I was getting ready for a date with a man I met on Tinder.
Atlas and I hadn't contacted each other in the last two weeks, and I was getting so flustered just thinking about him and how mature he had gotten, that I realized I needed to get out.
It wasn't that I wasn't over him, I definitely was. It would be insane and obsessive of me as a twenty-five year old to not be over my highschool boyfriend from seven years ago who I haven't talked to since.
Maybe it was the lack of closure from the coldness with how I told him I didn't want him to contact me.
I darkened my lipstick a bit and pushed up my boobs, hopefully making them look bigger in this dress. It wasn't that I didn't love my small breasts, I just wanted them to look larger in this dress. I would look pretty with the neckline.
My hair was in place, my curls going down my back, and my dress looked right. I was wearing a nude pink dress, trying not to come off too bright on a first date at a bar. I paired it with matching matte heels. I don't know why I wore a dress, but thankfully it was more casual to fit the setting of the bar.
I left my apartment, getting into my car and heading to the bar. I went in and saw him there. He had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. I was a couple minutes early and he was already there: green flag. I was a couple minutes early and he couldn't wait to order an appetizer: red flag.
"Hey!" I approached the table. "Arabella," I said bringing forward my right hand for him to shake. The grip of a handshake says a lot about a person. He wiped his hand on a napkin and brought it forward.
His grip was firm. Too firm. He was dressed in business attire he probably came here straight from work, as per the one wrinkle on his shirt.
"Nathaniel," He introduced himself. A too firm grip can mean he's really nervous or he's pretty arrogant. From his calm composure, I'm guessing it's the latter.
"I'll take a shot of vodka, and she'll take one too," Nathaniel said to the already busy bartender who wasn't even looking at us.
Red flag! Red flag!
"So," he started as he took down a shot. "You come around here often?"
If I did, I'd know not to go out with you.
"Not really, you?" I remained polite.
"Yea, I come around here pretty often. By the way, do you remind eating quickly when you order, we can get out of here faster," he had a suggestive look on his face.
"Yea," I agreed. "We should get out of here." I got up from the table.
"Yea, so your place or mine?" He asked, looking very pleased with him 'game'.
"Your place. I'll go to mine, and we'll never talk again." I turned around and began walking away.
"Oh, come on." Nathaniel said following me. The older you get, the worse dating gets. "You don't get to just leave."
"I never told you I'd sleep with you. If I did, which I didn't, I take it back. I don't want to. I was bored five minutes in. What would make me think you'll be any better in bed?"
"Oh, so you're judging me now?" He accused.
"Yes. I'm doing it happily too." I stopped in the middle of the parking lot, not wanting to show him what my car looks like. "You're a self centered bore."
"And you're a whore."
"For not sleeping with you?" He didn't know how to respond. He took a step closer, and I didn't budge. I crossed my arms and stood tall, looking him in the eye.

Teen Fiction{MATURE CONTENT} Arabella Turner doesn't know where she fits. She can't tell if enjoys the peaceful quiet or the partying and crowds, but she just blames it on her mood swings since there's no in between. All she wants is to get through her last two...