Chapter 26

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Three weeks later

How did he kiss me and leave me.. For weeks. I've have no contact I haven't seen him anywhere. He's so fucking confusing. I got an earful off Victor and how he doesn't want his daughter around Liam. Bla bla fucking bla!
I'm currently sat at my kitchen table bored when my phone starts to ring.

"Hey girl" I say answering the phone to Angelica.
"Hey babe. You want to meet me and Ruby at the park. She's asking for Mya" she says down the phone and I can't help but chuckle bless them.
"Yeah sure. It will be nice to get out the house" I tell her with a sigh.
"Meet there in about half an hour?" she says and I look around looking for everything I need to leave..
"Ok babe see you soon" I tell her and we hang up.
Walking over to Mya I crouch down next to her and she smiles up at me.
"Would you like to go see Ruby at the park?" I ask her and she looks at me amazed.
"YESSSS! Mummy" she squeals and I think she very rarely calls me mummy I love it.
"Okok, let's get your shoes and coat on then baby" I tell her standing and she jumps up to follow me.

Walking into the playground after parking Mya sees Ruby and looks up at me excited..
"Can I go mummy" she says and I nod smiling down at her.
"Of course baby, have fun" I tell her and she runs to Ruby hugging her and off to play while I walk to the benches so Angelica can sit down.
"Don't go too far Ruby" She calls out and she slows down holding Mya's hand.
Taking a seat I look over at Liam and smile being this close again feels euphoric.
"How's the pregnancy babe?" I ask her smiling and she sighs
"It's alright, I just can't wait to have her. Its dragging now" she tells me and I laugh knowing the feeling. The end of pregnancy is always long for some reason.
"You're going to love it, as soon as they give you your baby for the first time you'll just stare at them like this human is mine" I tell her feeling emotion thinking about it. Atleast she'll have Jason. And Liam..
"I just want everything to go alright. I wast us to both to come home healthy, no issues you know" she tells me thinking deep and I wonder what's on her mind..
I look over at Liam and he's just watching the girls running around from place to place smiling. This is him moving on. With his daughter..
Is he genuinely happy or does he look happy like he thought I was? He's hard to read after all these years I hate it.
I turn and look at Angelica who looks like she's in pain suddenly.
"You OK love. You've gone pale" Liam asks her looking her over but she doesn't reply straight away, she just starts to breath in and out holding onto the bench..
"Somethings happening Liam" she says and Liam's by her side in an instant.
"Don't panic love, I've got you" he says holding her hand and I do wonder how close they actually are. She is Ruby's mum after all.
"Will you take Becky and Ruby back home please beautiful" Liam asks me looking at me and I swallow speechless nodding.
"Ace" Angelica says out of nowhere.
"I'll call him love, are you going into labour? What's happening?" Liam asks her and she just shakes her head.
"It's not time. My waters haven't broken either it just hurts" she says and suddenly let's out a almighty scream and grabs ahold of Liam curling over. Shit she's going into labour. What should I do?
I watch how Liam picks Angelica up and carries her bridal style away and clearly to his car. Where are they going? Ring a fucking ambulance..
Looking around I see the girls still playing like nothings happened and sigh relieved.
"Shall we take the girls back soon. We'll let them play and I'll make them some dinner" I tell Becky and she nods smiling.
"Sure, sounds good. I hope Angelica's gonna be OK. Especially after Amy" she says and I look at her confused. Who the fucks Amy? She better stay away from him. He's mine.
"Ruby's mum.. She died giving birth" she tells me and I instantly feel bad for wanting her as far away from Liam as possible. Oops.
"I bet living with Liam's hard work all them women coming and going" I say and chuckle and she laughs
"You'd think a hot guy like that would but he actually don't. He's just a dad now" she tells me and my heart beats faster. Thank god he's not fucking everyone.
"Let's go back shall we" I say to her and she stands up so I follow her and go get the girls.

Arriving at the house I look at it amazed. Wow. It's big and beautiful.
It has nothing on our mansion but it's still stunning nonetheless..
Climbing out the car I take Mya out while Becky takes Ruby and she unlocks the door for us. The girls run straight for the living room and I hear toys go everywhere. Great. There having fun anyways.
"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom hun" I tell her and she points up the stairs for me. I want Liam's bedroom. See what he has and I just want to be surrounded by him.
I get to the top of the stairs and I'm drawn by his smell shit I've missed it. I follow his scent and open the door to a big masculine bedroom. With Ruby stamped everywhere. He loves his baby girl. I can see that as soon as I enter. I walk in closing the door and sit on his bed running my hands over the throw feeling everything. Taking it all in. I miss my baby.. I lay down on his bed and push my hand under his pillow feeling something papery. Pulling it out I see a picture of me. Fucking me. A little tatty from just being out but it means so much. He hasn't moved on at all.
I put the picture back and just lay there curled up like a crazy women smelling everything I can. I don't care its been way to long to be apart.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now