10 - Seungmin

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'Please Jinnie' I whine at the lunch table, currently they are the only ones there 'we haven't been on a date in ages' I say pulling on his arm 'fine, I'll take you on a date' he caves and then gives me a light peck.

'Date, oh my god we should plan a double date, but with everyone' Felix shouts, I sigh 'no just a date for us' I say, he starts to sulk 'we could though just a different day'

And we do, the week after, we go to the fair and despite Minsung not being a couple they demanded to come, they were fine 3rd wheeling together.

'It nice weather today' Jisung says, it's not, he's being sarcastic, it's raining and windy and is not a good day to come to the fair 'it said it would be sunny' Felix says, I laugh at him, I think of it as bad karma for trying to join mine and Hyunjin's date.

'He Minho' we hear someone say, we look behind us and then at him, he looks panicked and hugs himself into Jisung's chest 'who are you' Changbin asks harshly, he's by far the scariest looking of us all 'I just want to talk to Minho' the man says and walks up to him 'you lost me business you little shit' the man says as he pulls Minho of Jisung and throws him on the ground 'go find someone else' the man says and then walks away with one last kick.

'Who was that' Jisung asks kneeling down next to him 'my old dealer' he says quietly 'do you want to go home' I ask and he nods 'I'll fo alone' he says as Jisung tries to join him, he leaves him alone and he walks of.

The rest of the day felt empty and stale, like bread that had been out too long. It looked like perfection but wasn't, that's what the atmosphere felt like. We don't fo on any rides, most have been closed any way and we only half heartedly play the games. When we depart it hurts to see Jisung walk away, alone, sad and without the smile he had when he came.

'They'll be alright' Hyunjin says to me, I find his words hard to believe, we said that when Minho walked away before and he wasn't.

Minho doesn't sit with us the next day at school, he sits outside, so does Jisung they seem to be sat in silence. This feels oddly like before but it hurts more because he's facing a batter he's already half defeated.

Hope you enjoyed that, as I'm writing this it is the day of the Euro's final and England have literally gone crazy. I really can't deal with them winning.

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