7 - Minho

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I'm fidgety, massively fidgety. I can't decide if it's the alcohol or nicotine withdrawal. I can't focus, I can hardly see what is written on the board or what the teacher is saying. I feel like closing my eyes.

I can sense people looking at me, I feel like I'm swaying, like I'm on a boat, about to throw up. I'm cold and shivering, it's not exactly cold, it warm for this time of year and I'm already wearing three layers.

'Can I go the the bathroom' Chan says, I think it's Chan, everyone's voice sounds the same but a slight Australian accent peaks through 'sure' the teacher says. I put my head on the table.

I know suddenly stopping addiction can have bad side effects, I know I might die, my body has become reliant. It feels like how it did in prison, sudden cocaine and heroine withdrawal admittedly felt a lot worse, I would get itchy and I wouldn't be able to sleep, I'd have nightmares but I got over that, I was treated, sort of.

'Minho' I hear a voice, am I in heaven? 'Minho wake up' it's slightly louder, I can't open my eyes, I feel weightless 'can someone call the nurse' the words are fuzzy and I'm starting to lose the slight light in my vision and the silhouette is fading, I try to speak but my heart is going slowly 'Minho' some one is shaking me, this isn't withdrawal, this feels like an overdose, but I haven't taken anything.

I wake up, in a room I don't recognise Mr Shin is next to me and so is Chan, I'm confused 'Min are you awake' Chan asks, I nod my head 'do you know why happened' I shake my head and then nod 'you had an overdoes' he says 'how' I ask, I feel like crying, I don't remember taking any drugs, but it's possible, one day when I get drunk after I said I wouldn't someone could have given me something, it not impossible.

'We don't know' he says, he's holding my hands, like a father, Chan has always been a father figure to me but now that I have Mr Shin he feels like a brother 'I think the others will be here soon' I nod 'can I see Jisung' I ask, he nods. I feel like I have to see him, explain like our relationship meant more, that hanging in the air like stars during the day, there was something more, a reason to live. Candles always carry the potential to burn no matter how long they've been out, that's how I feel. I feel like fire, the fire of a candle.

Thank you for reading I love the fact I wrote the first 7 chapters in one day possibly even chapter 8 and only released 1. How do you think Minho got the drugs?

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