Chapter 45

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Waking up seeing that it's 7:30am I rub my eyes and yawn. Last night was amazing. I look to Liam and see him staring at me.
"Morning beautiful" he says smiling at me. "Morning baby, you ready to start a new day.. And I'm still here" I wink at him and he grins.
"Absolutely baby, now let's go shower and get to our babies before they wake up" he tells me and kisses me pulling me out the bed.

Pulling up to see the girls I jump out missing my baby and run to the door making Liam laugh..
"Your gonna need the key baby" he says holding it up and unlocking the door finally. Making our way inside I hear no one and decide to make breakfast.
"I'll go check on the girls" Liam says and I nod.
"I'll make breakfast for everyone then" I tell him and Liam gets excited.
"I definitely need it after last night" he winks at me and I blush a little. Why does this still keep happening. I'm a grown woman. Shit!
"I've got you baby, I'll make everything" I tell him not knowing what Jason and Angelica have for breakfast..

Turning around I see Liam walk into the kitchen holding Mya and Ruby on each hip..
"Mummy" Mya says excitedly and tries to get to me.
"Hey baby, I missed you. Did you have fun?" I ask her taking her from Liam and she nods at me grinning.
"I Love Ruby" she says looking back at her.
"Ruby love Mya" Ruby says and my heart melts for them. It's just an overload of cuteness.
"And I love all three of my girls" Liam says looking at me then the girls. He's so cheesy but cute too.
"And I love you daddy" I tell him winking and he swirls his eye colour at me and then licks his lips.
"Who's ready for breakfast" I ask looking at Liam.
"Me, me" the girls shout and liam licks his lips.
"Stop it baby now is not the time" I tell him giggling and he kisses me and winks again.
"There will never be a time when I don't want you my queen" he says and I bite my lip accidentally and he looks at me raising a brow.
"I'm sorry I can't help it" I whine and put Mya down laughing. He puts Ruby down to and he grabs me and kisses me sliding his tongue into my mouth and groaning. Shit. Suddenly hearing the girls giggle and run off I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer deepening the kiss. I pull away when I hear the girls run back in and I look at Liam who's standing there smug while I'm left a hot mess. It's so not fair.
"Let me finish up and we'll eat when there up" I tell Liam and make my way back to setting out the rest of the buffet.

"Oh my god babe, you didn't have to. I could of done that" Angelica says to me grinning grateful.
"It's no trouble, I wanted to thank you guys for a good night and I know Liam can eat loads so I assumed Jason does too right?" I ask her and she nods sighing and I laugh at her. Bless her.
"There animals. I swear" she tells me and I laugh nodding my head agreeing.. I could really get used to having her around.

"So when are you getting married?" Angelica suddenly asks me as Liam walks into the room pausing looking between us.
"As soon as possible, we have plans to fulfill" he says and kisses me tenderly on the lips.
"I'm starving angel" Jason comes in whining then practically dribbles when he sees the food buffet.
"You did this angel?" he asks snaking his arms around Angelica's waist.
"I'd like to take credit, but Stacey did it all" she tells him and he smiles nodding at me.
Everyone sits down after getting food and starts to eat. Everyone enjoys this time together and the buffet went down great.

"Mummy?" Ruby says and Angelica looks at her smiling.
"Yes baby?" she asks her and Ruby looks at Liam.
"Daddy?" she says and he looks to her crouching down to her level. She clearly wants both of them. So cute.
"All live here.. with Mya, Stacey too" she says and Angelica perks up excited and looks to Jason smiling.
Liam looks at Angelica and she shrugs.
"Ask Jason" she tells him.
"Peeeeese Acee" Ruby says and Jason sighs..
"Why you all staring at me. Do what you want" he says and Angelica jumps up happily
"Are you serious baby?" she asks him and he nods sighing..
"Will it make you all happy and leave me alone?" she nods eagerly and he gestures to the room.
"Then they'll move in" he says smiling and she claps ecstatic
"Are we really doing this?" I ask Liam looking at him.
"Yes baby, if that's what you want?" he says and smiles wide.
"Yes it is baby, it can all be a trial run, for the mansion?" I suggest quietly to Liam and he smiles.
"What mansion Liam.. Stacey?" Angelica asks looking between us both
"Always eavesdropping Angelica" I say laughing and she sighs nodding.
"I have a mansion.. Another long story love. But it sounds like a good idea. We'll go one day and discuss it" Liam says and she nods eagerly. Oh my fucking God its happening.. My King will get his princess.
"How many fucking buildings you got?" Angelica asks him laughing and he laughs.
"I put my money in the right people love so alot" he says and she nods interested..
"We should all just stay home and sort out this living arrangement" Angelica says to everyone and the girls clap excitedly. There gonna love sharing a room for now anyways. I hope this all works out.

"So tell me about this mansion" Angelica suddenly asks us as we all sit in the living room full after breakfast.
"Oh my god Angelica your gonna love it. It has an inside swimming pool, a games room and a fitness gym. It's got soo many rooms it's massive, enough room for all of us aswell plus more" I wink at her and she smiles glad because I want another baby. Whoa what? Chill out Stacey.
"I'm so fucking excited, when can we go.. I wanna go now" she asks and I laugh.
"We'll go next weekend angel" Jason says walking in looking at his phone.
"Yes yes yes!" she shouts at her husband and he just laughs and kisses her.
"Well that's sorted then love, I'm sorry you never knew about this bro. But this is something that was just me and Stacey and our memories" Liam says to Angelica and Jason and they nod understanding.
"And now your going to make epic new ones with you daughters" Angelica says to us and we smile. I hope so. I hope this works.
"New ones with everyone I love, my family" Liam says smiling looking at us all. He's perfectly mine and he's so much more happier when Ruby's around. And how he is with Angelica makes me happy. There all good people for him.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now