Chapter 25 Liam's POV

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I can't believe I just grabbed her and kissed her. Maybe this being selfish is more me than I realized. I can't stop thinking about her beautiful lips, there sweet taste and her fucking smell. She still wears the same perfume. Why am I still shocked by these things? She fucking wants me. She kissed me back and didn't reject me. I'm the one that pulled away and stopped it before I got carried away.
I've never been happier than now to know that she still actually wants me. Did she even get my letters? Surely Sian would of told her something about my letters and the guy from the bakery must of told her I shouted the place down for her.. Either way I want her. And I will have her.

I smile at my beautiful baby girl who looks at me with her big chocolate eyes just like mine and kisses me.
"Love you daddy" she says and my heart melts for her.
"I love you too princess" I tell her and put her down as she points to the floor wanting to get down.
Walking into the kitchen I see Angelica sitting at the table holding her bump.
"You and Seline? Do you not like her Liam." she asks me and I sigh. I knew this was coming after today.
"She's a nice girl, just not for me I feel like she tries to just spend time with me and push Ruby out" I tell her and she sighs at me looking towards Ruby
"Your doing the right thing obviously, but don't let her get to attached Liam" she warns me and I nod understanding.
"I know, it's just hard" I say to her and she gives me a sad smile.
"I'm sorry bro, it'll get better. I promise" she says and I hope she's right. I don't know how long I can take not having my queen to fill my family.

"I'm gonna go home Liam" Seline suddenly says poking her head into the kitchen. I stand up thanking God shes leaving and walk her out like the gentleman I am.
"I'll call you" I just tell her and she nods and kisses me on the cheek.
"See you" she says and opens the door stepping out not looking back. Good girl.
I close the door sighing heavily and make my way into the living room to Ruby and Becky.
"So Becky, tell me what you've been up to" I ask her and she smiles at me.
"Just work and college, I don't really have time for anything else" she says and that's not nice to hear.
"Am I working you to much?" I ask her and she shakes her head.
"No, not at all. I love it here" she says and I sigh relieved.
"So you need some more you time is what your saying?" I ask her and she sighs.
"It would be nice but I'm good really" she says with a small smile. Hmm don't think so..
"How about we have a talk about it later and set out a proper plan and give you more you time before Lexi comes" I tell her and she nods.
"Sounds good, thanks Liam" she says and I nod happy to help.
"Now that's sorted. What would make you better today?" I ask her grinning and she laughs at me..
"A holiday" she says still laughing and I chuckle. Wouldn't we all like that.
"How about the salon? Full treatment the whole god damn works" I tell her and she lights up..
"You being serious Liam. What about Ruby?" she asks and I raise a brow.
"Don't worry about anything just go and enjoy yourself I'll get Angelica to ring them and tell them it's on us" I tell her and she jumps up. Atleast I made someone happy today.
"Thank you Liam I appreciate it" she tells me and I smile at her happy to help.
"Your welcome Becky, you deserve it" I tell her and get up to make my way into the kitchen to Angelica.
"Love, I need you to ring Angel's and book Becky in for the works. I've gave her the day off and sent her there on me." I tell her and she smiles up at me.
"Seline, now Becky.. Tut tut Liam" she says and laughs
"It's not that, me and Becky is like me and you" I tell her feeling a shiver run through me. No thanks I have my queen.
"Your so lovely, it still surprises me" she says laughing and I raise a brow.
"Whats that mean?" I ask her chuckling and she shrugs.
"FUCK boy Liam, you know it. I know it" she says and I laugh hard. She's not wrong.. I am without my queen. It will only ever be her.
"Stick to what your great at" she tells me and I laugh further. She's so rude.
"Let's not go down that path, you don't want my comebacks" I tell her and she raises a brow. Noo Liam!
"Just ring the salon will you" I tell her and she smirks
"As I thought fuck boy" she says walking out. Rude much.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now