Chapter 27-You Learn Something New Everyday

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((Kevin's POV))

Being 17 was awesome! I got to see rated R movies and I could drive now, even if I didn't have a car. After everyone had stopped fighting things were much better. The socs still scared me a little, especially Sam's boyfriend Lucifer, but they hadn't been hurting me so everything was fine.

That was..everything was fine until I got to my home away from home and found Sam's note. Dean was upset about something and Sam was gone? Sam couldn't leave me..he is my best friend. We've been best friends since forever and he's the only one who really gets me. He didn't even say where he was going. I sighed sadly and pocketed the note before going into Dean's room where he was crying quietly. "Hey do you want to go get some pie? My treat." I say. Ever since I turned sixteen I got a job at the movie theater, I liked it a lot.
Dean shook his head and sighed. "Thanks Kev but I'm tired I'm just going to stay home today." I nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him quietly.

Well mine and Sam's room was pretty empty without Sam's stuff there and so I decided to go see lucifer, even though I was terrified of him, Sam wouldn't leave without him right? And if he did then maybe the guy knew something. So I made my way to the hippie house Sam spent a lot of time at and walked inside. As soon as I opened the door a plume of marijuana smoke flooded my senses, I was definitely in the right place.
I tapped a guy on the shoulder and he looked at me with a goofy smile. "Hey kid what you doing here? You wanna live with us?" I shook my head and coughed a little. "No I want to know where lucifer is." I say and he nods. "Ah well Devil is upstairs in his room; hasn't had such a good day." He says taking a drag from his blunt. I furrow my eyebrows but nod and walk up the stairs. I didn't understand why they all called each other by nicknames here-what was wrong with their real names? Anyways I opened a few doors, walking in on people sleeping or doing drugs before I opened the right door and saw Lucifer kissing some girl.
"What the hell?" I ask and Lucifer pulls away to look at me. His eyes were red and I couldn't tell if it was because he had been crying or because he was high, probably both considering the tear stains on his cheeks and the smell of weed permeating throughout the room.
Lucifer licked his lips but didn't say anything so I decided to speak. "You asshole, you're cheating on Sam?!" Sam was my best friend and he definitely did not deserve that. The girl he had been kissing had a very colorful headband on over her long brown hair and was wearing a jean jacket over a bra, why was not wearing a shirt a style? I mean she was pretty and I wasn't judging or anything. She held up her hands. "Woah there Pipsqueek, Devil here ain't cheating on anybody, he's rebounding." She said and I swear to god if her eyelashes were any longer they'd touch the sky... Was I getting high from second hand smoke?

