6 - Hyunjin

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I stand in front of the mirror and start stretching, I always eat here early, to get a head start and to wait for Felix. What I don't expect to see is Minho walking in, thinking no one saw him.

'Min' I shout, he walks out of the dressing room and waves, he wearing short sleeves 'hey Hyunjin' he says he ties his hair up, I can see the rose tattoo on his arm and the infinity symbol on the other, I know he has a few 'do you want to stretch together' he asks, I nod. He walks over the the speaker and get the music ready, I feel an odd sense of nostalgia, on that you only feel on holidays, special occasions, days you don't want to forget.

Felix doesn't come but does text me that he has to cancel because of last minute date arrangement, I say it's okay 'do you want to get coffee' Minho asks as we both sit with our backs towards the mirror 'I will if your paying' he scoffs 'of course, I'll race you to the one down the street' before he even finished his statement he's gone 'no fair' I shout, he laughs, I've not heard Minho laugh for years.

He wins obviously 'what do you want' he asks 'just a hot chocolate' I say, he nods, as I look into the cafe I see Chan, Changbin and Jisung, they look busy, composing music 'guys' I say running over to them 'Minho has just danced with me for hours' I say, for some reason I'm whispering, but a shout whisper.

'What' Jisung shouts and most of the cafe look at us 'he's here' I say and point to the cash register 'do you think he's trying to rebuild our friendship' Changbin asks as he writes down some lyrics 'probably, his first therapy was yesterday' I make a should of surprise and understanding, because I did know.

As we continue talking I see Minho walking over, I never noticed before he was wearing, red, to be specific, Jisung's red hoodie. 'Hey guys' he says as he sets gown the drinks, a blueberry muffin, a cookie and a slice of cheesecake.

The cheesecake is given to Jisung and it surprises me that he know they're here 'you always come here to do your music' he says and shrugs his shoulders 'I'm trying to make things better' he says and holds out his hand, we all shake it but with Jisung it lingers, just a second longer 'I'm happy your trying' I say, it only just occurred to me that I hadn't seen him smoke all day and that I over looked a nicotine patch on his arm and the the gum he was chewing, he's trying to quit.

We enjoy our time together, it feels oddly like old times, Minho's once black hair is now brown and he looks happier, much much happier.

Thank you for reading

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