Chapter 18- Phone Calls and Bullies

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((Castiel's POV))

"Fuck Dean! Faster!" I yelled as I gripped the sheets tightly and watched as Dean pounded into me. He looked beautiful, with the sweat rolling down his skin, and the way he bit his lip as he got closer to his climax.

"Cas I love you." He grunted out as he came inside me, his warm cum filling me and I couldn't respond because I was so blissed out.


And then I realized I couldn't respond because Dean wasn't actually here. Dean had been taken away, I wasn't having sex with him and I probably never would be able to. The farthest we ever went was that hand job he gave me. I'm not complaining that was amazing it's just.. I love Dean Winchester and I'd like more but we were both too scared of getting caught and we did. Just from a damn handjob we got caught.

I got up and slipped some clothes on. I was going to visit Lucifer at the hospital, he was a good friend even if I didn't agree with everything he did or said.

I walked downstairs sadly, Gabe and I haven't been too happy lately and we try to hide it from our parents because they definitely can't find out but it's hard. Really hard.

As I'm eating an apple and walking out of the kitchen I hear the phone ring. I stop and wait but no one picks it up. I run back and answer. "Hello?"

"Cas how's it going? I miss you more than anything."

My apple drops to the floor and I stand there in shock.
"Cas? Cas?"
I finally snap out of it and I blink a few times to keep from crying. "Dean!"

Dean laughs. "Hey I don't have that long cause I don't have enough money for a long conversation but tell me how it's going."

I cry out in relief and happiness and put a hand over my mouth. "Everything's horrible Dean! Crowley and Kevin have gone missing and they put lucifer into a coma, for the short version. In Crowley's defense Luci was holding Kevin under some water and almost killed him."

"What?! Where are they?! Is Kevin okay? He better be ok."

"I don't know Dean I think he is. Balthazar said he and Crowley fled town cause they thought they killed Luci."

"Oh.. Well..I'm going to try to call again so keep me updated. Has Sam called?"

"No I'm sorry." I said softly and leaned against the wall closing my eyes. I missed Dean so much.

"Oh well.. Ok.. Hey! My birthday is soon so I'll be getting out of here.."

"That's fantastic Dean. How is it there?"

"Horrible. All the boys are so rude and I'm like the oldest one here. I got a job fixing cars to earn a bit of money. But I'm worried about Sam and I want to be with you.. It's hard to say the least."

I sighed. "I'm sorry baby." I whispered and heard a small voice saying that the minutes were up.

"Dean wait! I love you!"

"I love you too Cas." He says and I can hear the tears in his voice. As the line goes dead and I hang the phone up I slide down the wall and cry softly. Dean was miserable. I could've lived with if Dean was at least okay. But he said it was horrible there and he almost cried. Dean, the Dean Winchester almost cried.

I picked my apple up and threw it away. I didn't have an appetite anymore. I wiped my eyes and went out to Dean's impala which I drove everywhere now. The first couple of nights he was gone I slept in the car cause it smelled entirely of him.

And I drove to the hospital where I sat beside Lucifer's bed watching him and holding his limp hand. If he dies I'm going to be upset. Sure he was an ass but he wasn't completely an ass, if you needed him for something he'd help. He was mostly just mean when Michael was there, really mean anyways, cause he wanted to impress his brother.

Then when he got drunk he was mean but that was to be expected. "Please Luci don't die.." I whisper and squeeze his hand before standing up and walking out. I had to go to school. I didn't even care if I was late.

As I walk into school I go to my locker and start putting some books in it that we're making my backpack heavy. I have two minutes to spare thank god, I guess I ended up caring if I was late of not..oh well.

I could hardly picture Dean and it had only been a few months, what would happen if it ended up being a year? Would I never dream of him again? Would I be able to picture his face? What if he never came back? What if..

I felt a strong force on my shoulder and I fell to the ground. I landed on my hip on the tile of the school hallway and I grunted in pain as I kneeled down and picked my stuff up that had fallen out of my bag.

"Your friend Dean isn't here to save you now Novak is he?" I looked up at a boy with sinister yellowish eyes and blindfish hair. Alistair.

I got up and sighed my hip aching in pain. "Leave me alone, what the fuck do you want?"

"You know what I think Castiel?" He hissed and I stared at him with slight confusion and slight, what the fuck is your problem?

"I think you're a faggot." He hissed the last word and my eyes widened. "I've heard of people like you, how you're an abomination, but I've never known one. I hope I don't catch it, they say you can die from it not to mention it's an abomination." His friends around him chuckled lightly and I stared at him in horror.

"I'm not a faggot." I said with all the courage I could.

Alistair pushed me back and pinned me against a locker. "Yeah and you know what else? I bet your "friend" Dean is a faggot too. Why else would a soc and a greaser hang out?"

I stuttered with his arm against my throat. The bell rang and he sighed like he was disappointed before letting me go. "Bye Cassie!"

He cooed mockingly and lead his friends away to class. My eyes burned with tears and I got up shaking all over in fear before running in the opposite direction and I hid under the bleachers.

I was such a coward why was I hiding? Oh yeah cause I'm scared. So scared.. What if Alistair tells everyone? I'd be dead.. Dead. They do horrible things to homosexuals..


I sighed and wiped my eyes walking back to school. I had stayed out there for a long time and now it was time for gym class, aka hell.

I walked into the locker room and changed quickly before running out to the gym.

Alistair stared at me during the whole class period and I swallowed thickly. If only Dean were here.
I walked back into the locker rooms slowly as I was so tired. I began to change and I put on my jeans first but as I slipped my shirt on I realized everyone had left and I was the only one left. Probably because it was the last class of the day and everyone wanted to get out of here.

All of a sudden I felt a hand in my hair and my head was pulled back. I felt lips on my neck, hot breath, tongue, and sucking. I whimpered and I couldn't see who it was.

Finally I was released and I was spun around to be facing the culprit as I backed into my locker. I stared in horror at Alistair who had an evil smirk on his face.

"What..what are you doing?" I stutter out.

"Look Castiel I won't tell you're homosexual if you do whatever I tell you to and you can't do anything about it because you'd only be giving yourself away."

He was right, even if I was to tell on him I wouldn't be able to hide my own sexuality.

He smirked at me and I looked down sadly. He put his hand on my shoulder and pushed with force so I was on my knees in front of him.

I swallowed and looked up at him pleadingly. How could he do this to me? He unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them down.

I swallowed thickly and looked at his erect penis. I closed my eyes tightly and took him into my mouth, sucking and bobbing my head.

This was disgusting, this was inhumane, this was a way of staying secret, this was a way of life..

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