Chapter 88

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Finally finishing the meeting I say my goodbye to everyone standing at the door as they all leave and we acturally got a safehouse for Jason and Angelica to go to today. Thank fuck.
"I'll go tell them they need to pack" I tell Liam a little to excited and he chuckles at me.
"Alright beautiful I locked her in the game room" he tells me and I laugh. Atleast she won't be bored.
Making my way towards her I see Jason exiting the room and lean his head against the door.
"You OK?" I ask him because it's not his fault his wife's crazy.
"Fine Stacey" he says a little more harshly that I think he hoped.
"Sorry, she just.. I'm fine" he says and sighs again.
"Well I have some good news for you. Your both leaving.. Now so you need to go pack. Liam got you a safehouse" I tell him and he sighs again putting his head on the wall.
"What's wrong Jason. I thought you wanted to go?" I ask him and he shakes his head.
"Not like this.. I don't want to go not speaking or on better terms with Liam" he says and I sigh. I know he doesn't want to go but he has to.
"You need to go work on your marriage Jason. Being here isn't helping anyone and you know it" I tell him and he nods slowly..
"I know but.." he say but I shake my head.
"No buts. Your both leaving" I tell him and look to the guard.
"She can come out now, they need to pack" I tell him and he nods opening the door and leaves..
"Where's Liam I need to see him?" Jason asks me and I sigh.
"At the front door saying bye" I tell him and he walks towards that way.
I take a deep breath and walk into the games room seeing Angelica sat on the floor with her head in her hands.
"Come on, you need to pack and be ready to leave soon. Your getting what you wanted" I tell her and she just looks at me.
"You caused all of this. Before you came back around Liam was fine and moving on. Why did you have to ruin all of our life's.
You took my husband, my brother and my daughter. All because of you I lost it all" she says getting angrier with each word and stands looking at me.
"Don't even think about it babes. I didn't do this you and your husband did this and if you knew Liam you'd know he wasn't moving on and fucking miserable" I tell her raising my voice.
"I hate you" she tells me and I shrug.
"I'm hear to be with Liam not you so I don't actually care. Just move and go pack. I'm done listening to you" I tell her and turn to leave to go find my husband.
"I will have my baby back even if I have to go through you Stacey" she warns me and I laugh walking down the corridor. I start to hear raised voices and sigh. What now?
I make my way to the voices and see Jason stressing at Liam.
"If I leave now, I know I'll lose you forever" Jason tells him and Liam shrugs. I know he doesn't mean that deep down.
"Baby!" I warn him and he looks at me. He doesn't need to say something he'll regret.
I walk over to them and loom at Jason.
"Just take your wife and daughter away and we'll talk soon. OK" I tell Jason and he sighs.
"Liam?" he asks wanting confirmation bless him.
"Fine. I'll fucking call you now will you go pack before you leave with nothing" Liam tells him and Jason sighs defeated walking up the stairs.
"I know how you feel, I just got an ear full of Angelica" I tell him and we both sigh. The day was going so well aswell.
"I'm leaving now aswell hun, I'll call you and we'll grab lunch" Eva says to me as she leaves.
"Alright sounds good, thanks for coming" I tell her and wave bye.
"I can't believe that's Steve's wife" Liam says and I look at him.
"Not like that beautiful, I'm just saying" he says and I hum at him. It better be.
"Baby you know your the only one for me, just saying he's punching" he says and I laugh. Harsh Liam..
"That's what Jason says about Angelica. Doesn't stop him thinking about me" I tell him raising a brow and he growls at me. That got him.
"Well I ain't Jason" he says like it's that simple and raising a brow back.
"I'll cut your dick off" I warn him and he licks his lips.
"Calm down Lorena Bobbitt" he laughs at me and I raise a brow at him again. Did he just.. Wow.
Jason appears with a case at the top of the stairs and just looks at us sad. Tough shit.
"Not gonna help a brother out?" he calls down to Liam and he sighs and jogs up the stairs.. Angelica walks past me giving me a dirty look and runs up the stairs. I hold the door open for them all to take out there stuff and Becky walks over to me with Lexi in her arms.
"What's happening babe? Are we going home" she asks me and I sigh.
"Not babe, there leaving us finally" I tell her and she nod looking at Lexi. Yeah I'll miss the brooding aswell.
I turn and wat H them at the top of the stairs and she pushes past Liam being childish. I swear to god.
"I will throw you down the stairs just so you know" he warns her and I smirk. I'll do more than throw her down the fucking stairs. I'm itching to just batter her face in. I just need to bite my tongue for a little while longer and she'll be gone.
"Do you not see how much you've changed. You'd never spoken to me like that or be like how you are with Jason before. She did that to you. My husband was right" Angelica says and why am I getting this blame. How is this my fucking fault?
"I've changed for the better like I always do when I have my queen. It's not my fault yall are jealous" Liam tells her and I laugh. It's got to be that surely. What else could it be?
"Angel that's enough. We're leaving" Jason tells her as they all come down the stairs. She stands near me and looks to Becky..
"I'll have my daughter please" she says and I laugh. It's the only one you do have babes.
"Bye babes" I tell her as she walks out the door she middle fingers me and I just laugh
"Make sure you call me Stacey" Jason tells me as he walks out the door.
"I will, chill out. Go settle and I'll call you in a few days" I tell him and he nods sighing
I watch them go out to the car and Liam follows them out. Becky walks off back to the girls and I run upstairs. I need out of this outfit and heels.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now