Chapter 26-Broken Hearts and Break-Ups

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((Sam's POV))

"What?" Dean asked and sat down on our couch staring at the blank wall. Gabe and I exchanged a look. We knew he wouldn't take the news well.

"But Dean it's okay we can go stop Cas! And then you guys can be together." I said hoping that would work.
Dean sighed and just shook his head. "I shouldn't have waited for him.. I thought he'd come back. I thought he loved me.." He looked down. "If he's marrying someone he's obviously happy with them. I shouldn't ruin that." He said getting up and going to his room, closing his bedroom door behind him gently.

I sighed and looked at Gabe. "He's right you know." He says softly. Gabe shakes his head. "Cas is happy sure, but he's compensating. He has never been happier than when he was with Dean. Me and you can go try and stop him okay?" He said and cupped my cheek. I smiled, I was glad to have him back but also I wished Dean was as happy.

"Let's ride." Gabe smirked and I rolled my eyes before we went to my room to get a bag packed for me. I didn't have much but it was good enough.

I walked into Dean's room and he was there drinking a bottle of whiskey on his bed. "Are you okay Dean?" I ask hesitantly. Dean shrugs. "I guess. What are you doing?" He asks me with a sad expression.
"I'm going to California with Gabe. You sure you don't want to come?" He asks. Dean shakes his head. "No I'll stay here." I nod and leave the room, shutting the door quietly.

Before we leave I write a note to Kevin telling him to watch over Dean that he'll be more self destructive than usual. Then we head out to Gabe's car and begin the drive to California.

"Can we stop at Luci's?" I ask nervously and Gabe nods, not saying anything. When we got to the house I took a deep breath and went up the stairs. As I opened the door to the room Luci lived in I got a sudden sense of dread. Sometimes that happened when I walked into this room, that I would suddenly find Luci overdosed on some drug, which happened before. I had found him passed out in the bathtub totally high and barely breathing. He had burns on his right arm from where he had been using a lighter and his arm spasmed. It broke my heart to see him like that. Today though he was fine, sitting on his bed with a bong between his legs. He looked up at me with a glare. "You left me yesterday, and on our anniversary." He said angrily. I sighed and put my hands in my pockets. "You were being an asshole and trying to get me to do something I didn't want to do."

Luci rolled his eyes and took a hit from his bong, clearing the chamber entirely without coughing at all. "Whatever. You couldn't stay away that long I see. Come here and kiss me." He smiled and I shook my head, "no Luci, I came here to break up with you." He frowned and I could see the hurt in his eyes. "Why?.." He asks and I sigh. "Because you've been different lately and you aren't the same guy I used to like. Also.. Gabe came back and we talked." Lucifer stared at me and put his bong aside. "He left you..and you're just going to leave me after two years for that asshole?!" I didn't say anything and he stood up angrily, but his right leg crumbled on him and he fell to the floor. I rushed over and helped him up but he pushed me away once he was sitting. "Get out Sam." He said holding his leg that was probably in a lot of pain and he looked like he was going to cry. I stared at him a few seconds before deciding to leave and go back to Gabe's car. I got in and my eyes were watering, that was really hard. I had loved him for two years. Gabe leaned over and hugged me as I started to cry silently. Gabe didn't say anything which I was grateful for. When we started driving again it was silent for a long time, but after an hour or so we started to talk and I was feeling much better.

Gabe and I talk about everything we've done while we were apart, his stories were way better than mine. Apparently he was going to school to become a veterinarian now and pretty well off which made me happy. I was glad that he was happy.

When we finally arrived to Gabe's apartment, which took a few days, he helped me unpack before going to see Cas. I was nervous that he would totally dismiss me and Gabe and say he didn't care about Dean anymore.

Gabe wrapped his arms around my waist and looked up at me. "Hey it's okay. Everything will be fine Samwich." He says gently and stands on his tip toes to give me a soft kiss. I smile a little as I start to calm down, he always had that effect on me. I thought I was happy with Luci, and I was until he started taking all those drugs and being mean, but being with Gabe again made me realize even at my happiest with Luci I wasn't as happy as I am with Gabriel. I think he knew what I was thinking because he had this knowing smirk on his face and I rolled my eyes before he kissed me again. "Cmon Sammy get dressed, we've got a wedding to crash.

I chuckle and move to get my stuff from his closet (where he had insisted I hang my clothes) and he smacked my butt. I sent him a playful glare and he laughed following after me. "You think Cas will want Dean back?" I ask quietly and Gabe shrugs. "I don't know Sam... I hope so. If not then I hope Dean can still find happiness." He says. I nod biting my lip. I hope so too. Dean was a good guy and the best big brother I could've asked for.

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