"Happy birthday," I heard a groan next to me. I looked over at Atlas. My head was pounding and I felt groggier than I do most mornings.
"Thank you," I whispered.
"Happy birthday, Arabella," Daniyal whispered. He was sitting in the kitchen with a glass of water.
"Thank you," I whispered back. We didn't wanna wake the others and we were all hungover. "Ayo, what happened last night?" I asked him.
"Wait, I'm telling you guys when you all wake up and take some Advil or Tylenol. It was so funny, laughing is gonna hurt your head more."
"Alright," I said and looked over at Atlas, who was staring at me. "Yes?" I asked.
"You're eighteen now."
"No shit." I didn't know how to respond.
"No, I meant, we're the same age, you're an adult, we can get more tattoos, and more." I snuggled closer to him. My head adjusted on his shoulder, and his arm around me tightened.
"We should get more tattoos soon. I'm not in a rush, but it sounds nice."
"I have some advil for both of you, and some hot water with a granola bar. Go brush your teeth."
We got up and brushed before heading back to the kitchen. Michelle was awake.
"What happened last night? Oh, happy birthday Arabella!" she whisper yelled before her hand went to her head as she scrunched her face in pain.
"Thanks, you too." I paused. "Wait what?" Michelle laughed at my mistake but her she her face look like the laugh was painful. I took the Advil and drank the water and ate the granola bar that I didn't know we had in the pantry.
"What did you do last night?" Atlas asked Daniyal.
"I honestly just joked around with y'all. It was really fun being the only sober person because I actually remember all the stuff that happened. A lot of it was funny and the rest was..." he paused looking for the right word, "messy. As in there is a lot of tea to be spilt."
"I want my advil," Michelle said coming out of the bathroom. The others were still sleeping and we let them.
"The fact that you made us go back home and change and bring our shit before we got drunk was so smart of you. I would've woken up gross and with makeup all over my face and in a tight dress." Michelle silently thanked me. I had honestly only done it to give me and Atlas more time.
"Do both of you seriously not remember anything from last night?" Daniyal asked us and we slowly shook our head.
"Whar happened last night?" we asked simultaneously.
"Was it about sex?" Atlas asked.
"Yup," Daniyal answered. It was a lie. It was a very convincing one too. I'd ask him privately what actually happened. "I don't even wanna paraphrase the things you guys said."
"Hmm. Makes sense," I responded. We probably did talk about sex at some point in very vivid detail, but Daniyal was still hiding something.
"What the fuck?" We turned around to see Reed confused about his surroundings.
"Hey, bud!" I said.
"Happy birthday, Arabella. Wanna give me that gluck gluck 9000 for your eighteenth," he joked.
"Fuck off," Atlas said back as I laughed. It made sense why he wouldn't find that funny since I slept with Reed sophomore year.
"Nah, ask Alexa," I blurted out.

Teen Fiction{MATURE CONTENT} Arabella Turner doesn't know where she fits. She can't tell if enjoys the peaceful quiet or the partying and crowds, but she just blames it on her mood swings since there's no in between. All she wants is to get through her last two...