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Minho was always the nice kid, the one that sat at the back, didn't speak much but got the work done. He would come to school tired and looking he like he both under and over slept, but at some point during his first year of high school he just stopped showing up, his sister Saemin still came in, she was a similar character to Minho.

When you asked any of his friends where he was they would all give the same answer, a shrug, an I don't know. They all looked worried like they did really know what was happening, like they knew something no one else did.

But soon everyone did know, they all knew, when Saemin stopped coming in, when she did she would be pale, erratic and then she would crash, everyone thought she'd went crazy. We never thought she was crossing from a high.

On a rainy night in November, it was thundering, the lightning barely visible. Lee Minho was found almost dead in an abandoned factory, his sister Saemin next to him, not breathing, dead. On a table there was white powder and needles on the ground. The hospital saved Minho but Saemin was pronounced dead on sight.

The common question was how did such nice kids get so involved in drugs, did Minho's friends know, did the football team that Minho was the captain of know. Minho was Saemin's guardian, they'd lost their parents and he was the older twin, deemed capable enough to look after her.

Minho didn't come back, not that year and not the next. The next time anyone saw him was the last year of high school, he's served time, gotten tattoos and stunk of cigarettes, he always wore the same thing and he didn't talk to anyone, he sometimes smiled at Han Jisung in the corridors if they passed each other on a good day, Chan would occasionally eat a word out of him, they would sit with him at lunch while he smoked his cigarettes or went of to a bar, a few streets away from the school. It was like he's died to that day.

Minho never did work anymore, he slept in class, he's cry during gym and would be excused, almost every time his friends would find him outside of a manorial for Saemin, he wouldn't be crying, he'd look indifferent. But one day he broke and fell into the arms of his old friends and cried letting it all out, he was out of jail on parole, he only had to serve 5 years.

He didn't live in his old home anymore, he lived in a run down part of the city, involved in illegal activity, he needed to live, he needed to for Saemin.

I've started a new book, welcome, this isn't going to be as soft as my other ones

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