Chapter 70

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After finishing eating dinner, I decided to wash all the pots and just as I'm about to go sit down the door knocks. Must be Angelica. Liam said she was coming to stay with us for a little while. God knows what's happening between her and Jason, I just hope she doesn't hate me for all of this.. Or makes it awkward because I'll take Mya and go back to my apartment. I open the door and see Angelica standing there sad as fuck. She's normally so happy and positive. Shit it must be bad at home.
"Hi babe come in" I tell her opening the door wider.
"Do you want a drink hun?" I ask her as she looks around.
"Yeah sure, where's Liam babe?" she asks me and I look at her.
"He's gone to pick up some stuff to give you somewhere to sleep while your here" I tell her and she sighs I know what she's about to say..
"I would of just slept on the sofa babe, I don't mind" she tells me and I laugh at her. I knew it.
"That's what Liam said you would of say. But no, it's alright. There's room for another bed in the girls room" I tell her smiling. I hope she's gonna be OK.
"You haven't even seen there new room have you" I ask her trying to bring some light back into her eyes but she just shakes her head as I hand her a glass of apple juice.
"Thanks, and no I haven't can I go see it?" she asks me and I smile hoping she's still in there somewhere.
"Of course babe, make yourself at home" I tell her and she just nods turning to go out and up the stairs.
Liam needs to hurry up. She needs him clearly. I don't think I'm the right person to try cheer her up. After all I am the 'other woman'

Sitting in the living room the door knocks again and it's Becky this time with Ruby and Lexi so I invite them in and take Ruby into Mya taking off her coat and shoes.
"Daddy?" she asks me and I smile down at her.
"He'll be back soon sweetie. Why don't you watch this with Mya" I tell her running my fingers through her hair like normal. I love her tight curls.
"OK" she just says smiling at me and walks off to Mya.
"How's she doing?" Becky asks me and I know she's talking about Angelica.
"She's upstairs. Has been for awhile now. I thought I'd leave her be. I'm the last person she wants to be consoled by you know" I say to her.
"She will come around if she staying with you. You all just need time to heal and come back together like before but stronger than ever" she tells me and grins. I smile at her hoping she's right because I don't think Angelica looks to be doing so good.
"I hope your right babes" I say and look at Lexi smiling at her sleeping peacefully like nothings going on in the world.
Walking into the living room the front door opens and I turn to see Liam carrying the biggest fucking box. He really went out and bought her a proper bed. Not. A blow up one like a normal person. An actual bed.
"You need help baby?" I ask him standing there with my arms crossed looking at him.
"No I've got this baby, you relax with everyone. Where is she?" he asks and again talking about Angelica.
"She's upstairs baby" I tell him smiling and he smiles back. He starts to walk up the stairs but stops.
"Liam, really? You didn't need to" Angelica says to him
"I won't have my sister sleeping on a sofa in my house. I got a moses basket aswell because I know mama won't be without her babies" he says and she chuckle. But it was off. She really needs cheering up. But how?
"Why you up here alone love?" Liam asks her and she sighs.
"Just been thinking alot. I need to talk to you on a serious level I want the truth Liam" she tells him and I wonder what it is?
"Truth about what love, I'm confused" he says
"Do you want Ruby to live with you properly. Like full time" she asks him and I don't know where she's going with this but I already know Liam's answer.
"Why are you asking me this. What's going on?" he asks her and she sighs.
"Jason dropped some home truths and it's just made me think about everything properly." she says sounding emotional.
"OK so Jason has said whatever he's said to you and now you don't want our daughter living with you. That makes zero sense. This isn't you" he says to her and he's right. What the fuck has Jason done?
"Don't say it like that Liam. I'm trying to find the best solution out of what's happening, the girls need a stable home" she says and my hearts breaking for her. She's giving Ruby to Liam and I know it.
"OK.. So the best solution is for you to abandon our daughter. Great today's been a day full of disappointments" he says and the bed comes sliding down the stairs and I quickly move out the way looking up at Angelica who has her head in her hands.
"You don't need to do this Angelica, we can come up with another solution" I tell her and she shakes her head.
"I need to do this to save my marriage Stacey. I don't want to lose Ruby. But I can't lose Ace" she says and starts to cry. I sigh feeling helpless what do I do?
Hugging her I stroke her back soothingly shushing her.
"It's gonna be OK hun, it will work out" I say to her hoping I'm right.
"Wow, your really going to put someone above my daughter. Because that's all she is to you really, clearly because you wouldnt do this to Lexi would you.. Your actual daughter" Liam says angrily walking past us then stops at the bottom spinning to face us.
"I started the day with two siblings and I'm ending it with none" he says cold and calm letting me see his eyes change and leaves out the door. Shit!
What do I do. My daughters are in there I have Angelica crying on the stairs and Liam's walked out.. Seriously can I just go to bed already. Well Becky's with the girls and I look at Angelica.
"I need to talk to Liam" I tell her and run down the stairs and out the opened door. Running down the path I just catch him and stand infront of his car.
"Where you going Liam?" I ask him putting my hands on the bonnet..
"Move please baby" he tells me and I shake my head.
"Tell me where your going first" I tell him and he puts his head back on the headrest.
"It doesn't matter, now will you move please I don't want to ask again" he tells me and that let's me know I'm not talking to Liam. Fuck.
"Why don't you get out and release it on me?" I say to him and he looks back to me. Please say yes. He just stares at me through the windshield and opens his door a little but doesn't quite move. Like he's contemplating. I want to go to him but I know hell just drive off. What do I do.
"Come play with me instead" I coax him seductively and I hear him growl.
"You know you want too" I say biting my lip and he shuts the car door and puts his head back on the headrest and turns the engine off. Thank God. I walk around to him and open his door.
"Baby, let's go" I tell him holding out my hand for him. He opens his eyes and grabs my hand and pulls me towards him.
I look into his eyes and see his black eyes still.
"I'm going to Jason, we need to sort this" he tells me and I sigh resting my head on his.
"You don't need to do this baby, your getting everything you always wanted. Don't do this please" I practically beg him.
"I'm getting my princess back because he's making her chose between them I know it. And I need to know exactly what he said. I don't care if I have to beat it out of him either. I will find out" he tells me and I sigh.
"Then I'm coming with you" I tell him and he shakes his head.
"No your not" he says and I laugh..
"Seriously Liam, now you want to try telling me what to do. I don't think so" I tell him and get out the car and step back crossing my arms.
"No of course not my queen. I'm sorry" he says climbing out the car and shuting the door.
"I just don't want you to do something stupid OK. It's for your own good, believe me baby" I tell him and he sighs pulling me back into him.
"I know baby and I understand thank you" he says and I pull him towards the house. He needs this release.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now