Another party. I was kind of excited for this own. I didn't even know why. I kind of wanted to see Arabella go in. I wanted to see if she would spend time around me or not.
I had pushed back everything related to Carli. No one needed to know it had been around a year since she died. No one needed to see me and pity me. I just wanted tonight to not remind me of last summer.
"Yea, I'm definitely going to burn. I'm fucking pale," Michael laughed. He was going to the Cayman Islands with his family.
Arabella walked out then. She had her hair straightened. She wore a sports bra and shorts that were barely there and she looked good. She knew she looked good though.
Let's go," She said jiggling my keys and I rolled his eyes.
"You want to get drunk tonight, you aren't driving," I stated. She knew better than to drive to a party when the main thing she wanted was a distraction. Me, of course.
"But at the same time, she wants to get laid, so she might decide not to drink," Michael added and I looked at her. I narrowed my eyes trying to figure out whether or not she meant me.
"What if she decided not to get laid and gets drunk." I asked.
"I'll just have a sober hot guy drive me home and then hook up in the car with him," She proposed and Michael and I gave her a look.
There was no way she wasn't talking about me. I was a hot guy hooking up with her in a car. But that was ages ago.
"Atlas and I are driving. Monkey, you're going with him and leaving the place with him. If you want to hook up with someone, there are plenty of rooms and bathrooms to hook up with them at Aaron's house." I agreed with Michael, but I also disagreed. I didn't want to tell her who she could sleep with, but I also wanted exclusivity.
"Fine," She mumbled and we got into my car.
"So, you want to get laid?" I asked her.
Tell me you want me.
"Yes," She said slowly. She didn't want to have this conversation and I was dying for it.
"Why?" I asked. I was genuinely curious.
"Don't act like you haven't been sleeping with other people," She laughed as if something was funny. I wanted to know what was so fucking funny.
"I actually haven't, but fine, do whatever you want." I said.
"I don't need your permission." Damn right she didn't, but if she's going to sleep with me on a regular basis I don't want her sleeping with other people. It was a weird mix or jealousy and fear. I'm not saying she isn't smart, but other people aren't and would lie about an STD.
And condoms aren't 100% effective.
"What if I told you, I wanted this friends with benefits thing to be exclusive." I asked. I wanted it. I knew I wanted it more than for safety reasons.
"I would deny, and we would probably end things." If that's what she wanted then fine.
"Okay," Was all I could say. She said she wanted to end things, so maybe we will.
I lost her when we got to the party. She rushed out the car before I properly parked, as if dying to get away from me. I didn't see her again until she was on the dance floor.
Talking to the her was the guy from homecoming. The guy she apparently couldn't stay away from. Maybe she should've ask him to be her distraction instead.

Teen Fiction{MATURE CONTENT} Arabella Turner doesn't know where she fits. She can't tell if enjoys the peaceful quiet or the partying and crowds, but she just blames it on her mood swings since there's no in between. All she wants is to get through her last two...