8 - Jisung

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It was scary watching Minho collapse like that and then watch him come into school the next week like nothing happened, like he was fine. To me it showed that he was trying.

'Hey' I say as I see him outside of the school gates, he walks to meet me, he doesn't say anything, he's sucking on a lollipop 'what flavour is it' I ask, not really that curious just wanting to make conversation 'apple, it's disgusting' I was disappointed with the answer, knowing the old Minho would kiss me for me to find out 'it must be better than smoking' I say, he hands me another green lollipop 'sweeter' he says and then walks away to his locker.

'What have you got there' Hyunjin says as he meets up with me 'Minho gave me it' I say, I unwrap the lollipop and start sucking on it, I spit it out and drink water, he was right it is disgusting.

'Are you trying to something with him' Felix asks as he interlocks our arms 'no, I'm just trying to be friendly' I say, dragging him along to out literature class.

Before the class starts our teacher tells us about a talk happening in the hall this period about gang crime and illegal activity, that worried me. I need to find Minho, he has biology or math. When I see his backpack not far from mine when I leave my classroom I run to meet up with him.

'You okay' I ask, he shakes his head, I take his hand and pull him down the corridor and towards the bathroom 'we don't have to go' I say putting my back down on the floor 'thanks' he says as he to puts his back on the floor. He sits on the floor after kicking some dirt away with his shoe. Then we sit there in silence, an awkward silence, we never used to have those before.

'Your right that lollipop was disgusting' I say, he giggles 'it wasn't really apple flavour' he says and takes out a red one 'let me guess, Cherry' he shrugs, then takes the first lick 'no just another mixture of chemicals' he holds it out for me and without hesitation I lick it 'I think it might be strawberry' I say 'I think you might be right' we both laugh and then fall into a much more comfortable silence.

We eventually share the rest of the lollipop, it feels childish and also mature, like we are sharing a cigarette until it's finished, I end up getting the end of the lollipop and then we just talk 'how have you been' he asks, his hands are empty and he picks at his finger nails 'good , I'm living with my sister these days, home was annoying' I say, I take his hand as soon as his fingers starts to bleed. I look at him and he's looking back at me 'what about you' I ask, quietly, it's tense, like the atmosphere 'you know the usual' he says, it's intended to be a light gesture to loosen us up but we don't, we continue to stare at each other, me joking his hand.

That is until the door bangs open and Hyunjin shouts 'we've been looking for you two for ages' our heads pull away from each other and Minho stands up 'let's got to lunch' he says pulling Hunjins hand, while everyone that's left stares at me in shock, 'Minho and Jisung are basically back together' Felix shouts, I blush, I shouldn't like the lie but I do, I want it to be true but instead I shyly shake my head and I to leave the bathroom.

I think that's enough writing for the first day, I've still only published part one which isn't even a proper chapter, it like background, but oh well. It's my last day of school today, so I thought I would update this little note and upload this chapter.

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