Atlas: Chapter 43

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Fucking damn it.

This damn woman.

She can't just leave the house to go will writing after after telling me about how she wants to top me.

A part of me feels terrible thinking about it because Arabella— an eighteen year old with no parents or known family— is going to write a will because everything was left to her.

Oh I waited. I waited for her to get home because I didn't know what she would need.

Would she want to cry? Would she just want to sleep off exhaustion? Will she want to have sex?

I never knew what to expect from her because she was so hesitant to let anyone into the way her brain functions. When she told me about her tattoos and her parents, I didn't want to let her go. I wanted to hold her and keep her in the house for days, weeks, months, years, decades.

She makes the biggest deal of the smallest things, mostly in the best way possible.

But I didn't know how she would handle this will. I didn't give a fucking fuck if she wrote anything to me; I just hoped that this will wouldn't be thought about by lawyers for the next decades.

Arabella hated hypothetical stuff. She's probably going absolutely insane right now.

After all the talk about hypothetical situations of me being ill and crazy, I wanted to relax.

Her arms were around me the second she got home. She didn't even set her stuff down, she just ran to me.


She smelled so sweet.

Her body in my arms just seems right. Just being able to touch her seems right. My hand went into her hair, holding her head closer to my chest.

Her curly hair smelled like shea butter.

She didn't let go of me. Her hands only held on tighter when I tried to pull away. "What's wrong?" I asked her softly. I brought my head down to level it with hers. Her grey eyes put me through every emotion at once.

"Nothing, I'm just exhausted from all the paper work today. It felt like doing a whole workbook for school. So much reading and reading and writing and big words."  Her hands caressed my biceps, as if trying to touch me without actually holding on.

"Still glad I wasn't there?" I asked her. I wanted to know what it was like, but I also didn't. She shouldn't have to know what it's like at eighteen.

"Yes. I am," She confirmed with a serious nod. The bases of her eyes watered, but she blinked them back real quick and smiled at me.

"We could always go take a shower?" I suggested. Showers were refreshing. And she didn't seem to be in the mood to talk about her day too much; if she wanted a distraction I wanted to give her that.

"This kitchen counter seems pretty clean to me." She wiggled her brows at me.

"I cracked an egg on there and I don't know if I cleaned it right," I wasn't lying. I tried to crack an egg, but it went bad. I've never cracked an egg that terribly. I'm usually good at it.

"Yea, let's just go take a shower," Her laugh was more intoxicating than hard-core fucking alcohol.

The second we got into that shower, she cupped my face and my lips slammed against hers. God, her rough hands on my face felt like fucking heaven.

She was too good for me. She was too good for everyone. It's a good thing I'm selfish and didn't care for her to 'find someone better' when there was already me.

I hissed as her hands and mouth trailed down my body and to my dick. Arabella craved control, and I loved giving it to her.

"You like that?" She asked him and I nodded. "I need words Atlas." She said with her lips against my lower abdomen.

"Yes, Arabella, I like that." I groaned.

"When I'm in charge, you call me ma'am." This girl would kill me. I'd let her.

"Yes ma'am," I said. I wanted to touch her. My hands went down to her chest wanting to feel her nipples.

"I just said I was in charge. Hands up." She said as her hand jerked me off. Her other hand made her my hands stayed above my head.

I loved when she was in charge. I loved the way she spoke to me and told me what to do. Bur right now I need something else. I just want her wrapped up in my arms.

Fuck this, I thought to myself and I loosened my hands from her grip and removed her hand from my dick and picked up her. I shoved her legs behind my waist and her hands instinctively went behind my neck. I felt her chest pressed against mine as she ground her hips into me. 

I kissed her. I watched the water hit her face and fall down her hair. I wanted her all over me. I wanted her physically next to me, and I never wanted to stop thinking about her.

I liked the way she looked at me right then. She stared at me like I was worth so much. She had a small smile on her face as her thumb slid across my cheek before she kissed me again.

I tried to hold her as close as possible without hurting her; I didn't want to let go.

I hope I never had to.

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