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I walked into school alone the next day because Atlas had to go drop Charlie off first.

I walked in and only a few people were there since it was early, but a couple people saw me and they whistled.

I turned on my phone and opened Instagram to see a video of me and tits which was "accidentally" filmed from my waistline.

My screen changed as I saw an incoming call from Amukta.

"Your tits are on Instagram! Screen record it right now, because it's posted on Derek's account. I did the same, and had others do it, and then we can file a complaint against him under child pornography."

"Good morning to you too. He told me I owed him a date yesterday, and then when I declined he tried to blackmail me. Oh my god, I have first period with him. People are staring at me, and it's making me uncomfortable, but I'm acting like it doesn't exist."

"Girl. Just screen record it, I have to get to class, I'll talk to you later. Love you, stay safe."

"Bye, love you," I said and she ended the call.

Barely a minute into the day and I was freaking out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Breathe in.


There was no air to breathe in or breath out, I felt suffocated.

I walked into bio and only saw Fred at the table. I sat down across from him and he moved into the seat next to me.

"I'm sitting here until Atlas gets here."

Derek walked in right as he said that.

"Hey, can I sit next to Arabella today?" he asked Fred.

"No. Fuck off," he responded.

"So, you saw the video? What did you think of her tits? They feel better than they look," he laughed.

"We get it, your dick is small, so you try to make up for it by acting like it." Fred retorted.

"Dude, just let me sit next to her. Are you fucking her too? You're a slut, Belly," he mocked and I felt sick at the nick name.

Kids were staring, in and out of the halls. Mr. Cortez wasn't in the classroom.

"Did you just fucking call my girl a slut?" I saw Atlas in the doorway.

By now, everyone was staring.

Thankfully, Mr. Cortez walked in right then.

"What is going on here? Wait never mind, I know. Derek. You're being called to the office, I'd advice you take your stuff with you. I don't reckon you'll be back for a while."

Derek looked at me and then Atlas, and then everyone and then left with his bag.

⚠️TW/ Sexual Assault (conversation)⚠️

"Okay class, before I start class today, I want to talk about something important. Sexual assault. An inappropriate video was posted, and an anonymous student at another school, reported it very early this morning by sending an email. Sexual assault takes more forms than just physical, and this is one of them. Sharing inappropriate videos and imagines. Sexual assault can also be manipulation in the form of any activity involving touch. If you are a victim, Rainberry High encourages you to speak up and report your abuser."

The class watched him with wide eyes. Some of the students looked at me. I looked at Atlas who was glaring at anyone looking my way. He put an arm around my waist and pulled me in and my seat scooted closer to his.

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