Lucifer sighed and put his hand on the girl's shoulder. "Flower, mind if you leave for a little bit? I'll see you later." His hand twitched and she looked at him with a bit of concern but nodded, getting up and walking past me. "See ya Pipsqueek." She said. Great- I got the worst nickname out of all of them, not that I'd be here very often. I watched Lucifer watch Flower's butt on her way out. She was wearing colorful pants that hugged her butt and flowed around her ankles and bare feet. Lucifer looked at me from where he was sitting on the ground and motioned me to sit beside him. I was hesitant but he didn't seem mad so I sat on the ground beside him where Flower was a second ago (Or whatever her real name was).
Lucifer looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "So Sammy didn't tell you huh? Weird since you two are basically inseparable." I nodded and looked down. "He left..I don't know where to but he left.." Lucifer scoffed-or I guess Devil here-and took his bong down from the top of the bed. He held it out to me and I shook my head, causing him to shrug and fill it up again. "Look I realize I made some mistakes with Sam-"
"I'd say." I interrupt and he glares at me before continuing.
"-But I'd never cheat on him. I did love him but I screwed up. I don't really blame him for breaking it off with me, I'm not his type anymore. Not to mention Gabe came back. I knew he'd always go back to him if he came back. When you find the one you know, and although I thought Sam was the one he's not. Who knows maybe Flower is." Lucifer rambled a lot when he was high. I knew he got high a lot from what Sam had told me but I'd never actually seen him high. I played with my hands as I thought, so Gabe came back and Sam broke up with lucifer. Made sense I guess, must have went off with Gabe too. I hope Sam was coming back.
I decided to talk to Lucifer since he seemed so sad-I knew what it was like to be sad and alone and I could never resist from talking to someone when they were like that.
"So..I thought you were gay.." I say-not the best thing I could've said but whatever.
Lucifer chuckles taking a hit from his bong. "Well I'm pansexual." He says blowing out some smoke. I wasn't sure what that meant but okay. "Plus Tracy has a dick." He adds and I look at him confused. "Flower?" He nods. "Mmhhmm." He hums as he's refilling his bong. Jeez how much weed could this guy do?
"But she had boobs..she-he looked so much like a girl.." I say very very confused. Lucifer chuckles. "Dude you need to get out there more. Tracy is transgender. She has boobs because of implants. She wasn't born with them but she identifies as a chick. And for looking so much like a girl, it's cause she's really groovy with makeup." He shrugs. "Plus even though she was born a guy doesn't mean she wasn't meant to be a girl." He takes another hit. "I get the best of both worlds." He says with a smirk and I chuckle nervously. I had never heard of a transgender person before, it was pretty cool. What did I care if Flower was happy?
" are you doing?" I ask, not that I really cared but I feel like I couldn't leave right then, it would seem rude. "I'm sad. I mean I dated Sam for two years, or Moose as he was called around here." He chuckles at the memory and I laugh a little, Moose? "But I guess as long as he's happy.. As I told you I've realized I didn't treat him the way he deserved and I'm not the guy he wants. Plus I wouldn't have found out how Flower feels about me." He blows smoke out and I cough. "You sure you don't want to try a hit?" He asks and I hesitate..did I? "Um sure.." Lucifer smiles putting the bong in my lap. "Groovy." He showed me how to do it and I cleared like half the chamber before pulling away and coughing violently, holy shit. Lucifer laughs and takes the rest of the hit. "That was a nice one for your first time." He says and I smile shyly. That really hurt. He stands up putting the bong on his nightstand and takes my hand leading me down the stairs. "Pipsqueek just did his first hit!" He announces holding my hand up and everyone downstairs cheers and claps. Lucifer drops my hand and I feel good, like really good. All of a sudden it was like something hit me and although I had never been high before I thought to myself, I'm definitely high. It was kind of a nice feeling and I didn't feel nervous or shy anymore. I was smiling hugely and one of the guys laughed elbowing the guy beside him. "Look CoolCat, Pipsqueek is a lightweight." The other guy chuckled and nodded. "Sweet." I looked back to Lucifer who had his arm around Flower's waist and I waved. Flower laughed and waved back before I turned and left the house. Sam was right, Lucifer wasn't all that bad. Now I get why he liked him. Speaking of liking people I was feeling so confident as I walked down the street I decided to go to my crush's place. I don't care if he was 21 and I was 17. That's only 4 years apart. So I started walking off towards his house. Everything seemed weird and I didn't realize I was running until I came to a stop at his front door.

I knocked on the door and after a few seconds Crowley opened the door. He saw me and raised an eyebrow. "Kev you okay?" He asks. Ever since we thought we killed Lucifer we've been way closer and I had developed feelings for him. I didn't know I was gay, or maybe bi, until I started having dreams about Crowley. I guess I didn't answer for a while cause Crowley looked concerned and he took my arm pulling me inside, sitting me on the couch. "I'll get you some water." He says and I grab his arm. "Nooo sit with me." He sits beside me and looks over my face. "Are you..high?" I put a finger up to his lips, "shhhhh." I smile and Crowley starts to laugh. "Aw Kev that's hilarious." He chuckles and I smile proudly. "I like you Crowley." He chuckles. "I like you too Kev." I shake my head, "no." He raises an eyebrow and I put my hands on either side of his face. "Like like like you." I say and sit forward pressing my lips to his. His eyes widen and he doesn't move for a few seconds until he pulls away. "You're high." I giggle and nod. He stands up and sighs.


I woke up with a slight headache, had I been drinking last night? There was a couple beer bottles on the coffee table beside me. Wait this wasn't Dean's house. I sit up and move the blanket off of me. Things started to come to me from last night; drinking beers at Crowley's, him putting a blanket over me and telling me to sleep, and kissing Crowley! Shit he had pulled away.. What have I done?

I groaned and put my head in my hands. "Finally awake I see." I hear Crowley say and then I feel the couch sink next to me where I look up and he's now sitting. "I'm so sorry Crowley!" He smiled and shook his head. "It's fine Kev you were high." He says shrugging and I nod sadly not saying anything and staring blankly at the beer bottle in front of me, my reflection looked weird in it. "Unless of course you meant it?" Crowley asks and I look over at him embarrassed, can feel myself blush and he nods with pursed lips. "I see." He says and puts an arm around my shoulders. "You know what Kev?" I look at him waiting for an answer and he smiles. "I like like like you too." I laugh as he does and he kisses me softly. "Don't tell Dean he'll kill me." He whispers and I laugh biting my lip as he looks into my eyes. After a few seconds he stands up. "Now go take a shower you stink like weed. I don't even want to know where you got high." I blush and nod standing up.



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