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New Year's Eve was arguably the worst night at the hospital. Nothing beats Black Friday or the Fourth of July, of course.

I had talked to Atlas a couple times in the last few days, but nothing too much. I had a lot to do, so it wasn't like I was avoiding him, I just had a lot to do.

"And then, she told me that I had to buy my kid her choice of clothes because it was her grandchild. I almost decked the woman right there," A patient said. She had come in an hour ago after he left water broke and I was in to check on her vitals. She had only contracted about two inches so far and was talking her ass off to deal with the pain. I was the only who told her it helped other patients, so it's nice to see it work for her.

"How does she feel about her grandchild probably being born on New Years Day?" I asked.

"I told her to be happy her grandchild is being born on an amazing day, but she thinks it'll take away from her amazing New Year's bean casserole because I'll be throwing a birthday party or something. Ugh, mother-in-laws!" She complained. "I will give you some life advice, look out for emotional incest. It's so exhausting to deal with. My husband hates her too, of course, but she won't quit being a bitch! I understand her wanting a place in her son's life, BUT THERE'S A LIMIT!" she ranted.

"I'm very sorry you go through that, but it's best to not think about her right now. Try watching a sit-com on the TV or something that won't induce too much stress." I smiled at her before recording her vitals and leaving to get to my other patients.

"Hey, Turner! You get off at midnight, right?" Another nurse asked after I left the patient's room.

"Yea, I'm heading straight home though, sorry!" Driving was going to be a pain in my ass, but most things are on New Year's Eve.

I missed Atlas. I was going to tell Atlas everything. I liked Atlas.

I liked being around him. I liked his voice. I liked his smile. I liked his laugh. I liked the way he held me. I liked that he said that we need to work on communication instead of just me. I liked that we know, all too well, that we aren't perfect. I liked that he felt comfortable around me. I liked that as much as he loved fettuccine alfredo and vanilla milkshakes he also liked trying new things. I liked the way I felt around him; I was mentally at ease but physically stomach was a mess of nerves. I liked being close to him.

Amukta and Deen are dating, and when I asked her about where he lives, she just said, "I will drive or take as many planes needed for that man and I expect his ass to do the same for me."

The rest of my night was exhausting. Car accidents, alcohol and food poisoning, home fireworks gone wrong, and more.

When I got off at midnight, I was so exhausted, but still had energy from how much I had worked. The thing about working as a nurse was that you're always up and moving, and I never had time to sit and relax or take a break longer than five minutes. I had to force myself to be active and moving, and I was somewhat thankful for it because I never had time to go to the gym so hopefully my twenty thousand steps a day makes up for it.

I got in my car and sat there for a five minutes and then realized that I should start driving if I wanted to make it home quicker.

It took me almost half an hour to get home when it usually didn't even take fifteen.

I almost hit my head on my wheel because I was so exhausted when I parked the car.

I did, however, hit my head on the car as I tried to get out.

Clutching my head, I made my way up to my apartment, eager to feel an icepack cover the spot. By the time I got up to my apartment, it was 12:55.

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