Chapter 37

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"What was you doing here anyways baby?" Liam asks me as we leave the bakery.
"Packing everything. I wanted it to be a surprise when you came home. What are you doing here?" I ask him not knowing why he's here.
"I went home and you wasn't there, so I thought I'd check here" he says shrugging.
"I missed you" he says and I smile up at him.
"I thought I was the needy one here baby" I tease and he pulls me closer to him.
"You love it really beautiful don't lie" he says and opens the car door for me.
"I'll drive your car with Mya and you drive mine with all the stuff?" I say and he raises him brow at me.
"Will I now." he asks and kisses me quickly handing me his keys.
"Thanks baby" I tell him putting Mya into Ruby's seat.

Standing in Mya's bedroom with a notepad and pen looking around at everything. It needs to be her own place. And bright.
Pink preferably with a princess bed and a fluffy rug with a pink chair.. My brain goes into overdrive as I write everything down and then to see Liam watching me.
"Having fun baby?" he asks smirking and I smile at him.
"This is gonna cost alot baby, are you sure I don't mind paying too" I tell him and he holds up his hand
"It's all in motion someone's coming out tomorrow its being done" he says and I go to open my mouth but he rushes over and kisses me.
"Let me do this for her.. Please" he asks clearly really wanting to do this so I nod smiling.
"Only if you look at my list" I tell him and he laughs taking it from my hand..
I watch him scan it and smile.
"Done. She can have it all" he says and kisses me again. He's so generous and it makes me love him more for how he's accepting Mya.

Standing in my dressing room I look around at the clothes already hanging up and think how my styles changed since becoming a mum. I take out what I'd never wear again and put my new clothes in there places.
I take out all my beauty products and set them on the vanity and hang up my hair dryer, curls and straighters. Turning I find another bag and empty it finding alsorts of shoes I wore so I switch out my old ones I don't like now and put my new ones in.
Finishing up I make my way down the stairs and hear Liam and Mya talking.
I stand at the door hiding and listen.
".. Ruby live here too Liam" I hear Mya say and I smile at her. Bless her
".. That would make both of us alot happier wouldn't it, maybe one day sweetheart" Liam says to her and I knew it would affect him her not being there constantly..
"But I'm so happy here with you and mummy" he says to Mya sounding happy about it still. I hope he really is.
"Mya happy too" she says and my heart melts thank God.
"And so is mummy, aren't you beautiful?" Liam says and I poke my head around smiling and Mya laughs.
"Mummys happier than ever" I tell them sitting down of the sofa.
"I ment what I said beautiful, I'm not happy, I'm ecstatic to be here with you two" he tells me and he sounds genuine so I smile at him and accept what he's saying.. For now.
"I'm glad you are baby but I just know it's bothering you, Ruby not living with us" I say and he sighs.
"It does baby but that's OK. I'm just not used to living without my princess. I'll be OK soon" he tells me and I grab his hand and give it a little squeeze. He'll be OK.
He's with me now.
I think about all the shit we've been through since being 13 and wonder how we even got to this place. Actually starting again and being happy. I really hope Liam stays true to his promise and makes me Stacey fucking Johnson.. There will be no more pushing away because I'll be his wife and ain't that shit gonna work then.
If he really wants to do it like the plan then it needs to get sorted. The sooner we get to Paris he will propose and the wedding can happen straight away. I don't want to wait.
"You'll always be OK because you have me baby, I'm going nowhere" I tell him and he smiles slow and sexy. Hes so cute.
"Bath time baby" I say to Mya checking my watch.
"Yes!" she says jumping up and bouncing..

"You still like living with Liam baby?" I ask her as she plays in the bath with her water baby.
"Love, love mummy" she says and splashes laughing. Smiling at her and start to wash her and let her play a little longer.
"Liam read story" she says looking up at me  with sparkling eyes.
"Am sure he'd love too baby we'll ask him when your done" I tell her and stand getting a towel ready for her.
"Done now" she says and starts to pull the plug out and puts her doll in the basket.
Picking her up out the bath I wrap the towel around her while I dry her then take her into her room.
Putting a nappy on her and then pajamas after, I tuck her in and give her kisses and cuddles.
"I love you baby, night night" I tell her and hear Liam come up the stairs.
"Liam story mummy" she says again and I look to Liam as he enters the room.
"I'd love to sweetheart" he says and I grab her favorite one and hand it to him.
"I'll be down stairs if you need me baby" I tell Liam and he sits with Mya getting ready.
"Don't worry baby, I've got this" he tells me and I smirk at him. Of course he has.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now