Chapter 20

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Two days later

Finally we're both ready and waiting for Victor to pick us up. Angelica texted and told me to bring him along so that's what I'm doing. I hope Liam don't think something.
"You got everything?" Victor asks me down the phone as I look in the mirror at myself as I apply a red lipstick.
"I'm coming down" I tell him and hang up.
I look good I hope I get to see Liam.

Grabbing Mya in her little red sparkly dress and I melt just looking at her

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Grabbing Mya in her little red sparkly dress and I melt just looking at her.

"Let's go babyy, your dad's waiting" I tell her sighing and grab my clutch and Mya's bag with everything she'll need

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"Let's go babyy, your dad's waiting" I tell her sighing and grab my clutch and Mya's bag with everything she'll need..
Stepping out the elevator I see Victor and he looks me over.
"You look sexy baby girl, she looks cute" Victor says mostly watching me and glances at Mya once. Seriously..
I climb into the back with Mya putting her on my lap because he hasn't gotten her a car seat.. Again seriously.. We're gonna be late as it is.

Climbing out the car finally. I put Mya down and hold her hand to show off her pretty dress and walk into the gazebo where I can see people.
Taking a seat putting Mya down I suddenly see Jason standing at the top on his own and he looks nervous. Is this.. No surely. Oh my God there getting married...
I turn my head hearing music and see Liam. Fuck he looks hot.. And he's walking Angelica down the fucking aisle. He looks so hot in a suit. I miss my baby.
As the ceremony goes on I just stare at Liam hoping he can feel my eyes boring into him but be doesnt look away from the couple once. He's obviously enjoying the day. Am I gonna spoil it for him by being here? I let my thoughts run wild as I watch them slide the rings on to each other and think I should be doing this with Liam. My King.

After the beautiful ceremony I get up with Mya and head to the barn. I need a drink.
"Come on baby" I say to Mya picking her up leaving Victor because I don't care about him.
Standing in the barn I look around and think wow it's amazing. I love it and who planned all of this because I want it..
Everything's perfect, down to the tableware.. I think of the plan Liam made while I look around the room smiling. I hope to get this one day..
Suddenly see Angelica walk in with Jason heading towards me and Victor who followed me in here.
"Oh my god girl. I didn't know this was a wedding, congrats babes" I tell her with a smile.
"I didn't know either hun. Thanks for coming.. All of you" she says looking at Victor and nudging Jason.
"You good Victor? Thanks for coming" Jason says smiling at him.
"Yeah good thanks" Victor says awkwardly looking at me.
I look over my shoulder to see what Angelica's looking at. I turn and see Liam and the girl from the bakery walking towards us. Shit. I lock eyes with Liam and he just spins and walks back out in the same direction. What the fuck? Does he hate me..
"So, Stacey ain't it, do I know you?" she says with a smile. Do I look that different.
"Err.. Yeah" I say knowing it's only been two days but still she doesn't fucking remember me. Weird.
"So I see you have a kid.. With Victor. Small world" She says smirking at Victor.
"OK so it was good meeting you. Victor. Stacey I'll see you soon and we'll you excuse us we have more people to get through and I need to sit down" Angelica says and we both laugh hugging. I hope we can be friends regardless of everything she seems nice.
I watch Liam hard. I can't help it
It's the closest we've been in years and I'm dying. I just need to talk to him and tell him everything's a big fat lie and I want him. The girl who spoke to me couldn't keep her hands off him. Bitch
He looks like he's physically trying to remove himself from her as the days not about them. But I know he wouldn't mind if it was me. My weird baby.
I watch as Liam stands up and clinks his glass getting everyone attention. And he already had mine.
"So as the best man it's rightfully my duty to embarrass the groom. So here goes" he says and everyone already starts to laugh and I just stare at him. I miss you baby I wish I could scream at him.
"I've known Jason since we were kids. He's my brother and I love him. But that one time he was so drunk and this girl..."
"That's enough of that" Jason jumps up interupting him. And I can't help but laugh. I wonder who he was on about? Do I know her? I continue to watch Liam.
"Sorry about that folks, Jason's being boring" Liam says looking at Jason and we all laugh.
"Well Angelica. I love you like a sister and you make my brother the happiest guy I know. Thank you love" he says smiling and Angelica smiles back and raises her glass.
I smile at there bond hoping it is a brother sister thing between them.
"So to the bride and groom, may you live a long and fruitful life together" Liam says ending his speech as everyone cheers and clinks there glasses.
"Now can we clear the dance floor ready for the first dance please. Jason, Angelica" and he motions for them to go and they walk over to the dance floor.
I watch as they dance and look so inlove and want nothing more for them to be happy.
I look at Liam and find him staring at me already but quickly looks away when our eyes lock. Why is he being different..

Looking around the room a trolly is pushed out covered in pink and blue balloons with a cake in the middle. My fucking cake! I smile knowing now that the instructions was definitely from Liam and he planned all of this for them. My special king with his big heart. And he doesn't see why people love him. Please..
I watch as Angelica gets excited and holds Jason's hand as they cut open the cake and that's a point I knew what they was having before them. Aww Liam gave me the honors of baking them there special cake knowing it will be delicious and look epic.
I watch Liam do just that and stuff some of the cake into his mouth throughly enjoying my baking like normal. Missed me baby? I can't help but watch him. And suddenly my bubbles popped when I see that same girl wrap her arms around him but Liam pushes her off of him and picks his daughter up feeding her some of the cake. I watch him smile and look genuinely happy with his daughter. I bet he's an amazing dad.

After a fun day out I say my goodbyes to Angelica and Jason and congrulate them again.
Victor follows me around like a lost fucking puppy and he's pissing me off.
I turn to see Liam one last time and he smiles at me and walks away. Stop walking away from me damn it! Come to fucking me!

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now