This Love Was Out Of Control

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This Love Was Out Of Control.
Writing this chapter was extremely awkward but I done it for you guys! Sorry that it sucks though.-.

Holly's POV

Vic and I sat around watching films for the remainder of the day; we were more than ready for tomorrow, and I couldn't be any more excited. We were sat rather close, not that I was complaining. Vic and I had our legs curled up as he held me to his chest with his arm loosely around my shoulder, his fingers gently tracing patterns onto my arm. "Hey Holly?" Vic spoke softly, breaking the comfortable silence that had hovered over us for an hour or so. I looked up to meet his face, his expression one of love and adoration, yet a hint of sadness. "You know I love you, right?" he said cautiously, the soft expression not fading from his face. "Of course Vic, and I love you too. What's on your mind?" I asked, shifting slightly so I could get a better look at him. "I don't know, I was just... thinking, I guess. What would have happened if we never met that night? Honestly, without you I probably wouldn't be as happy as I am, because the moment I saw you walking around town, and then again in the park, my stomach went crazy and my mind constantly drifted to thoughts of you, however creepy that might sound. You have all my heart, and I never want to lose you, ever. Please, promise you won't leave me? I hope you feel the same because you're my only one. I love you so fucking much." I felt tears threatening to spill; that was one of the most beautiful things I had ever heard, and it showed just how much he cared. He spilled all of his emotions to me, and it felt amazing; I couldn't help but notice the occasional song lyrics and titles, but that just made it even more special to me. "I love you too Vic, more than you could ever know. I promise I will never leave you if that's what you really want" I replied, staring deep into his beautiful brown eyes. His instant reaction was to close the space between us by crashing his lips to mine with adoration and passion. I instantly kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck loosely, tangling my fingers in the back of his long hair. He involuntarily let out a soft moan and a smirk pulled at my lips at the reaction I had on him; this moment was perfect, Vic was perfect. I felt fully confident around Vic now, and I was glad because otherwise I wouldn't have had the courage to do what I done next. I pulled lightly on his hair once more, causing that heart melting noise to escape his lips once again, and used that as an opportunity to slide my tongue into his mouth. The corners of his lips twisted, as he began to smile as the kiss deepened, and within seconds we were having a full on make out session. I shifted on the sofa so I was on his lap, my legs either side of his as one of his hands rested on my thigh, and the other on my shoulder. Neither of us pulled apart to breathe, and I soon found myself being carried, my legs wrapped around Vics waist. He pulled apart and turned the tv off before heading towards the hallway and kitchen, where he turned the lights off and began walking upstairs, my head resting on his shoulder as his hands held onto my thighs to stop me from falling.

We reached the top of the stairs and Vic led us through to our room, before he sat down, re-placing me back on his lap. Our lips instantly reconnected and his arms went back around my waist, trailing small lines along my spine. I pressed my body against his more so he fell to his back on the bed and I was now straddling his waist, one hand on his chest and the other beside his face. He flipped us over so he was now hovering above me, careful not to place too much weight on me. I pulled him closer by his neck, my hands once again tangling in his hair. He pressed his body closer to mine, and I smirked slightly at the reaction that I had on him. He ignored my smirk and continued to move his lips in sync with mine as I began pulling his shirt over his head. He was more than happy to remove it fully, and once it was across the room I took a moment to take in the sight before me; his skin was tanned and perfect, and the muscle on him was evident, and I had to look away before I got too caught up on the sight of my loving boyfriend. "Like what you see?" he chuckled slightly in his breathless state. I nodded and bit my lip, which made him lean in once more, quickly slipping his tongue into my mouth.

Once the both of us were almost fully unclothed Vic pulled away with a soft look of concern. "Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want you to feel pressured in to anything." His voice was soft, and lacked any tone of anger, which meant he was genuinely being sincere and looking out for me, which in all honesty just made me want this more. "I'm sure Vic. I love you, I trust you more than anything" I smiled back. His face lit up in a loving way, and as I stared into his beautiful brown eyes, the majority of concern had been replaced with love and lust. In a swift motion he reconnected our lips once more and I felt completely safe with this man. Our lips moved in sync until we were both completely naked in the dim light of the room; the only light being that of the street lights outside, which I was thankful for. I may have been feeling more confident, but I was still self conscious and slightly insecure. "Last chance to say no if you're having any doubts" Vic muttered softly; this is one of the reasons I loved him. He gave me options, and would always put me first in situations that could make me uncomfortable. "Vic, I'm sure" I replied, sounding very certain of my response. He nodded and quickly ran through to the bathroom before he came back over to where I was now sat up. "Promise to say if you want to stop" he said sort of awkwardly. "I promise" I smiled, attempting to hide my body as the space left me feeling a little more insecure. He leant down and moved my arms so that they were no longer hiding me. "You're beautiful, and don't even start to think otherwise" he smiled before he reconnected our lips. I heard something rip open but I was too distracted by the soft lips that were against mine. He began trailing kisses along my jawline, then down to my neck until he reached my collarbone, where he began gently grazing it with his teeth, making me melt under his warm touch. His lips made their way back up to mine and he reconnected them before a sharp pain shot through my body. "Are you okay?" he asked, worry lacing his voice as he stayed still, not taking his gaze off of mine. "I'm fine" I replied with an attempt at a smile. "The pain won't last long, I promise you" he smiled sadly, his eyes still full of lust. I simply nodded and pulled his face back down to mine to distract myself with his lips.

Just as Vic had promised, the pain subsided rather quickly, and I couldn't have been happier. Vic was gentle and that made me feel more trusting towards him, if that were even possible to begin with. We were now lying there, a sheet thrown over us as Vics arm lay loosely over my waist and his head rested against my shoulder. "I love you Holly. So fucking much" he grinned, taking my chin gently between his thumb and finger to face him, a smile never leaving my lips. "I love you too Vic, nothing will ever change that." He leant forward and kissed me sweetly before he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and moved his hand to my arm. His fingers began incoherently running over the self inflicted damage I had caused in my past, and I felt slightly guilty; Vic had always been there, if not in person then through his music, and I let him down. I quickly peered over at him to see his eyebrows furrowed, and a look of guilt washed his face as his fingers trailed over the faded lines. "Vic, don't over think this. It's in the past" I muttered sadly. He nodded and his eyes trailed up to mine before he gave me a weak attempt at a smile. "I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner. I could have prevented... this" he sighed, bringing my arm to his lips. "Don't talk like that, please? You found me, that's all that matters. Now, I'm shattered, but I'm going to take a shower." I sat up and grabbed Vic's shirt off of the floor and threw it over my head before I walked to the doorframe. "Want to join me?" He smiled and stood up, not caring that he wasn't at all clothed and snaked an arm around my waist as we walked threw to the bathroom.


I suck at smut... oops. Oh well, emotional chapter for you c: once I've finished this fanfic I'll go back and edit it maybe.
Listening to; Way Away by Yellowcard
2.5k reads! Thank you all so much! Ily all✌❤

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