Chapter 3- Dean's acting strange

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((Sam's POV))

Kevin and I arrived at our house and went to the room we shared. Not before looking for Dean who wasn't home yet. I shrugged it off because Dean was well..Dean.

But when he came home me and Kevin were playing poker on the floor in the living room and Dean was humming some rock tune and smiling.

"What's up Dean?" Kevin asked furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. Dean never came home in that mood, to be honest I haven't seen Dean smile in months. Sure little smiles here and there but they weren't real. They never quite reached his eyes. This was a real smile, a genuine full out smile.

Dean shrugged and sat on the torn up ratty couch. "Nothing much. What are you guys doing?"

Me and Kevin exchanged a look with raised eyebrows. "Just playing poker." I said a bit hesitantly.

"Well have fun. Make sure you don't stay up too late you have school tomorrow." He gave us both a look and then went back to humming and walked to his room shutting the door behind him.

I looked at Kevin and we both placed our cards down, not caring about the game anymore.

"What do you think is up with Dean?" Kevin asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know. What makes him happy that hasn't been in his life for a few months?"

We both contemplated this and then Kevin smiled. "Pie?"

We both laughed and I nodded. "I wouldn't be surprised."

"But that isn't is." Kevin said.

"No. He would've shared some with us if he spent money on pie." We both sighed and I sat up a little. "I bet it's a girl."

"You really think so?" Kevin asked surprised. It's not like Dean has had time to look for a girl or go on dates.

"I think so. I mean what else could make him that happy? And if he's.. You know." I raised my eyebrows and Kevin made a face.

"That's gross Sam!"

"I'm just saying that's why he could be so happy."

"So? I don't want to picture that. I'm going to bed." He grumbled and stood up walking back to our room which I hastily followed.

"Don't dream about this." I said smirking and he rolled his eyes throwing a pillow at me.

"Shut up Sam."


School is okay I guess. I mean I get to learn interesting stuff and go to the library, but the people aren't all that hot. They always bully me, I'm a sophomore and short. It sucks, but I'm a greaser so what would anyone expect?

The school is full of socs and I'm just a small greaser who they like to pick on. Most of the greasers go back to the other school which isn't bad it's just, the smarter ones who care for an education end up here with the socs.

Kevin's a freshman so I don't get to see him all that often which sucks, he's my best friend.

And today wasn't different, I was walking through the halls to the library because I love to read when a group of about four socs walked up to me. One put his arm around my shoulders with an evil grin.

I looked up at him and low and behold it was no other but Lucifer. He terrifies me and pisses me off at the same time. I didn't know what to do so I kept walking, though Lucifer's arm was still around me.

"What do you want?" I asked quietly.

"What do you think big bro would do to me if I beat his small insignificant brother to a bloody pulp?"

He smirked and the other socs laughed.

"He'd hunt you down and kill you asshole."

Though I wish I'd been the one who said that, I wasn't. I looked over to my right around Lucifer's hand and saw Gabriel, another soc. What was he doing?

"I suggest you leave him alone Lucifer, otherwise I'll go get a teacher."

Lucifer rolled his eyes but did remove his arm. "You're getting teachers now? Wow Gabriel. We'll talk about this later." He glared at him as he and his little posse walked away.

I stared at Gabe confused. "Um uh thank you."

He shrugged. "Don't mention it. Seriously. If everyone finds out I won't be able to walk ten feet without getting my ass kicked."

I nodded and he flashed me a smile before walking away.

Gabe was a junior, he was cool. He was nice. He was good looking. Wait..what? I shook my head as I walked. What the hell is wrong with me today?

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