15 - Chan

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Things are quiet, but not a calm quiet, it's a suspicious quiet, like the seconds in between the lightning and the thunder. The moments before a storm.

This quietness has been going on for weeks, maybe even months, it unnerves me how Minho is part of the group again like he hadn't even left. He thinks I don't notice the way he looks of like someone is watching and the way he checks his surrounding in the corridor and stops looking shifty when he locks eyes with me, he's won back everyone's trust, but not mine. I don't believe most of the things he says, I'm his friend but I still think he has problems, addictions. And I'm right.

The hallway is silent, class is just about to start, I can hear the water running in the pipes and the wind outside, it will only be a second until the bell goes again, to signal lunch. Lessons always go quickly, like the years get shorter, leading up to something it's always hard to remember how you got there, why you were even there in the first place.

And that's what I think when I find myself holding Minho's jacket, I don't know if he gave me it or if I took it but if he asks I'll say I got cold. I put it on. Put my hands in my pockets I'm trying to convince myself it's because my hands are cold, lies are easy to change like that. But I know what I'm really looking for, a suspicion, some certainty.

A bag. I feel a bag, I can feel that it has a sealed top and something at the bottom, it's a powder, if I stuffed Minho I'd try to convince myself it was sugar, or salt, but I know what it really is.

When the bell rings, I wait for everyone to leave, but not Minho, as he stands up, I grab him by the collar, take the bag out of the jacket pocket and slam it down on the table. Right now I would appreciate a bit of humiliation, embarrassment, for me to have got it entirely wrong, but when I look at the table I see it, a bag of cocaine, and Minho's face, it's one of shame, one of no excuses.

'How could you' I'm angry, I go to punch him but Changbin stops me, Jisung is looking at Minho, hurt and broken, he walks away, Minho can't run after him, I've still got hold of him 'he trusted you' I say, I shake him, Changbin' stein has loosened and slowly the rest of them start to walk away, I take the jacket of throw it at Minho and I too walk away.

He's alone, like he used to be. For the next few days there are no texts in the group chat and another one isn't created, it feels like before, when there was that silence before Saemin died, before Minho came back, this feels like a fall out, but also a build up, but for what I'm not sure.

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When I'm writing this my TXT album came but when I publish it I will of had it for a while.
Update: SKZ trailer, I'm so excited, but still a month to go before the album, we've waited so long

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