Chapter 4- the fight

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((Dean's POV))

Work was good, well as good as it could be. I work as a mechanic for cars and I'm pretty good at it, plus I love it. But the whole day I couldn't get Castiel out of my head and how tonight I'd be taking him on a date and I knew the perfect place too.

When I got to clock out I went home and showered, changed into my leather jacket and a tshirt with jeans, and got in my car and left.

Kevin and Sam were probably hanging with the gang so I wasn't too worried and they wouldn't even think twice if they came home and I wasn't there.

I drove along the road that led into the estate which is where Castiel lived, and all the other socs too. It was gated off so I drove along the outside of it, not too suspiciously.

It was dark out at this time and I saw someone walking along the road, and judging by the trench coat it was Castiel.

I drove up along side him driving slowly so I could keep up with his pace and rolled down the window of my car, leaning my elbow out the window, and looking at Castiel.

"Hey don't you know it's dangerous walking alone at night?" I smirked and raised my eyebrows at him.

His blue eyes crinkled in confusion and looked around before turning back to me. "Are..are you talking to me?" He asked and stopped walking so I stopped driving.

I chuckled. "Yeah."

He looked around and his lips pulled up into a small smile. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"You looked cold so I thought I'd give you a ride."

He got into the car and I looked at him with a small smile, which he returned as I drove away from the estate.

"Hey Cas."

He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Hey Dean."

"I liked your performance back there." I said and laughed.

"Thank you." He smiled and shifted in his seat. "Where are we going? We can't go somewhere in public because someone might.."

"Hey don't worry I got it." I interrupted and he went silent nodding slightly. I could tell he was still a bit unsure of the whole thing but when I parked in front of the hiking trail he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked at me.


"No come on you'll see."

Castiel sighed and climbed out of the car after me. I started to walk down the hiking trail and Castiel followed me silently.

We ended up walking in silence and I wasn't really sure what to say, until we reached the small dip in the path and I stopped unexpectantly causing Cas to run into me.

"Hey!" He mumbled rubbing his shoulder. I laughed. "Sorry watch where you're going."

"Fight me." He grumbled.

I just laughed and turned walking off the path where Cas followed through the bushes and grass and dodging trees and small animals. He grumbled the entire way.

"Cas stop complaining."

"This is stupid Dean!"

"You're just a city boy you need to learn how to have fun."

"I do know how to have fun."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"Okay whatever." I rolled my eyes and though Castiel stopped complaining I could still hear the sighs and grunts that emitted from him.

I finally found the tree that marked where I always went and I stopped, this time Castiel was paying attention so he stopped as well.

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