Chapter 145

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"I've booked us in to a 5 star hotel and it's going to take us roughly five hours depending on traffic. We really should of left earlier baby" Liam says and I sigh. Five fucking hours. Wow.
"As long as you stop for food at a shop when we reach one to grab the girls drinks and snack we're alright. I have you to keep me company" I smile at him and he rubs my thigh.
"Im looking forward to spending time as a family. It feels like we've been on the go and not seen them much" he says and I sigh. He's right. So much has been going on lately.
"Oh my god I didn't ring Eva. Fuck" I stress to myself but Liam shakes his head at me.
"None of that this weekend. It can wait till when we're back. I just want to spend quality time with my family. My three favorite girls" he tells me and I smile
"OK baby. Same goes for you too. We want your undivided attention. No sneaky phonecalls or emailing anybody. Just us OK" I tell him and he smiles and glances at me.
"I promise my queen. Just us" he says and links our fingers kissing my hand.

"There's a shop around this corner baby. Did you want to run in and buy whatever you needed for the rest of the journey?" Liam asks and I nod excited to stretch my legs and get up off my ass.
"I'll go in, did you want anything in particular? Or just a load of different junk. I'll grab us sandwiches aswell" I ask him and he smiles.
"Buy whatever you want beautiful. Get me a bottle of lucozade orange, the big one please" he says and I nod smiling. Am about to buy the shop. We've been travelling for about two hours now. The girls have fallen asleep so there gonna want to eat when they wake up anyways.
Liam comes to a stop and I climb out grabbing my bag and I'm finally about to use my card.

Walking into the shop I grab a basket and make my way around pulling crisp, chocolate, sweets and bottles of pop into the basket and walk to the sandwich area grabbing a mixture of different ones.
I grab sausage rolls and a pack of yoghurt tubes for the girls.
I continue to walk around the shop and get two bottles of the lucozade for Liam from a different fridge and sigh with relieve that I found it.
Making may way to the till I grab a pack of lollypop too and stand at the check out waiting to be served.
As the lady bags all my things she looks at me with a smile probably wondering where its all going but I don't care. I tap my card and take the bags.
"Thanks" I tell her and walk out the shop.
Climbing back into the car with all the bags Liam looks at me with a raised brow and smirks.
"Here you go" I say pulling out his drink and handing it to him. I take out the cherry coke and take gulps of it needing to quench my thirst.
"Did you want something now. I don't mind feeding you boo" I tell him and he licks his lips.
He takes the bag and looks at the sandwiches.
"Ham salad please baby" he says and I nod opening it and handing him one of the cut up halfs. I open the chicken mayo and leave the cheese for the girls knowing they love it and another chicken salad for Liam.
He pulls off as I pull on my seat belt and then feed him again.

"Mummy, drink please" Ruby says and Mya starts to slowly wake up too.
I hand them both a juice box with the straw pierced through and pull down the tables behind our seats. I open there sandwiches and hand place them down for them.
"Thank you mummy" they both say and dig in.
I continue to feed Liam as he drives and eat my own as I feel generally happy.
"How much did you give Sian then?" I suddenly ask Liam and he glances at me.
"Not too much. I didn't want to overwhelm her" he says and I look at him.
"What does that mean just tell me baby" I say and he coughs.
"£30k like I said not to much" he says and I choke on my sandwich.
"You gave my best friend £30k. Are you crazy. I didn't mean that much" I tell him shocked that he actually went all out and he just laughs at me
"Baby ill make that back within a day easy, so like I said it's nothing" he tells me and I sigh. He's fucking crazy.
"Well thank you baby, I bet she's home now screaming with kai. I hope they appreciate it and everything else your doing for them" I tell him and he shrugs.
"Sian's been with us from day one. She deserves it for everything she did for you when I couldn't" he says and I run my hand over his head.
"Aww baby, I love you so much do you know that" I tell him smiling. He seriously is the best husband.
"I do know yes. And I love you too my queen. How much was you expecting me to give her then?" he asks and I shrug not really having an answer.
"I don't know maybe £5-10k not effing £30 Liam. You seriously have no concept of money" I tell him and he laughs
"I don't need to, I've got money coming in from everything. It makes me feel better that I could help her anyways" he says and I smile. He doesn't need to buy people.
"Baby, you don't need to buy people. Because I know you do. I'd love you like I always have even without all this" I tell him and he looks at me confused
"Is that what I do?" he asks thinking about it..
"Yes all the time. They'll love you because of you not your money boo" I tell him and he sighs.
"It's the way I've always been tho. I don't know how to not do that. And I think people expect that from me because I have money" he says and that makes me sad.
"Well no more. I have it all anyways. So talk to me baby I'm here for you. Don't be just giving ungrateful people anything anymore. Am not gonna let you either" I tell him and he sighs nodding. Good boy
"OK, have it your way baby. Don't blame me if everyone leaves us" he says and I laugh.
"You pay there wages. They live in our home what more do they want. They won't leave" I tell him, well atleast I hope not anyways.
"Well atleast we'll see who's here for us and not our money" he says and I nod agreeing.
"Exactly, then you'll see that your loved" I tell him smiling. Because he is.
"As long as I have you, our girls and Jason I don't actually care about anyone else" he says and he's right. Who cares for anyone else. They can have there pay check and maybe a few incentives but that's it. We're done giving ungrateful people anything.
"One thing tho. I gave Angelica some money because Jason blocked her credit cards. I couldn't leave Lexi without and I took my mum's jewellery back to. She had the audacity to tell me she was gonna sell it" he tells me gripping the steering wheel I rub his thigh soothingly and he shakes his head calming himself down.
"Good she doesn't deserve anything that was your mums. The little tramp" I say and he laughs. What..
"I'm right she swindled enough money out of you already. Unless your going to pay her off. No more baby. I'm serious" I warn him and he sighs
"You want me to try pay her off?" he asks and I shrug.
"She's got nothing, let's see how much Ruby's worth to her" I say and he hums
"OK beautiful we'll go do that together. Before we involve Eva and everyone else" he tells me and I nod
"Well that's settled.. No more tramp talk" I tell him and he laughs again.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now