25 - Minho

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Time skip 5 years

Today we are all going to a family barbecue, by family I mean our friends, in the same place it has always been, Chan's backyard, it's the same one as before, the same pool, the same grass. It always smells like freshly cut grass and reminds me of happiness.

I get there and there are beers on the table and ice lollies in a cool box, I take the latter, I take two, Jisung looks at me to say what about mine 'you can get your own' I hand the second ice lolly to a small boy, he's 2 and hard to control 'Jaemin' I say, he runs towards me squealing and I hand him the lolly. I start licking my own and realise it's cherry and apple and scoff slightly, someone has definitely planned this.

Me and Jisung aren't the first people to arrive. I look around and notice Jaemin bothering his uncle Hyunjin who still has long hair, Jaemin is trying to braid it or put it in a ponytail it's hard to say.

'Hey Min' Chan says, he hands me a clear cup 'what's this' I ask, taking a sip before I get an answer 'lemonade' I nod and he walks off, noting more is said. I look down at my wrist and play with my bracelet, it indicates one year sober, or everything I was once addicted to. I look at the opposite hand and admire the ring on the fourth finger, it's a simple good band, the same as Jisung's.

'How long has it been' Felix asks as we sit down 'for what' I ask, he giggles 'I guess a lot has happened' we nod, I look at Jaemin and try to get his attention 'Jaemin is two, we adopted him just after we got married, about a year after, married for almost 3 years' I say while holding Jaemin in my arms and Jisung snuggled into my side, I kiss the top of both their heads and sigh, I'm happy.

'Where's Jeongin' Seungmin asks after we've been there about an hour 'he probably won't come' Chan says, Jeongin got a job as a teacher and he said he came back from a trip today with his class and might be either late or not be able to make it at all. Chan being told this information is unlikely, although they did the classic let's stay friends thing after their break up, they don't really keep in contact.

'I could text him if you want' I offer, I get an excited nod from Chan and I sigh, things were almost perfect 'he sad he's on his way' I say after I got a fairly quick reply 'about 20 minutes' he didn't say that but I can assume it'll take no longer, he's probably already here and refusing to come in.

My theory was proven right when not even 10 minutes later, Jeongin came in, there was no sound of a car 'hey' Chan says and hands him the same cup of lemonade he offered me, Jeongin also has a bracelet.

'Where's Jaemin' he asks and said boy runs towards his favourite uncle 'where are the rest of you going to adopt' he asks, Chan looks down 'I've been thinking' he says and stands up 'I do want kids, but not alone, I don't want to be alone anymore' Chan sits next to Jeongin, he blushes and nods m, I have no idea what that meant, but they hugged and talked the rest of the night.

Apart from that everything was a blur, Jaemin fell asleep and not long after so did Jisung, I put a blanket over them and watched them while stroking each of their hair, I'm not alone anymore, I feel whole and I'm some odd way I'm happy about all the shots I used to take because it lead me to here, this very moment, where I couldn't ask for more.

Hope you enjoyed that chapter and the book, I'm quite impressed with myself that I managed to include every character a bit and have a clear side ship, 'Sunflower' could never

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