Chapter 23 Liam's POV

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Night before Ruby's 1st birthday

"Listen son, men and women can't be friends" my dad says to me and I roll my eye at him. Is he fucking serious?
"What you going on about now?" I ask his drunken state and he looks at me seriously
"You and that Angelica bitch, you call sister. She's a women and you want to fuck her really don't you son. Don't lie to me" he says and I choke on my drink. Has he absolutely lost it.
"Your drunk and chatting so much shit" I tell him waving it off. As fucking if!!
"She asked you to move in right? She mothers your daughter. She wants you too. Go fo it" he says and I clench my jaw before I punch him in his. What the fuck is he talking about. I don't like her like that..
"You need to shut your mouth don't ever talk about my daughter's mum like that again" I spit getting angry.
"Very defensive of her aren't we? That's my son" he says and fucking winks at me. What is going on.
"She shouldn't be with your brother anyways. She's to dark for him just like you should stick to your own colour too son" he tells me and I just stare at him feeling my blood boil. Am I seriously listening to this. This shit..
The beast I've been doing well with keeping at bay is itching to come out. I grab the bottle of Jd from off the coffee table and start to down it. I can't deal with his shit.
"You know I'm right son, stick to your own kind" he says smacking the words at me hard. Wow.
"Well you didn't.. Maybe if you did I wouldn't be here" I tell him angrily and he laughs.
"There's no need to get in your feelings. I'm just telling you not to stray from your own kind. Stick with that bitch of a baby mother" he says casual and I stand straight up
"I didn't come here for a fucking lecture and for you to be fucking insulting of my choice and Angelica. Your fucking crazy if you think I'm that child that's gonna sit there and take your shit" I yell at him.
"That's it son, take it out on me, make yourself feel better. It still doesn't change what I've said. She wants you ask her, just ask her" he says to me with a smirk and I can't think straight. Does she want me? Instead of my bro? What the fuck is happening she doesn't want me.
But she loves me and proves it. I've done so much for her and she has for me. Does she want me? Fuck!
I down the rest of the bottle not caring about anything. She can't fucking like me. OK so what if she does like me then what? Do I tell Jason? Keep it to myself? Act onit? I don't fucking know because I don't know how I feel right now. I just seen her as my sister but now.. I'm not sure she is hot like a ten. But I'd never seen her in a sexual way she's always been my bros girl. Then she became my sister nothing more. I'm not Jason! Fuck. Just don't listen to him. Shes your sister Liam that it. But..
No butt's she's your fucking sister..
I'll ask her. I need to know..
But she isn't talking to me right now. How could I say that to her. She's both if not all of our daughter. She is Ruby's mum period. I would never stand in the way of that. Ruby needs her alot more than she'll ever need me. I know that more than anyone. She needs a mum and Angelica forever fills that spot. Ruby's lucky to have her just as much.
"You look lost in thought son, you thinking about her aren't you" he says and I sigh, please just shut up
"No I'm thinking about my princess" I tell him and he laughs
"Of course you are, it's okay to want your brothers girl, it runs in the family" he says and I just state at him.
"I don't care about family shit it's not happening, I don't see her like that" I tell him holding my head in my hands. Feeling like I have no idea how to feel. But feeling guilty for even thinking about her that way. I'm not turned on at all.
"You ask her and I bet she says yes, you've got this son. You know you want her. You can't stay friends forever" he tells me and I sigh. Is he right? Can we not be friends forever?
"Just make your move son" he tells me
"Just shut the fuck up. I don't need you in my fucking head" I shout at him and he laughs again swigging from his bottle..
"I'm just saying son" he says and I pull out my spliff and spark it. I fucking need something.

"I'm sorry to hear about Angela, you didn't deserve to lose her like that" he says and my blood starts to boil again.
"Keep her fucking name out of your mouth. You don't deserve to even think of her let alone speak her name." I roar at him and he pauses looking at me.
"I'm sorry son" he says holding up his hands.. I take a deep breath before I just let go and let my beast have at him like he wants to.
"Quit with the son shit aswell, you was never a father let alone a dad" I say calmly when I feel anything but. I take long drags from my spliff and hold it down before blowing it out. Feeling the cloud close around me bubbling me I smile to myself and begin to zone out from him. I can't believe my baby's one tomorrow.. And Amy died a year ago aswell, with that depressing thought I take large gulps from the bottle and sit back closing my eyes picturing my queen stood in front of me.

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