"We'll take it," I took out my credit card to pay for our room.
"Your room is on the fifth floor. Enjoy your stay!" She smiled at us and we returned it before we turned around and head towards the elevator with shopping bags in our hands instead of carry ons.
Barely seconds after opening the door to the hotel room, I groaned and was about to throw myself onto the warm bed. But I was stopped by a pair of arms that went around me.
Arms that sent chills up and down my damned spine.
"Atlas, we are sweaty and tired. We cannot get onto this clean bed." I turned around in her arms and rested my head on her shoulder, getting it comfortable in the crook of her neck. She brought her rough, cold hands up to my face as her body weight supported mine and held me up right. "Hey, go take a quick shower. You don't get to get tired on me. Go."
"Yea, okay. I won't take too long." I hesitantly said. I'd sleep on the floor if she let me fall asleep right here, but instead I got my stuff and head to the bathroom.
I tried to take a quick shower so we could get something to eat real quick and because Arabella was probably also really tired. But I couldn't stop thinking about her as I stood under the warm water.
I turned the water cold before I wasted any of it.
I tried to quickly put on clothes.
"Arabella!" I called as I pulled on my shirt. I got no response. She was probably asleep or something. This fucking girl.
As I got out of the bathroom, she wasn't there. All her stuff was there, but she wasn't. I didn't like that she left without leaving a note or something. We're too far from home for her to just not do that.
8:34PMWhere are you?
8:34I waited for a response. I waited a whole five and a half minutes for a response, which I didn't get. I opened the door and walked out of the room as I texted her again.
8:40I waited a minute before I got super impatient. I called her. She answered within seconds.
"Where are you?" I asked. I didn't wait for her to say 'hi' or anything. I just wanted to know where she was. "You don't just leave like that without a note or a text when your in a hotel of convenience forty minutes away from home." I tried not to sound upset over the phone, but come on. There was literally a blizzard outside.
"I'm sorry. "I was getting food and my hands are full. My ringer is probably off; I just thought you'd be hungry because I am," I felt relieved that she was only getting food, and kind of felt bad for getting upset. Not too bad though, she didn't let me know or leave a note or even text me.
"Wait there," I hung up before either of us could even say good-bye and a minute later I saw Arabella as I exited the elevator.
I looked around the buffet because there was food, but my attention was solely on her and the plates in her hands. I walked straight over the Arabella and took the plates from her. She looked like she was in a rush. Probbsly just didn't want to carry this around.
"Wait here. I was going to get some water and a couple hot chocolates but thought I'd have to com down again, but now that my hands are open be right back," She didn't let me respond as she walked away.

أدب المراهقين{MATURE CONTENT} Arabella Turner doesn't know where she fits. She can't tell if enjoys the peaceful quiet or the partying and crowds, but she just blames it on her mood swings since there's no in between. All she wants is to get through her last two...