20 - Jeongin

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I walk into Chan's house, stumbling and unsteady 'channie' I shout, slurred. 'Channie Hyung' I try again, I hear movement and shift light coming from the back room 'Jeongin is that you' he asks, I'm my sober mind I would know he was tired, just woken up, but I'm drunk and I can't think that well.

He comes near me then stops 'are you drunk' he shouts and I burst out into tears, it's unexpected and random but it's showing how I really feel, I don't want to be drunk 'Jeongin I thought we spoke about this, you said you'd stop' despite him being upset with me he hugs me, and I sob into his bare chest.

When I wake up in the morning it's with a headache and regret, I don't know why I drink, I have a good home life, friendships and relationships but there's just something within me that makes me want to drink, I can't explain it to anyone, no one understands, only Minho did and he's gone, has been for weeks not a word, or want to see any of us.

'Baby wake up' I can feel myself being slightly shaken, I mumble and I hear a giggle 'Channie' I say and pull him down, I snuggle into him 'five more minutes' he pats me head 'no baby you need to wake up' so I do, he looks angry at me, I know why I promised I would get the drinking under control but I didn't.

'I'm sorry' I say as Chan hands me some cereal 'you said that last time, it didn't change anything' he's disappointed in my not angry and that always hurts more. 'Do you think I should go to rehab' I ask and there's a moment of silence before Chan nods and says 'I think that would be best' he walks away, and my heart hurts like we've broken up 'do you still love me' I ask and he goes into his room 'yes I do, I just think you need help and the space will do us good' I sigh and huff knowing he's right 'here' he says throwing some clothes at me 'we have school today' I nod and get changed.

We walk to school still holding hands but with a new found awkwardness, and when we sit down at lunch with 7 of us and not 8 the awkwardness remains.

I end up asking to go to rehab and get put into a place and go there all with in a week, I don't tell anyone, I want to just disappear from the world for a few days. I can imagine the silence is more so, no one talks, they all blame themselves for something I brought upon my self, I don't see Minho in the rehab centre, I'm not even sure it's the same one, but I feel lonely, lost and alone, but I'm happy.

Don't forget to comment and vote, I wasn't going to do another Jeongin chapter but I felt as though his story needed a little ending. And I just realised I'm making Chan a bit mean in this story, I don't meant to.

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