Chapter 25- Does he still care?

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((Gabe's POV))

Lucifer?! Sam was dating Lucifer?!! How? Why? He was such an asshole, even now he was treating Sam like shit, but I wasn't going to say anything because he had been there for Sam when he woke up from his coma when I wasn't. At least someone was.

Looking at him now sitting across from me at this small diner I remember from two years ago(which feels like eternity), even though he was different he was still Sam. Hopefully he'd still like me like he used to. Though it's totally not fair that Lucifer got to take Sam's virginity. Not fair at all.

After we'd ordered he looked at me seriously and I stared right back into those beautiful green eyes. Maybe they were a little sad but they were still pretty. "So you gonna explain now?" He asked raising an eyebrow and I nodded quickly. I wasn't about to lose him again.

"When you got to the hospital and me and Cas left.. We didn't want to but Michael? Michael told our parents about us being.. Well gay. So they sent us to boarding school out of the state to try and change that." I sighed hoping he'd believe me. It was the truth after all but hey I wouldn't blame him if he wanted me gone.

Sam looked around and only a waiter was here this late at night so he leaned over the table and pecked my lips quickly before leaning back so the waiter wouldn't see. I however just sat there in shock and stared at Sam. He smiled a little, it was barely there but his eyes were shining.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you Gabe. I will gladly dump Luci if you're going to be staying this time."

I smiled brightly and nodded. "Better yet why don't you come with me?" I asked and Sam raised a suspicious eyebrow. "Me? Go with you? Where?"

"California. It's way more laid back and they're more open minded about gay people. Sam there's a lot of gay people there." I whispered so the waiter couldn't hear and Sam smiled brightly. "I'd love to but.. I gotta make sure Dean and Kevin will be okay.. Or if they want to come with too.. Wait where's Cas?" He asks and I bite my lip looking away.

The food was delivered and Sam thanked the waiter before he looked back at me sternly. "Where is Castiel?" He asks again and I take a deep breath. "Cas is in California still, that's where we've been ever since we got out of boarding school cause he started to go to college there. We wanted to come back but then mom and dad would only pay for his schooling if he went right away. They wanted to keep us from you guys."

Sam nodded. "Oh well that's not so bad. Dean can come with us and meet up with him,"

I frowned again and that caused Sam to look even more worried. "Cas is.. He's engaged to a girl." I said looking up at Sam who staring blankly at me. "Gabe.. Dean hasn't so much as looked at anyone else since Cas has gone. He's still in love with him and I fear he always will be. I thought Cas loved Dean as well?" He asked.

Gabe nodded. "He did. But he met a nice girl named Hannah and our parents approved and they didn't have to hide and he figured that Dean was over him and that he'd never forgive Cas for leaving him without so much as a goodbye."

Sam just kept on frowning and he took a French fry, popping it into his mouth. "We gotta stop that wedding Gabe, when is it?"

"In a week. Cas seems happy though.." I said. I didn't want to ruin my brother's happiness but also.. I wondered at times how much Cas thought about Dean, if he was really over him. Dean was Castiel's first for a lot of things. You don't forget that. Especially Cas.

"We have to hurry then. Dean will be crushed. It's been two years and Dean still hasn't shut up about the guy."

I frowned. Wow I never knew just how much Dean cared about my little brother. It was sweet and I wanted Cas to be happy and I feel like he would be happy with Dean.

"Okay. We have a wedding to stop." I said and Sam smiled at me while I smiled back and we held each other's gazes, happy to have each other back.

((Sorry short chapter but it's just a filler. Will they stop Cas' wedding in time? Does Cas even like Dean anymore?? Ahh I don't even know ;) love you guys and thanks for reading.

Also on another note I know it's named the outsiders, but it's because the characters are based loosely off of those in the outsiders and the story line is loosely like that. It's in the same time period but obviously this is fanfiction and it's not exactly like the actual book. ))

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