Chapter 89 Liam's POV

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It's been about an hour since I said bye to my brother. I know it was for the best but I feel a little shit that he's gone.
I promised him I'd call him in a few days instead of Stacey and we'd talk and see if we can get to the bottom of this. But Angelica.. I'm not so sure. Jason's my brother blood or not he's family. Angelica's just being a bitter bitch that's not getting her own way. I get Jason having feelings for Stacey is hard for her but it's not my queen's fault. She needs to accept that. She didn't need to talk to Stacey the way she did.
"Rico told me about what happened at the salon" I tell her randomly as we cuddle up with the girls on the sofa..
"I was about to pay when Rico said I didn't have to. Then I remembered you still own the salon so I banged that out there. She soon shut up" she tells me and I laugh. I'm seriously rubbing off on her.
"Well you look beautiful either way baby" I tell her because she doesn't need the salon like most women do. She's naturally stunning.
"Thanks baby, I thought I'd make an effort for you and the guests" she tells me and I smile at her. She really doesn't need to try so hard with everyone. But I was surprised to meet Eva. I wasn't expecting that. She was.. A shock to say the least. I was expecting some old ugly bitch to be honest. But fucking hell she was younger and alot hotter than I expected. But like normal she has nothing on my queen.
"Did you enjoy it? People coming around and getting dressed up?" I ask her and she nods smiling up at me.
"So you'd want to do that more often, socialize I mean" I ask her and she nods again.
"If that's what you'd want, it'd be something we both want" she says and I smile agreeing.
"Then that's what we'll do baby, how we celebrating?" I ask her and she look up at me through her long lashes and bites her lip. Naughty little minx. Not that I'm complaining. I can't get enough of her.
"We can start off in the pool before we drink.. And work our way up" she says to me and I can't help but groan.
"I can't wait to get you in that pool again baby" I tell her and she bites her lip. I check my watch and see Becky's dissappeared.
"I need to make some dinner so you think about what we're doing and I'll be right back" she says seductively and I can't help but watch her ass as she strolls past me. She's so fucking sexy and all mine. I still can't believe it.
"So girls are we having fun in the mansion?" I ask them and they both sit up and smile at me..
"Yes daddy, live her" Mya says and I nod.
"Is that what you want to princess?" I ask Ruby and she nods.
"Live with mummy two and Mya and daddy here" she says and my heart bursts. That's all daddy wants princess.
"Absolutely" I tell her and they both giggle. I love them both so much. That reminds me I need to give Stacey the form to sign. Becky walks back into the room and I smile at her..
"Everything OK?" I asks her and she nods.
"Yeah, just my mum checking in, sorry" she says and sits down on the sofa and the girls run to her.
"It's alright, your still going home tomorrow arnt you, if Stacey doesn't need to go out then Rico will drop you wherever you need to go, and take a few days to sort yourself and then call me, I'll arrange someone to pick you up with all your stuff. Your apart of the family now Becky" I tell her and she grins happy for sure.
"Thank you so much Liam. It means alot that your letting me move in and keep my job. I won't let you down" she tells me and I nod at her and smile.
"Your great with the girls and they love you clearly. There's already enough confusion, losing you wouldn't help or benifit any of us" I tell her and she nods understanding.

"Dinners ready everyone" Stacey calls out and I get up to see what she's made because I'm starved. I really should of eaten earlier with the girls. Walking into the dining room, I see she's set the table for all five of us and I hope to make it six this time next year. Fingers crossed she's pregnant with the amount of sex we're having.
"Do you need my help with anything baby?" I ask my queen and she shakes her head.
"No I'm done baby just need to grab plates" she says and I follow her anyways to help take the plates. She does alot around the place. I need to hire a cleaner maybe a crew to spruce up the place now they've gone aswell.
Grabbing the girls plates in one hand and then mine I let Stacey get hers and Becky's.
"Thanks baby" she tells me and I smile at her..
"It's OK, you'll be doing alot more work later so I might aswell lighten the load now" I tell her and wink and she laughs. I'm being deadly serious. She'll see..
Putting my plate down then I place the girls food infront of them.
"Tank you daddy" they both say and I smile at them both.
"Your welcome my babies" I tell them sitting down.
I look around the table and smile. This is my life now. And I couldn't be happier. I start to dig into my dinner of homemade cheese burgers and chips. My queen knows what I love.
"I love it baby, thank you" I tell her thinking she couldn't even get better. She's already perfect.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now