Chapter 31- Intimidation

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((Gabe's POV))

We all run away from the church, not really having a plan of where we were going, just needing to get out of there. When we tire we all slowl down and try to catch our breath. Wow I was out of shape.

Castiel has his hands on his knees as he breathes heavily and stares at the ground. "Fucking...hell." he gets out through labored breaths and me and Sam exchange a shocked look, hadn't heard him cuss in a long time, but we don't say anything about it. This must have been really hard for him.

Castiel eventually just sits down on the curb we were by, his legs in the street and looks up at us. "Why did you do that?" He asks and I have no idea what he's thinking or feeling, he's got no emotion on his face.
Sam furrows his eyebrows because I'm sure he's thinking the same thing I am, isn't it obvious?
"He still loves you." Sam says matter of factly. Dean still loves him, that's what he means, why else would Sam be here?

Castiel gives the smallest of smiles, you can barely see it, but I know my brother. "Come on baby bro we couldn't let you do that. I know that your life would be easier, hell all our lives would be easier if we were straight, but we're not. And...and well we're just going to have to live with it." I sit beside Castiel who nods as he looks at his hands in his lap. "I just... I thought Dean would've moved on and I didn't write to him all this time. Mom introduced me to Hannah and she was nice and pretty and I knew I'd still get dad's money if I married her."

Sam sits on the other side of Cas and doesn't say anything, neither of us do. What are we supposed to say? It's not like we've ever done this before. It takes a while before Cas says anything else, but when he does it makes me smile.

"But you guys are right. I want to be happy and if being with Dean makes the rest of my life hard then so be it."

"Yay!" I throw a handful of glitter into the air above us which makes Sam and Cas giggle. I like seeing them happy, the most important people in my life.

Castiel suddenly stands up with a determined look in his eye. "Let's go before Dad freezes my accounts." Sam stands up and helps me up from the curb as well.

I guess this is it. They're going to reunite and everything will be perfect.

I mean that's what I thought was going to happen, I knew I was dreaming. I wanted us all to be happy, but we had to go back to Kansas first and that.. well it definitely wasn't as kind to us as California had been.

"We'll be with you every step of the way." I say and Cas gives me a knowing nod before we start walking back towards the church to get our car.

As soon as we get back to the church I can see our parents standing on the steps fighting. I knew what they were fighting about, How we were both disappointments.

Castiel takes a deep breath and follows closely behind Sam as my boyfriend takes out the car keys and immediately unlocks the car. My parents hear the beeping of the car and turn towards us. Me and Cas hurriedly get in. As Sam gets into the driver's seat my parents run up to the car and try to open the door, but Sam is quicker with locking them. My dad hits the window and Cas flinches as my mom moves in front of the car and crosses her arms. My dad follows suit and then we're stuck.

We're all sitting in the idling car as my angry parents stand in front of the car, not allowing us to move. "Fuck.. I knew it was too good to be true." Cas sighs and undoes his seatbelt.

"No." Sam says sternly, making Cas freeze. Not going to lie I'm going to have him use that voice later. Alone. If you catch my drift.

"No. Your parents aren't going to stop us again. We aren't kids anymore." He gets out of the car and I exchange a worried look with Cas.

Here's the thing: Sam is very tall, 6'4" to be exact, and my dad is not that tall, around 5'5". Sam also works out all. The. Time. So he's very muscular. Which means when he is angrily walking towards you, it can be quite intimidating, which it was for my father. He took an awkward step backward with a quick flash of fear cross his face before he regained his composure.

"You're not going anywhere." He said and Sam laughs a very scary laugh, something I'd never heard from him before.
"Like hell we're not. You get away from my car or I'll make you get away from my car." That voice again, oof it gave me chills, his hands clenched and his arms tensed and my dad could tell he meant business.
My parents didn't say anything else as they stepped back onto the sidewalk. Everything seemed frozen for a second as the two men stared at each other, my mom clutching my dad's arm, the family in front of the church watching this go down, and me and Cas sitting in the car.

Then time resumed as Sam got back into the car, fastened his seatbelt, and drove the car away. I leaned over and gave Sam's cheek a quick kiss before leaning out the window and flipping off my quickly receding parents.

Cas finally let out a breath and an awkward chuckle before also buckling back in. "Wow Sam that was.."

"Hot." I finish with a smirk. Castiel rolls his eyes and Sam laughs a little. "I was going to say.. well I'm not sure, but thank you Sam." Castiel finishes and Sam nods, giving him a smile in the rearview mirror. "Couldn't disappoint my brother." He says and that was it.

We drove the rest of the way to the airport in silence.

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