I followed Atlas into Michael's guest room.
"Do you hate me?" He asked. "Well, I know you don't hate me, but do you dislike me?" His tone was curious. The Alexander conversation probably had him wondering about that.
"No. I don't Atlas. I didn't hate you or dislike you when I broke up with you either.I hated you at one point, I heavily disliked you too, but I don't hate you as an ex. I hated the person you were when we met."
"How do you forgive people for horrible things they've done to you?" How did you forgive me for being terrible? How did you forgive your mom?" It was obvious he wasn't just talking about me hating him anymore.
"I don't just forgive people. They can say sorry and you don't have to forgive them. You aren't required too. They are apologizing to you, so if you aren't comfortable with it, don't accept it. I don't know when I forgave you. It was probably when you took care of me when my mom was in the hospital. I forgave my mom when she took her health into her own hands and went to the hospital."
"How do you know when it's right to forgive someone?" His voice slightly trembled.
"When you feel one hundred percent okay with forgiving them. Do you want to forgive this person? Don't force yourself too. It's your forgiveness and if you think they haven't earned it, then they haven't earned it." He smiled at me.
"You're comfortable sharing a bed with me?" He asked, changing the topic.
"Yea, if I wasn't I would've survived Michael's kicking."
"Okay, good, just making sure. What did Alexander do to you?" I was quick to respond.
"I don't want to talk about it please."
"Sorry, I didn't mean to be nosy. Let's watch a movie." He pulled out his laptop and pulled up Netflix.
"Legally Blonde!" The movie was so old, but it never felt old. There was nothing more comforting than a 2000's movie.
"You still watch Legally Blonde?" He laughed as he pulled up the movie. "You've found no new comforting movie?" He asked.
"I watched She-Ra in two days the summer before college, and I still watch that. Do you want to watch that? Catra and Adora are just top tier. Don't even get me started on how much I love Mermista and Seahawk."
"So you like kids shows?" He read the description for it.
"I like anything that's interesting. I don't care who it's meant for. If it's good I'll watch it," I defended my taste in entertainment. "I mean come on! Mermista and Seahawk are like a Zoya and Nikolai retelling! I almost cried."
"I have no clue who any of them are, but I'm very intrigued," He turned away from the laptop to look at me. "We could also watch Avatar. God knows how many times I've rewatched that show."
"But the Legend of Korra!" I argued. I loved Avatar, but Korra!
"Yes, but if we're going to rewatch Korra we have to rewatch Avatar first," He explained. He was right, of course.
"I'm going to get you to watch She-Ra one day, and I'll explain to you the similarities in Mermista and Hawk and Zoyalai! And Bow and Glimmer's friends to lovers and obviously Catradora's enemies to lovers. THE ANGST!"
"Who is Zoyalai?" He asked and I frowned.
"Is that all you got? No angst? No sapphic enemies to lovers? Just Zoyalai? Zoya and Nikolai from the Grishaverse, dumbass. Well, it's not just Zoyalai. They're everything."
"Do you fangirl often?" He tilted his head, with a crooked smile on his face too obviously holding back a laugh.
"Hey! Leave me alone. I couldn't fangirl in highschool. I didn't have the time or the emotional or mental stability. So, I fangirl now. It's important."

Teen Fiction{MATURE CONTENT} Arabella Turner doesn't know where she fits. She can't tell if enjoys the peaceful quiet or the partying and crowds, but she just blames it on her mood swings since there's no in between. All she wants is to get through her last two...