Atlas: Chapter 59

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I was going back to Boston the morning of New Year's eve because I had an idea. I took an early flight home, but I can't tell if this idea would be crossing a boundary or a pleasant surprise, but I want it to be the latter.

I could only hope she wouldn't freak out. If she did, I'd leave, of course, but I'd be terrified to say a word to her again.

She works tonight; she told me that.

I wouldn't do something too much. I wouldn't overwhelm her, but I could do something small that showed I was there. I really cared for her, of course I did, but I wanted her to let me show that I cared as more than just a friend.

I wanted her to let me care for her in ways I don't want anyone else to even think about doing to her.

I went back to my apartment and put my stuff away. I did my laundry, cleaned the dusty, yet untouched, place, got some work done, took a nap, and by the time I was done it was nearly eight thirty.

I wanted to do something simple, but not too simple to be casual. But not too sophisticated. Wine was everything, right? Teenagers still drank wine, I think. Rich people did fancy stuff with it. Middle class people did crazy stuff with it. Poor people did awesome things with it too. Different cultures di—.

Fuck, I'm overthinking it.

Wine is universal-ish. Wine is good. See, no overthinking done.

Balloons are pretty. I got a balloon. Balloons are also extra pretty when they're silver and Arabella can see herself in them.

I went home and ironed my suit. Nothing too fancy, of course. I went for a silver button up and black pants.

I left my place at eleven thirty.

Fuck. How do I get into her house?

Is that too much?

I pulled out my phone and texted Amukta, asking her to let me in.

As I started driving, I realized I didn't know what time she would come home. I knew it was late, but how late was late?

Amukta and Deen dropped her keys off at around twelve twenty.

I waited.

I checked the time: 12:40. I could fall asleep. I was going to, but the fact that she would walk into her apartment with me passed out on the floor was too much for me to handle.

Finally, at twelve fifty-five, I heard her door open, and all of a sudden I was awake again.

"Thank god you're here before one." I nearly threw my hands up as she opened the door.

She had a hand at her head which dropped in seconds as she took in that I was here.

"What are you doing here?" I didn't know whether the laugh was happy or trying to hide fear. "How did you get in?" She looked more confused than scared, but she's always been good as hiding how she feels.

"Amukta gave me the key," I said with a smile.  I carefully set down the wine and let go of the balloon since her ceiling was low. "I missed you, so I came back a couple hours early. It's gonna be midnight in Chicago in a minute. Well, 45 seconds," I felt like I was rambling, god, she made me so nervous.

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