" he laughed back. Vic's expression went to a playful serious face, as he darted towards Jaime. "I'm sorry Vic! I'm sorry" Jaime yelled, running around outside. Holly was laughing and came up beside me. "Hey there" I laughed. "Hey turtle" she smiled back. "How've you been?" I asked, pulling her into my side. "Tony, it's been a day" she laughed, putting her arms round my waist to complete the hug, even though we were still walking and Jaime was still being chased around by Vic. "I know, but I worry about you" I smiled, reassuringly squeezing her shoulder. "I know Tony, but I'm with you guys now. You don't understand how much of a change its brought me" she smiled back. "I can guess" I replied, smiling lightly to myself. "Ouch Vic! Holly, save me" Jaime yelled from the floor where Vic was pinning him down. Mike, Holly and myself burst into a fit of laughter, which was followed by Vic and Jaime laughing with us. Holly walked over and pulled Vic off of him and helped Jaime up, which was when Vic snaked his arm round her waist and they came back to us. "Lets go find us a table" Vic laughed.
We got inside and sat at a table, Jaime pushing Mike out of the way because he doesn't like sitting at the end. Jaime really has some weird pet hates. Vic was discussing something with Mike and Holly was sat next to Jaime and myself. "Shit" I heard Holly mumble as she stood up and ran to the toilets. "What's up with Holly?" Vic questioned, worry lacing through his voice. "I don't know. You stay here, I'll go and find out" I smiled sadly. He thought for a moment before he nodded with a worried expression and I stood up, making my way towards the toilets. I didn't think this through very well, I can't really go to her, she'll be in the female toilets. I guess it's for her well being. I walked up to the door and knocked, but there was no answer. I opened the door slightly so I could hear if anyone was in there. "Hello?" I asked, waiting for an answer. "Tony? It's only me in here" she replied, realising what I was doing. "Permission to come in?" I asked and she called back her consent. I walked in and found the stall that she was sat in. "What's wrong?" I asked, pulling her up and into a hug. "Two of my parents friends are here with their children and I can't let them see me" she sighed into my chest. "Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you" I replied with an attempt of a smile; it's the truth, we wouldn't let anything happen to her, but what were they capable of? "You don't understand, they would do anything to drag me back to them. They've always hated me, I guess they're really religious, they don't like Austin either, but with any chance they would want me back with my parents because they know that they 'punish' me as they put it" she said, trying to hold back tears. "Holly. You really think we're going to let you go that easily" I chuckled slightly. "No but I don't want to risk it. I love you guys like my life depends on it, because it literally does. You're all like family to me, and I know you'd stand up for me, but I don't want you getting hurt" she smiled lightly. "Well, I can't stay in here much longer" I replied with a sad smile. "I know. I'll be out shortly, please don't tell them what's up? Just say I felt ill or something" she pleaded and I nodded, quickly hugging her before I stood up and left her there.
"What was wrong?" Vic asked, turning to face me on his chair as I sat back down at the table. "She felt a little ill and said she'll be back soon" I said with a slight smile. "You're a terrible liar turtle" he laughed a little. "Sorry. I'm sure she'll tell you though" I smiled lightly. He nodded and went back into a quiet conversation with Mike.
Holly's POV
What if they find me? That question's been repeating itself over and over in my head since Tony left about fifteen minutes ago. I sighed and went to stand up, but for some reason, my legs wouldn't let me. I took some deep breaths and tried again, this time managing to get up. I slowly walked out of the stall and started making my way towards the table where the guys are waiting for me. I walked out and my instant reaction was to look for my old neighbours, and luckily they had gone. I looked over to the table with the four Mexicans and they hadn't noticed me yet, which was weird considering I could easily be taken back to my old family if they haven't noticed. I shook it off, glad at the fact that no trouble would start and went and sat down beside Tony. "Holly, everything alright?" Vic asked from across the table with worry lacing his voice, so I looked up and gave him a slight smile and nod before looking round. Tony gave me a quick side hug before continuing what he was doing.
We left and Vic was by my side the whole time. "So am I dropping you all off at yours?" Vic asked and they all cheered, running over to his car. "What was really wrong?" he asked once we were walking alone as he pulled me into his side. "I'll explain later" I smiled, resting my head against his shoulder. "Okay. I love you" he smiled, planting a quick kiss on my temple. "Love you too Vic" I smiled as we arrived at his car.
The ride was silent yet comfortable, with Jaime, Mike and Tony in the back and myself and Vic in the front. Vic individually dropped everyone off at their own houses before driving towards his, well, our house. "So, have you had fun today?" he asked with a smile, not averting his gaze from the road. "Yeah, what wouldn't be fun about today?" I laughed back lightly. "I don't know. Anyway, one more day, and then we go on tour. Excited?" he smiled, taking my hand in his. "Yeah, of course I am" I laughed lightly, trying to hide the nervousness that was actually growing within me. "Well you'll be stuck with Jaime, Mike, Tony and myself, hope you can handle it" he laughed as he pulled up outside the familiar house. "I'm sure I'll be able to" I replied, rolling my eyes in a joking manner. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" he asked with a playful yet serious tone. "Yes Mr Fuentes, I believe I did" I smirked as I climbed out the car. Before I even had time to process what was going on, Vic had already somehow managed to lock the car and rush round to me, lifting me off the ground. "So, you think it's suitable to roll your eyes at this strong and handsome mexican?" he laughed as he carried me towards the door. "Well I don't know if handsome is the word I'd use, but yeah" I laughed. He pouted and put me down before pushing his way inside. "Oh Victor, you know I'm joking" I winked. "Were you?" he asked, a fake hurt expression covering his face. I nodded innocently and he smiled before walking over to me, pulling me into his strong arms as he wrapped me in an embrace. "Good. I love you" he smiled, looking into my eyes. "Love you too Vic" I smiled back as he edged his face closer to mine before gently yet passionately pressing our lips together, where we stayed for what felt like forever.
Vic's POV
We done some more packing before I asked her if she wanted to go on a walk, which she agreed to. "Come on" I whined from the bottom of the stairs. "I'm coming" she laughed back. I lied down on the hallway floor and waited for her, staring at the ceiling above me when I heard her soft footsteps coming down the stairs. "Vic, what are you doing?" she questioned, stopping halfway down. "I am being bored because my girlfriend was taking too long" I whined. "Well, your girlfriend is ready, hence why she was walking down the stairs, until she saw a half grown man lying down by the front door" she replied, trying her hardest not to laugh. "What was that suppose to imply" I pouted. "Uh, I love you" she smiled, jumping the last few steps. I gently grabbed her hand and pulled her down to the floor, where she landed on my chest. "Shit, sorry Vic" she smiled awkwardly with panic lacing her every word. "Don't worry Holly. This half grown man is happy with you next to him" I smiled back, leaning up slightly as I planted a soft kiss on her lips. "Technically, I'm on top of you" she smirked. "Whatever. Lets go for our walk" I grinned, standing up with her still in my arms.
Title Credit; Kissing In Cars - Pierce the Veil
Listening to; If It Means A Lot To You by A Day To Remember

Picking Up The Pieces {COMPLETED} (A Vic Fuentes Fanfiction)
FanficHolly was just your average band obsessed girl. The only thing was, her family didn't like the way she acted, the way she dressed, and the music she listened to. When she runs into Pierce the Veil one night with her brother, what will be the effect...