11 - Jisung

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I've been spending less time with Minho, more Minho has been spending less time with me. He avoids me, doesn't talk to me, walks away from me when I approach him at lunch, he acts like I don't exist. At least before, when he first came back he would smile at me, respond to my hello, but now he feels empty.

'Have you noticed Minho seems to be distancing himself' I say to Chan as we sit down at lunch, the second week Minho hasn't been there 'I think we've all noticed' Chan responds, he's looking at the entrance, he does everyday, he's filled with optimism.

'I think he's using again' Changbin says, I slap him but I too think that's what's happening 'he sleeps a lot' Hyunjin says, I nod because come to think of it he only seems to sleep in chemistry.

Days go by and for some reason those days feel longer than the years he was gone for, our candle slowly fading and being blown out by the wind. The smoke is clearing and all that's left is nothing.

'Guys' Minho is running towards us, erratically, he looks like he's on something, he's rubbing his nose and his eyes and blinking repeatedly and looking off into the distance 'meet me at the school gate at the end of the day' he says, we all nod, he giggles and walks of 'no he's definitely more something' Changbin say and this time I don't slap him, because I know he's right.

At the end of the day Minho is asleep sat in front of the school gates, he smells of fresh apple and baby powder, not of drugs 'Min' I say shaking him slightly 'where do you want to take us' I ask helping him up 'it's stupid' he says and goes to walk of 'no it's not' I grab his hand 'I want to hang out, I've been trying for weeks to figure out what we should do, what would make everyone happy, I've not gotten much sleep over it, I know I'm ignoring you all' he says, by this point everyone has joined.

'You don't need to think of anything' Chan says 'lefts just go to the park' Felix says, we all nod and walk in that direction, my hand is still on Minho's wrist but he puts his hand in mine 'are you using again' I ask, in a whisper, to which he shakes his head 'I've had a bit to drink every now and then and I've still been smoking but not as often, those lollipops are a good fix' he says. We swing our hands together and I notice we're no longer in that I don't trust you faze, because I do, I trust everything he just told me.

Enjoy that chapter because I'm writing these in advance noting has really happens to ask for your opinions on. Thank you for 100 reads

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