Chapter 11- It Was The End Of The World As I Knew It

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((Sam's POV))

It was starting to get really hot outside, like really hot. And I don't mean the kind of hot that oh well I can take my shirt off. No. I mean the kind of hot that you want to sit in front of a fan for the rest of your life, the kind of hot that the bed sheets stick to your body, the lake is like bathwater. And the thing that sucks the worst is that there is no air conditioning in any of the houses. Sure there is in the rich people's homes but none of us greasers can afford it so we're stuck in the heat.

I was panting and sweating as I walked down the halls of school, although everyone was at this point because why pay to cool off a whole school? I don't know, maybe so we don't all die?!

As I put a few books in my locker and then shut it making sure it was locked properly, I wiped sweat from my forehead. I turned around and there standing in front of me was Gabe. And all I could think about was how..oh god I probably smelled.

"Hey Sammy." He smirked that adorable little smirk and had a lollipop in his mouth.

I wiped my forehead again as I stared up at him. "Why are you talking to me?"

He frowned slightly but quickly regained his smirk in a matter of seconds. "We're friends right? I mean we go to the same school."

I nodded and I was going to come up with an answer, but I couldn't think straight. Here was the guy I had a total crush on talking to me and I was probably not my best looking at the moment, then I was sweating like hell and it was so hot. And I literally felt like throwing up.

"Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded but just as I was nodding I fell to the floor unconscious. Did I really just faint?! That is the most cliche thing to ever happen to me.

It was that kind of faint that you were out but you could still see what was happening around you through like a really weird funnel type of thing.

I saw my head rush to the ground and people turned to look. Gabe looked concerned and he dropped his bag as he kneeled beside me and lifted my head from the ground looking over it. With the slight sigh of relief he gave I figured that there was no blood to be seen. That was good.

And just like that my eyes focused and I was conscious again. I looked up and smiled embarrassed at Gabe. He sighed again. "Jeez kid you scared the shit out of me. You flushed red and then you fell to the ground but your eyes were still open!" I chuckled as I sat up rubbing my forehead. "I'm sorry.."

Gabriel helped me stand up and a teacher that someone had brought over came over and took my arm gently as she lead me to the nurse's. I looked back over my shoulder and Gabriel was staring at me concerned.

I smiled slightly and I think the teacher thought I was delirious. But I wasn't I was just in love.

The nurse took care of me and said I'd be fine I just needed to drink more water. So I went about my day normally until I was walking outside after school and up to Dean's car but..

Gabe was talking to Cas who were at the impala and Dean was leaning against it smoking a cigarette. As soon as he saw me he ran up. "Are you okay?!" He asked and I rolled my eyes glancing at Gabe. "I'm fine."

Dean followed my gaze and then smirked at me. I looked up at him and sighed. "What?" I hissed. He bounced his eyebrows.

"Cas and Gabe are going to come down to the lake with us if that's ok?" He raised an eyebrow. I choked slightly and nodded. Dean trusted these people enough to let them know our place. Then he was basically saying that he was giving me permission to be with Gabe?

Dean put his cigarette out and went around getting in the drivers seat and Cas in the passenger seat. Which left, surprise surprise, Gabe and I in the backseat. It's a big backseat so we weren't even sitting close to each other but I was starting to hyperventilate silently..just because.

God it was the end of the world as I knew it and you know what? I felt fine.

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