Chapter 22

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Waking up to hear the letter box I jump out the bed and run over to the door. Picking up the letter I run to the window looking out of it and see him pull off. Fuck! I sit on the sofa and open the letter to see what he has to say now.

Hello beautiful.
I'm sorry for how I reacted to seeing you today I was just shocked to actually see you. And damn you looked perfect as always. Your daughter was adorable too. I write you this letter to tell you it was nice to see you out together as a family. It made me happy but sad to see. I've been trying to move on but I can't, so all I have now is my princess. I'm giving this dad thing a go and I must say I love it. You made me grow up alot and now she's benifiting from that. Thank you my queen.
I'm sorry if seeing me with another woman threw you off that was not my intention
She kinda spoiled my day. You on the other hand was perfect like normal. I felt your eyes on me alot baby, you shouldn't be eye fucking me in my suit. Not that I minded. I miss you soo much and today proved that. I had to hold myself back on a number of occasions, I just wanted to take you in my arms and kiss you like your mine. You will always be mine Stacey Johnson. So now you know where I stand. What about you?
I will not run when I next see you. So I hope you have an answer for me baby, I'll be waiting for you.
Always and Forever Yours

I sit there just amazed really. I definitely know my answer and I'll be giving it to him the next time I see him along with a peice of my fucking mind. Why does he keep writing with no return address.. Its not fair. I need to talk to him. I wanted him to grab me and kiss me yesterday. But like normal I never get what I want. Sighing I stand up putting the letter away with the others and start making breakfast for my baby.

"Mama, why sad?" she asks and I look at her with a small smile
"I just miss someone that's all baby, now come on, eat up we're going to learn you how to bake" I tell her having no idea where to start but I can't just sit in the apartment and stew away my feelings. She claps her hands and spoons her cornflakes into her mouth watching me.

After showering both of us and getting ready we're standing in the bakery looking at all the ingredients I've pulled out to make Liam's favorite to see if Mya loves them too. Chocolate and peanut butter cups.. Just with smooth peanut butter.
She claps excitedly and I laugh sitting her on the counter.
"I do it mama" she says and I hand her the chocolate bar to break up watching her as I do the same with another. I rip it open and she copies me and pours all the chocolate into a pan.

After making the cups with Mya she's covered in chocolate and has a wide smile.
"Did you enjoy that?" I ask her and she nods happily
"Yess mama, eat now" she says and I laugh at her.
"They need to set first so we have to clean up then take them out OK?" I say to her and she sighs.
"Ok mama" she says and starts to climb down so I help her. She starts to help put stuff away as she's starting to enjoy it then I  let her play while I wipe all the sides down and turn on the dishwasher..
"All done, shall I check them?" I ask her and she nods eagerly.

"Yummy mama" she says grinning and takes another bite. I thought she'd love them. I hope she will get along with Liam if we do work out. I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't. It's my biggest fear.
Sighing I pack away the rest of the cups and put them into tubaware to take upstairs.
"Shall we snuggle up and watch something?" I ask her and she jumps up and down and I know what she's about to say.
"Frozen mama peese" she says and I laugh nodding.
"OK, let's go" I tell her picking up the box and holding her hand as we go out the back door and up the stairs.

"Love Elsa" she says giddily when she appears back on the screen.
"Beautiful princess Elsa" I say and she claps.
"Princess Mya" she points to herself and I smile at her heart bursting.
"Absolutely baby, mummys princess" I tell her grinning.

After watching the film and bathing Mya I put her to bed and read her a bedtime story. Creeping out her room now she's asleep I make my way to the fridge and grab a glass, I want a glass of wine.
Sitting on my bed with the box of Liam's letters I read through them all and cry my heart out as quietly as I can not to wake her. Why can't I just have him. I need him back. This life's getting lonley.
I down the wine and push the box to the side and curl up wishing for better days to come.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now