Chapter 111

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Pulling on clothes I look in the mirror and feel like this will do.

Why am I excited to kill someone

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Why am I excited to kill someone. Or isit just to see Liam in boss mode? Even way I'm excited.
Running back down the stairs with my new news in the back of my shorts I twirl for him playfully and he laughs at me.
"Sexy as ever. Let's go beautiful" he says and holds the door open for me and I walk to the car.
Climbing into the car Liam closes my door for me and I pull on my seat belt.
After he climbs in he does the same and looks at me putting the key in the ignition.
"You sure about this baby.. You don't have to come" he says and I raise my brow.
"I do and I want to. Now drive baby" I tell him and he nods starting the engine and pulling off.

"Isit a long drive?" I ask him and he suddenly pulls up. Obviously I spoke to soon.
"There in this building baby" he tells me and I nod and we both climb out. I look round seeing nothing for miles and I'm glad if we're killing someone or someone's..
My adrenaline pumps through me as I link fingers with Liam and he escorts me inside opening the door with his hand at my lower back sending tingles through me heightening my already overworked body.
"This way baby" he says pulling me to the right and round a corner the place is dingy and dirty and I'm glad I wore what I did. He leads me down a long hallway and opens the door at the bottom on the left.
He ushers me inside and I see three biggish men sat there with bags over there heads.
Liam pulls them off one by one and they all blink at the bright lights.
"Who the fuck are you" one of them speaks in a thick foreign accent and I smirk.
"Don't worry about me lovely. Worry about yourself" I tell him and Liam chuckles.
They all turn to look behind them and you can see them all visably gulp.
Liam walks around to me and wraps his hands around my waist relaxing his head on top of mine and I just look at the three burly men sitting there struggling against there restraints.
"No need to struggle, two of you will be leaving.. I think. But that all depends on yall" I tell them smirking again as Liam unwraps me, I feel a chill and look to him walking around them.
"Soo who's gonna start?" Liam asks and they all sit there quiet.
"No one. OK I will" Liam says still walking behind them putting them on edge.
"One of you is working for the opposite side and I don't like snakes" Liam says and I hum agreeing with him.
"So who will it be?" he asks and they all just sit there.
"Baby.. There not gonna talk just kill them all" I say and Liam laughs.
"Isn't my wife one of a kind. Made perfectly just for me" Liam says and I cutsey being playfully and liam growls at me.
"You ready to play?" Liam says and I nod clapping excited.
"Why would I work for anyone but you" the thick accent one says and Liam laughs.
"I only work for you boss, believe me" another says.
"You really gonna kill me. You've known me for how long?" the third says and Liam shrugs
"Time means nothing when your a snake. So who will it be" Liam asks and they all fight there restrains and I pull out my gun and admire it. I'm actually gonna kill someone. And I generally feel OK no anxiety or panicking. Just cool and calm. This is what my husband does to me. Makes me feel alive. Better somehow.
"FUCK it wasn't me" the third guy says and I sigh.
"Let's be honest, even if it was you your not exactly gonna own up to it are you. Stupid" I say and point my gun at him cocking it back ready to fire.
"Was it you.. I feel like it was you" I say to the guy with the thick accent. He looks like he'd take me out of he had the chance.
I look at Liam and he nods. I take a deep breath look at Liam again and he smiles and I look back at the guy who doesn't even looked scared. He knew this was coming. It's definitely him.
"You don't seem bothered that your about to die" I say to him and he shrugs..
"That's what you get when you work with him. He's fucking insane and I know he killed my fucking boss.." he goes to carry on but I shoot him straight in his head and watch him sag in his chair blood spewing out. Fuck I just killed him. Oh my god I killed someone. Shit. I look to Liam who's watching me and I smile making him smirk
"Now what do we do with you two?" Liam asks and they sit there silent literally we can just hear water trickerling from somewhere.
"Please don't kill me. I'm one of us I promise boss. I'll do anything" he says to Liam and I laugh.
"Of course you will" I tell him and look at Liam. What's he gonna do?
"Put one in both of them and then we're going home because my dicks so hard right now. You in that little outfit holding that gun fuck" he groans and I bite my lip.
"OK" I say and shoot one, then two bullets at them both and watch them do the same as the first. Drop.. I run to Liam and jump on him, he catches me and I kiss him hard sliding my tongue into his mouth and sucking onit making him groan into my mouth.
"I can't fuck you here baby, let's go. Come on" he says. And puts me down and pulls me out the door.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now