Tonight We'll Be Throwing A Party.
Vic's POV
We were on the road headed towards our first show which was this evening. Thankfully we weren't travelling very far at all, so we definitely had enough time to get there and still explore and whatnot. We were due to arrive there within the hour, and it was barely afternoon, which just meant more time to mess around and maybe meet some of the fans.
We pulled up at around 3:30 and piled out of the buses, meeting in the centre of the huge parking lot that the buses were parked in. "Vic, over here!" Kellin and Jenna called with huge smiles on their faces. "I'll be back in a second" I said with a smile towards my band and Holly before rushing over to them. "What's up?" I asked as I stopped in front of them. "So, tonight after the show, how does a celebration sound for the official kick off of tour?" Kellin suggested with a huge grin on his face."Sounds great, where are we going to have it though?" "Already planned this, there's a large field not too far away from here and its open to public so we can park the buses there for the night and leave in the morning" Jenna smiled proudly. "Okay, sure. Do the managers know? Because obviously we have a show tomorrow before we begin the long journey." "We'll let ours know, you go tell Kevin" Kellin smiled before skipping off. I flashed Jenna a smile before walking back over to everyone who had piled out of our bus. "Party tonight, we'll just follow Tonight Alive's bus" I smiled to them all. "Alcohol?" Mike asked hopefully, causing a couple of us to laugh. "Yes Mike, probably" I laughed. He began jumping up and down like a little school kid, which Jaime ended up joining in with. "Anyway, I'm going back on the bus because we have a couple of hours before soundcheck" I shrugged. "You coming?" I asked Holly, who simply nodded at me, so I took her hand before we walked onto the bus in a content silence.
Soundcheck came around quicker than expected, so we found ourselves walking past the small line that already formed to get into the venue. Because Jaime, Mike, Tony and myself had to rush in, we left Holly to walk in with Kevin, and luckily our crew were already in there, along with a few from the other bands. "Okay, so Tonight Alive and Sleeping with Sirens have done their soundcheck, so now we just need to do yours and then we're good to go" one of the venue workers smiled as they walked over to us. I simply nodded and looked to the other three who were in my band before we went and collected our equipment.
Holly sat where the crowd would later be, watching us contently with Kellin, Justin and Gabe at her side; I had no clue where Tonight Alive had gone too, but it didn't effect us too much. We were about to try out King for a Day seeing as it was our newest song and we wanted to make sure it would be okay, especially as this was the first time we would really be performing it live. "Kellin, get your butt up here now" Jaime demanded playfully into his microphone. He muttered something to the others before jogging over to the stage, where he collected a mic from one of the sound guys and came and stood beside me. "You ready for this" I smiled to him. "Of course" he retorted, rolling his eyes in a playful manner. I looked at the othere guys before Mike counted us in to begin the song.
Holly's POV
I really enjoyed watching them do their soundcheck; it was nice to just watch them do what they enjoy, rather than constantly fussing or worrying over me. I sat with Justin as everyone else had scattered, and it was nice to have a change of company. "So how are you? We haven't really spoken properly" he laughed a little. "Yeah, I'm good thanks. How're you?" I replied with a smile. "I'm also good. I'm excited to begin this tour" he grinned like a child on Christmas. I laughed a little before turning my attention to the guys on stage. The genuine smiles on their faces proved that they loved doing this; performing for fans. If only I felt that way about something.
After soundcheck, everyone was left with around an hour before everyone would be in the venue and Tonight Alive would begin the opening set. We were all sat backstage in one of the larger green rooms, waiting for instructions or something to do to pass the time. Vic had gone off to talk to Kellin, and I was sat with Jenna who was happily talking to one of the other Tonight Alive guys. I zoned out, staring at my feet for a while until I felt someone tapping on my shoulder. I looked up to see Jenna with a confused expression. "You okay?" she laughed in her Australian accent. "What? Oh, yeah. Sorry" I replied before looking back down at my feet. "So, if you don't mind me asking, how did you meet Vic?" she asked curiously. "Well uh, my brother and I were in a park and they all happened to run in, so we got talking and yeah, it went on from there. In fact, it all happened pretty quick" I smiled. "That's cute." I'm not sure what it was about the way she said that, but it made me feel a little uneasy, although that was probably just my anxiety playing up.
"Two minutes guys!" Kevin yelled. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and I knew instantly who it was. "Hey you" I spoke over the loud screams of the crowd. "Hey yourself" he replied before I turned in his arms to face him. "Good luck" I smiled largely before he leant forward and pressed his lips to mine quickly. His lips were soft against mine, and I found myself melting into the kiss, but he soon pulled away due to Jaime making teasing noises as he ran around us. I found myself laughing before everyone's instruments, except for Mike's, were handed to them. "Have fun guys" I yelled as the screaming increased. "Thanks" they all replied in unison, which in all honesty was kind of creepy. "I love you" Vic smiled before they lined up to run on.
We we're parked in a field in what felt like the middle of nowhere. There was music, alcohol, and a lot of dancing. And then there was me, sat on the bus on my own because I really didn't feel like joining in. I had a bad feeling, but I could'nt work out what it was. It would probably pass, I just knew that I didn't feel like partying right now.
I was laying in the bunk that I was sharing with Vic, and it wasn't long until I felt the bunk dip a little, letting me know that I wasn't alone. "Holly, you awake?" I heard Vic whisper. I decided to just pretend I was asleep, because I didn't want to, nor did I know how to explain how I was feeling. I felt him kiss my cheek before he left again. I just had to sleep this off, that's all.
Listening to; Good Girls Bad Guys by Falling in Reverse
Title Credit; Fast Time's at Claremont High by Pierce the Veil

Picking Up The Pieces {COMPLETED} (A Vic Fuentes Fanfiction)
FanfictionHolly was just your average band obsessed girl. The only thing was, her family didn't like the way she acted, the way she dressed, and the music she listened to. When she runs into Pierce the Veil one night with her brother, what will be the effect...