Chapter 21- Two birds with two stones.

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((Kevin's POV))

I paced the crappy little run down abandoned church nervously as Crowley smoked a cigarette. "Dude sit down and have our last smoke." He said blowing out a ring of smoke into the air. I sighed and started panting and I thought I was starting to have a panic attack. "Crowley we killed someone! Killed someone!" I yelled and Crowley got up so quick I thought he'd start flying and pushed me against the wall. "Keep your voice down you little shit. Someone will hear you." He said and pulled away before sitting back down and finishing off his cigarette. He threw it to the side and sat there with a bored expression.
I sat on the other side of the church and started to cry silently. I never cried, none of the guys did, we all had a reputation to uphold after all. If any of the guys were caught crying one of us would hit him to make him get a hold of himself but not me, I was the only one no one would do that to since I was like their kid and I'd been through more than a lot of them. Crowley just looked up at me and frowned slightly. "Kevin nothing is going to happen to us okay? We'll be fine and we'll go back home and everything will be normal okay?" I didn't know what to do and I just wiped my eyes on my sleeve while Crowley sighed and lit the last cigarette walking over and sitting beside me hanging me the cigarette that I took gratefully.
"You think Dean and Sam are back yet?" I asked softly and Crowley hummed as he stared off into space. "Probably." He mumbled. "You think they've been acting weird?" He asked and I stared off into space trying to blow smoke rings but I couldn't do them as good as Crowley, they didn't even look like circles.
"Yeah they did before they left. It started with Dean but then Sam started acting like that too. We used to be super close but he started keeping things from me and ditching me to go God knows where. I miss them." I sighed and Crowley nodded. "We'll have to find out what's wrong." He said.
It was night time now and we were trying to get some sleep but I doubt it was doing any good because I definitely wasn't falling asleep on the concrete floor and I could tell by Crowley's breathing that he wasn't either.

Then all of a sudden we heard the noise of the back door opening, it was old and wooden and the wood was decaying so it made a loud creaking sound. Crowley and I both sat up quickly and looked at each other through the dark. "Here take this." He whispered and handed me the gun that Benny had given us. I held it with shaking hands and stood up pointing it in the general direction of the back door while I heard Crowley's footsteps going towards the noise.

A loud clanging noise happened and Crowley made a distressed noise and then, "thump!" I shot the gun and shook while I took a hesitant step forward. "Crowley?!" I whisper yelled hoping I hadn't shot him. I hadn't even meant to shoot the gun.. It just happened because my hands were shaking so bad.

Crowley yelled out to me in a distressed voice. "Kevin!" He yelled and I ran over to him. Then as I got closer and closer I knelt down beside the two figures. I gasped and my eyes started watering. "Shit! Sam? What..?" Crowley lifted the really tall version of Sam into his arms.. Guess I missed his puberty stage. "We need to get him to a hospital!" Crowley said panicked and I nodded quickly, leaving the gun in the church so that hopefully at least they wouldn't know it was me.

Everything was a blur from then on, and I actually can't remember any of it, later on Crowley told me that Sam, Dean, Castiel and Gabe were there. For some reason Gabe and Cas had driven the car to come get us because Lucifer wasn't dead. Then Sam had figured we were in the church but he came in alone to see if we were there while everyone waited in the running car to go in case we weren't there. Then I shot Sam and Crowley carried Sam out to the car but I was in so much shock of shooting my best friend that he had to come back and pull me to the car. Then they took Sam to the nearest hospital and I sat in the waiting room with everyone else while Dean stayed in the room with Sam.
Now I'm just sitting in the waiting room still not really there all the way and I don't know what to do. Gabe looked really upset which was weird cause he was a soc. Why was he even here?
Did I kill Sam?

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