Chapter 7-Was I not good enough?

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((Dean's POV))

So everyone hates Mondays and I do especially but today I just wanted it to be Tuesday because that's when I got to hang out with Cas again.

Even though I have a full time job I still go to highschool because it's my last year so why not finish it out?

I walk down the halls and with my books and Sam is going on to Kevin about some English project. I go my seperate way and I doubt they even notice.

I went to my math class and I actually got some work done. I had to finish school with good grades it'd help me get better jobs.

I went throughout the day happy and when the last bell rung I was even more happy because the day was over. So much closer to Tuesday. I walked over to my locker and opened it up grabbing my things for the homework I'd probably just have Sam help me with.

When I closed my locker my books were knocked out of my hands by Lucifer and I sighed as I glared at him. "What do you want?" I asked. He crossed his arms and made a tsk tsk tsk sound with his tongue.

"I think you secretly know." He got up really close to my face and I resisted the urge to flinch away. Plus he had bad breath which was not appreciated.
"I know what you've been doing with Cassie." He hissed in my ear and my eyes widened for a split second but he was so close that he couldn't see and I stepped back, kneeling and picking up my papers and books.

"I literally have no idea what you're talking about. I don't associate with socs. At all."

I stood back up and he shrugged. "Alright then I guess you won't mind if I show you something."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't know what you'd want to show me but okay yeah sure."

He put his arm around my shoulders and steered me out of the school to the courtyard. He smiled evilly and crossed his arms over his chest flicking his head to the left, motioning for me to look.

I looked over to where he wanted me to and my heart nearly broke in a million pieces. But on the outside I was as stoic as ever.

There in the courtyard was Castiel. He was laughing and his eyes were shining in the sunlight. He was talking to Meg Masters. The pretty Meg who had had a crush on Cas for forever. She wore her little dress and Cas was carrying her books for her.

She even leaned over and pressed a kiss to Cas' cheek and his smile never faltered.

I shrugged and looked back at Lucifer. "So?" I asked a bit confused and Lucifer just patted me on the back. "I guess nothing." He frowned in confusion and walked away. I glanced back at Cas who had caught my eye but his smile still didn't waver.

I frowned and walked to my car throwing my stuff in and driving. When I arrived at my lake I stumbled through the bushes and arrived to the log me and Cas had sat on. I kicked it angrily and it went rolling, then I sat on the ground and took a shaky breath.

Was I not good enough for Castiel? Maybe after the two dates we went on he decided he wanted more than that. He wanted to be able to marry the person he loved and have children and not have to worry about keeping it secret.

I understood that but..why didn't he just tell me?

"Fuckin hell!" I screamed to nobody and threw rock after rock as hard as I could into the lake.

I sat there for the longest time just thinking and I almost cried too but I refused to let myself cry over Castiel Novak. It became dark and when I couldn't see the ripples in the water anymore that's when I knew I was out here for too long.

So I stood up and was about to leave when I heard russling in the bushes and I stood completely still. A figure stumbled through the bushes into the clearing and yet I still didn't move. In fear of who it was.

"Dean?" Came a loud whisper and I huffed relaxing a bit. It was just Castiel, the person I wanted I see least at that moment.

His eyes seemed to land on my figure an he walked over. "Dean can we talk?"

I scoffed. "I don't want to talk to you."

"Please Dean?"

"No. Why are you even here? This is my place you aren't welcome here anymore."

"But I.."

"No! I opened up to you Cas and you acted like you cared. You acted like you wanted to open up to me too and then you just go behind my back with Meg? How long have you two been together? The whole time we've been together or did that just start today?"

"Can I explain?" Cas asked with a slightly hurt tone.

I crossed my arms and nodded. "I think you owe me an explanation."

"Excuse you? I don't owe you anything! We hung out twice. Twice Dean. It's not like we're together."

I looked down biting my lip. "I thought we had something. I really liked you." I pushed past him as I walked towards the bushes that lead to where I could leave.

He ran up to me and grabbed my arm. "Wait Dean I'm sorry. Please let me explain."

I stopped and pulled my arm away roughly not looking at him. He sighed sadly and put his hands in his pockets. "Lucifer saw me get into your car. I denied it but he saw and so I told him I'd do anything to prove that I hadn't been hangin out with you so he said to start dating Meg so I did."

I just stood there. "So what's your point?"

"I was just trying to protect us."

I sighed. "So what? You want to keep having a thing? I can't anymore Cas. Not with you dating Meg. You're going to get attached to her and you can't love two people like that. You're going to end up leaving me anyways."

He shook his head. "No I'll just date her for a little while so Lucifer won't suspect us. We can still be together. Please Dean I can make this work. We can make this work."

I thought about this and then turned and walked through the bushes. Cas followed me all the way to my car and I got into it leaving him standing there.

"I'll meet you here tomorrow like planned." I said and drove away. I could see a smile spread across Cas' face in the rear view mirror and I sighed. Was he telling the truth? I thought he was. I sure hoped he was.

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